Hour 6. (2019)

I once knew a man named Buck

Who one evening was down on his luck

He was kicked out his house

By his psychotic spouse

Who clearly did not give a fuck


Yeah his lady had drunk too much wine

She called him an ass and a swine

When she did not cease

Buck called the police

So she choked him to death with some twine

King Arthur Prophecy

When grass is green,
and buds line the trees,

When flowers bloom,
and rain falls in the meadow

So shall be born,
the once and future king.

First son of the first Pendragon king,
shall unite and bring peace to all Brits.

Demons and darkness will try to stop him,
but the stone sword will show him to be true.

(Written to potentially be included in the King Arthur reimagined novel that I am currently writing)


At the end of days
as twilight dims hope
we will rise into love
infused with authenticity
and the knowing of infinite
possibilities as twilight
becomes the dawn.

The Bathroom (Hour 6)

One cat is on the toilet,

The other cat is in the sink.

The dog whines wanting to play.

The floor is hard.

The toilet bowl is cold.

The odor from the litter box permeates the room.

The storm rages outside.

We wait.

The warning lifts.

The door opens and we are free at last.




Flame harbored within me

Flicker of cosmic fire

When kindled grows into passion

Roaring brightly with desire


Ken, sixth in Freya’s Et

Lighthouse on the journey

Guiding safely through the storm

Into the hearth of hearts, so sternly


Passing knowledge to each generation

Pulling from heart’s light

Overcoming worldly limitations

With a forging might


A transforming torch

That lights the path well

For a seeker to see clearly

Messages across the veil


she found herself sitting atop what used to be her kitchen table,
no clue as to what spurred her transformation.
She looked up, saw the once miniature figurines with which she had been working
now enormous and staring back at her small frame.

She was inside the fairy garden.

To her left, the wooden house she had been building, no longer quiet and still.
It now stood tall and full of flitting fae.
The air seemed to sparkle as the creatures moved around their home,
wings never ceasing.

To her right, the forest was guarded by an elder
an old oak tree privy to spells and incantations
which she had never dreamed could be real.
He kept a calm smile on his stoic face,
pointing her in the right direction.

She began to walk into the forest she had once
been so involved in creating.

As she reached the small pond,
a rock sculpture of a beautiful fairy woman
began to move! She spoke to the girl,
her hair moving with the sounds of the water
beneath her.

“Wake up”
she whispered

And the girl did.
She looked around as she rubbed her eyes,
shook off a smile
grabbed her glue and got back to work.

RIP Houseplant

From the day I brought you home

full of life, full of potential

I tried my best to give you what you needed

Bright sunlight, but not direct

Water once a week

a nice big pot for growing

But it has not been enough.

The first leaf dropped and I thought,

Oh, this is just from the trauma of the big move

Then another, and another, and another.

Entire branches came off.

I began to worry.

The weeks went by.

I called my mother.

She didn’t know what I was doing wrong.

Healthy leaves one day fall off dead the next

I run my hand over you, and you drop another five.

You are a shadow of your former self, only so many leaves left

I don’t know what to do.

You are dying in front of my eyes.

And all I can do is pick up your dead body parts off my floor.

I am sorry I brought you here.

I wish I had known.

RIP Houseplant.

You deserved better

Hour #6, Prompts 7-8

Shrinking World

The day came when he said, my world has become very small –

my bedroom, bathroom, the toilet. But that was spacious

compared with the day, not so long after that

he struggled for the last time onto the bed.

This is where I’m going to spend

the rest of my life, isn’t it?

Less question than fact.

And it was. The rest

of his life lasted

just three



When the Trees Whisper

Silent they stand

Watching over us

Unbothered by squirrels climbing

And birds nesting


But when the wind comes

Their secrets they spill

Whispering to one another

As gossip passes across town


Neighbors agitated by these sentinels’ betrayals

Doors slam, tempers rise, heads ache

Wind dies, calm is restored

too tired


Totally tired of everything

Missing the time

Clashing thoughts

Need to unwind

Suffocating feeling

So alone

So alone

So alone

Lingering thoughts of vanishing

Clearing out

Too tired

Really tired

Beyond exhaustion

Feeling lock down

Too locked away

Set me free

Let go of me

Set me free

Let go of me


Prompt # 8 Hour # 06

2:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019