Jammin’ (7 lines)

Jamming out

Headphones LOUD,

music screams,

singers with passion

Silent the World,

Ignore the strange passerby,

…..walk the dog.


Opposing Romance

He was fire and ash
His touch burned like ice
And his eyes were possessive

I was water and rot
My body was soft
And I hated to be kept

… we were perfect together

Prompt 10 hour 8 a Sevenling…

Clothed— I keep my guard out-placed.

tee shirt, denim, Converse laced.

Keeping out the weather.


Naked — I let down my guard.

Edened placed— movie starred.

Letting in the weather.

—We both love the weather.



2019 #8 Sevenling (attempt)

She dreamed again

That she was brave and confident

And alive through her tears.


Then, she quivered

A quake leaving only anxiety and remorse

And anger at her fears.


She cannot speak her own name.

Branded clothes, Pretty shoes
Bags and Jewels
All this was not for her..

Deep down she wanted someone
Who would Compliment her
For who she was

With or Without Them!

no title needed (H8)

She’d become a creature of habit.

Every morning three snoozes, 2 cups of coffee, and 1 long deep breadth before settling on her cushion.

Every evening a snifter of bourbon, a call to her mother, and kiss to the moon for the passing along.

Tomorrow, the moon won’t rise.

Reconciled Paradox (prompt 10, Hour 8)

Today, a physicist’s eyes lit up with glee, as he said,
We don’t know what dark matter is,
but dark matter is responsible for all of  us, and all of this, being here.

Forty years ago I watched a guru glow with joy as he said,
Everything comes from love.
Love is in all things and gives form to creation.

One drop is not an ocean, yet the ocean is contained in the drop.

Sevenling – Formations

Sevenling- Formations



Formations begin, evolving then gone

Colors changing as quickly

As the winds.


Images differ from eye to eye

A dog with a ball, dancers

A feather floating by.


A picture show for all to see, yet never duplicated.


Adrift in Clear Waters (2019 Poem 4)

Adrift in clear blue waters, searching for a sandy shore
Not knowing why, still we know there is more

Boats of fibreglass, wood, even steel
A journey where each stage must surely heal

At times we may need to hold on to a lifeline
While we are towed from shadow into sunshine

Souls on their own journey travel here
None of us have need to fear

With every truth that you will find
Allow freedom to open up your mind

We shall come to love what we must learn
As soul stars watch, awaiting our return

Vanishing Point (Hour 5)

A whisper over the shoulder,
the glancing wave of your hair just
out of sight as I turn to chase
summer shadows across the asphalt.
A memory lingering
in some resonating ache, a hollowness
I felt through the wholeness of my body.
Your face, freckled and smiling,
as if nothing in the last 15 years ever happened.
We are right back in that place,
those first months when everything
was new, the money was steady, our chosen
delicacies in ready supply, love and
wild adventure burning, my words
finding their place, the anticipation of
something thrilling just ahead.

I choose to forget what I know of reality.
I choose to ignore the restless worry
unsettling itself in my stomach, I suppress the notion
that this isn’t real, that this is not how it happened.
I would rather stay here
in this illusion, to see what happens next,
but by the time I can rationalize
my choice, my mind has become aware
of its enchantment.