Under the Old Oak Tree

There is a ghost under the old oak tree,

dreaming of a past life when he roamed free


Confined to this place now where he loved and toiled,

still wearing clothes stained with sweat and soil


He wonders, how much longer is his sentence in purgatory?

What tasks must he complete to ascend to glory?


He pauses for a moment, then begins to turn

reaches his fingers out to touch the Resurrection Fern


Hour 5

I was playing 3-person Hearts

and, for once, not even thinking of you.


To my right was my dead father,

to my left, Death himself. I couldn’t see his face

but his hands were white and thin.


I wanted dad to win, so I gave him all my high-cards:

Ace of Hearts

King of Hearts

Queen of Hearts


Predictably, I lost quickly, so I left the table.

Upon waking, I realized

in order to cheat Death

I had given you away.

8 – journeys

she roamed the mornings alone

over sand and weed and stone

along the lines of the wandering tides


she spent the nights in this arms

for his warm breath on her hear

to protect her from nightmares


as she journeyed between worlds.




Sevenling (He Hated Me) (Hour 8)

He loved everything airy and light:
traveling and laughter,
unicorns and weed.

He hated everything in the deep:
Deep thoughts and conversations,
emotions and being loved.

And he hated me.



Diamonds are forever

The backstreets are our eternal home. We’d run through it all like

diamonds in the rough who never knew their full value. I still miss the endless nights

we’d capitulate to our inhibitions and watch the chips fall where they don’t.

The tranquil autumn breeze perfectly complemented our laconic adventures, rolling down hills without regard for the abstract concept known as tomorrow. Then the ground caved in and we were caught on opposite sides. Before long, the schism had torn us apart.

Two days becomes two years as the pages become detached from the calendar. Now we work to make our paths converge once more, knowing all the while it’ll never be the same but still trying to render it as such nonetheless. As the sun sets, we hear a voice whispering over the horizon.

“This city will forever enshrine us in its memory.”

Cover Story

(Photo credit: Matthew Emmett, cover of Forgotten Heritage)

A tunnel of lives appears before me

my lives, lived and some not yet.

Delicate encroachments of growth

remake the annals of time

the incarnations of my being

all in one vision of me

all at one time, now,

then and forever.

A Good Choice-Me

He prefers three things strictly:
A good wife, a poet and a cup of coffee
With these he can converse with anyone happily

Disregards loud mouth and curses
Curses that hurt and provide pains
Hating unwise decisions and mess

He chose me among the rest.


It was beautiful
The valley was vast
Full of Flowers
There was no trek to follow
You decided your own path

Her wish came true
Finally she was bale to take her own decisions
Decide her own fate
Master of her destiny
She was no more worried about the path
Her destination suddenly became clear

Best Pet

I live for your furry face
To come home to your warm kisses and thankful eyes
We don't deserve dogs, you keep me alive. 

I would die without your calming face
Sweet whiskers and purr that relaxes my mind
Cats are the most perfect companion to find.

But me, I have kids.


jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon



When grasses grow from black to gray and wet with dew,
The awkward totter of the limping god comes tramping through.
The mocking cackle of the laughing god
And misty eyed Sounds Perfect scurrying too.

Then humans ought to show a little sway;
Like Nudge One Inch growing less immaculate every day,
And Silky Ears and All Over The Place too
Who talk too much with nothing much to say.

“I wonder why I built these beasts?” says Limping God
“These out-of-kilter cocky, smelly clods.
And yet they’re lovely in a slanted way.
I have a thought to thicken up their blood.”

Sounds Perfect wept to see such devastation,
While laughing god fell into furious cachinnation.