The Minister

He was a man of cloth

A minister

and mere mortal


He took communion

Broke chastity

Lived without confession


He never took the cloth off


Christmas smells like this sometimes in homes of

wretched women, jealous of my mother.

Those who would be “foul defacers

of God’s handiwork.” Such “excellent grand

tyrants of the earth! They reigned in galled eyes.”

My “weeping soul.” They chase me to my grave.

Yet still, their homes do smell like this fresh pine

on days they call my blessed births their own.

They laugh, and celebrate that I, alone,

Am not with love – my loves, they stole from me.

How I resent that they exist within

My stratosphere! My world is peace and love.

Their world is strange… those cunt brained scheming hags!

They stole my Christmas cheer from me and mine.

I pine for my sweet loves, my angel babes,

each day their wretched world distorts the truth.

I am alone, an only child of two

whose love the Nazi horde deplored.

Oh faith! Christmas smells like this sometimes.

The Night Sky (Poem #8)

I look up

And I am lost

I am speechless

Even the darkness of night

Is covered in the brightness of the stars

The stars show how many people are in heaven

They whisper in my ear that dreams come true

They shine and reflect off my eye that the desire of my heart will happen

I look into the abyss of the night sky

And now I know

Even in the darkest of times

The light will always be there

There is a galaxy

There is a hope that we may not understand

There is an entire world that we may not believe

But I know that I don’t have to be afraid

Because I know

The beauty of the night sky

Promises me that the light always shines through the darkness

Poem 9: “Music Explained”

“Music Explained” by Mandy Austin Cook

from emotion to mouth

from emotion to heart
from emotion to soul
from emotion to spark
magic movement of moments
all keeping time
dancing lyrics somber steps
comforting whispers of rhyme
rhythmic beats of beautiful treats
cadences reaching out to the repeat.
from laughter to love
from happy to why
from joy to the point of needing to cry
with hands and with heart with scripture and song
clashes claps strings plucks and strums
flute piano guitar harp and drums
something all needed that never will tire
expression of all
is musical lyre

A Fictional Love

I read about you,
And you seem real,
But I know it isn’t,
And yet I fall for it,
And love you
In my way.

I follow you somewhere,
And get excited,
By a word,
Or a mention from you.
Knowing, behind the scenes,
It wasn’t you.
It was another.

It’s not real,
But feels so crazy.
I feel like it is enough to take my soul
And crush it.
Is Love in the modern age.
A person, a character, a life,
Unreal to others,
But a safety net to me.

Show Me ((Will You Love Me?))

Poem 7

Show Me ((Will You Love Me?))

By: Ashley L Powers


It’s just me, my pen, and my thoughts

It’s one of those days where tears fill my eyes

And my heart weighs a ton

Where are you because I need you

I need to hear you tell me everything will be okay

I want for you to look at me with all my scars and my broken heart

And tell me that you’ll stay

I don’t want the make believe

Spare me the fairy tales

Don’t sell me a dream

I want you to give me your all

I need you to love me with every fiber of your being

I need to know you will love me when things get too hard to bare

I need you, but I need to know that you care

I need you to love me for me

Will you be there to take care of me?

If I hit rock bottom and all I have to offer is my love

Would you stay with me?

I’m not perfect

But I’m definitely worth it

I truly need you to love me because I deserve it

I promise that I would give you everything inside of me

But only if you show me that you’ll worth it

Everyone else folded

Damaged me and left me broken

Are you willing to love all my broken pieces?

Are you patient enough to help me heal?

Are you willing to show me how real love feels?

I know I’m probably asking for too much

But I need reassurance

That if I give you my mind, body, and soul

You won’t hurt me

Sevenling (Stone): Hour 8

There’s much that’s made of stone:
bridges, tunnels and statues too.
They’re harsh, unfeeling, strong.

We humans are flesh and blood:
passions, emotions and heart.
I see why we don’t last long.

So what is the point of my art?


I fell in love with this puppy.
Her happy smile, cuddly fur, easy to train
Make for a sweet relationship.

Outdoors everything changes when we play–
She plays fiercely, runs like the wind, and snatches every ball.
She’s the best keep-away player I know.

… And she loves me.