Lone Fairy (2019 Poem 2)

Frightened fairy in an ancient oak tree
Sprinkling plastic glitter, don’t you mock me

No longer prey to your insidious gloom
Hereby shall I enforce your doom

Determined at this late hour
At last I have found my true power

No longer will you swagger and strut
For I am fearless as any lone nut

Who stands tall far from your scorn
I am both lone fairy and acorn

My Words

My head is pounding with ideas fighting to be heard.

I’m straining to listen.

There’s so many.

I can’t concentrate.

It seems overwhelming.


So I put my pen to paper and sigh a breathe of relief,

As the thoughts I couldn’t hear






out of me.

I look down to see, staring up at me

The words I was trying to say.


I know, I know.
People say, 
”Allergies are a first world problem.”
”Get over it.”

As a child, I never complained
About scratchy eyes and throat.
My little kitten was too precious
to be told that she was the cause.

My whole life has been a cycle of wheezing,
sniffles, and eyes swollen, 
with translucent streams of tears
and matted eyelashes.

Cats, then dust, then pollen.
Cats, then dust, then pollen.
My chest wheezes and moans.
I shower, then sit, then avoid.

My eyes, swollen and tired.
Always tired, bloodshot and bruised.
Watery and teary-eyed.
Determined to stay happy.

For if I cry, 
I cannot breathe; I cannot see.
My chest wheezes and moans.
I shower, then sit, then avoid.

Once, my gritty, watery, snotty eyes
itched so much, were so painful.
That is to say, hurt.
I washed them with running water.

It did not help.
I rubbed them until 
My lids swelled shut,
Puffy and tender to the touch. 

It did not help.
I felt that if I could just scratch
The underside of my eyelid,
That would have to help.

It did not help.
So, I thought about people 
who wear contacts
And say, “I’ve something in my eye.”

With finger and thumb, 
I pulled my eyelids apart
As far as they could go.
Painful and sore as they were.

With my other hand, 
I was meticulous, really.
I pinched a corner of white, 
Carefully peeling it off my eye.

The iris came off with it,
Leaving only the pupil
And bloody, eye flesh.
Relief at last.

A Thought in my head




Dimly lit

Total darkness

Can get out of it

Still in the vagueness of things

Moving away from thoughts

Lingering on my mind

Hang on you can do it

Embracing it

Just suffocating on it

Still a small space to be in

Taking the pace

Trying to get out

Still a thought mere thought

No just a thought

Feeling enclosed

So enclosed

Just a thought

A thought


Prompt # 7 Hour # 06

2:00 AM PHT 23/06/2019



They smiled with new hopes
Without burdens on their backs

The books told them stories
Not theories with only facts

They were free to run on the playground
To paint the town colorful

They were free to believe
Free to dream
Free to change the world
or just make one of their own

There were no boundaries
Only areas to explore
Debates to discuss
Views to agree or disagree

There were friends to be made
Teachers to guide

And then my eyes opened
Outside my window
was an old building
filled with children
crying for help…

Hour 5

sometimes it feels like i live in a memory
feels like i’ve done this before
hurt like this, loved like this, laughed like this
it’s like deja vu
but somehow it’s still new
somehow i still don’t know what to do

The Wishing Chair

I sat on an old wishing chair
A whining, rickety one at that
I said, “To Paris, away with flair
But it stood there looking like a doormat
” Fly”, I said, “or i’ll thrash you without care”
“I must see Notre Dame and the city of art”
But the chair shook me off, I almost fell by my hair
Then I threatened to pull it piece by piece apart
” No, you won’t”, it said, “you see I have no pair”
“Get off, I prefer kids, not adults so fat”
I screamed and tore at my thick black hair
Jumping and snarling like an angry cat
I woke up sweating on my bed soft and dear
The old wishing chair faded like ghosts of past


I see my life like a string.
It grows with every day.
Each moment that I’m living,
It bends a different way.
My moods, they change its colors:
Red anger, peaceful green.
The colors mix together,
Some ugly and some clean.
My thread will weave together
With others that I meet.
The patterns that we’re making
Compose an awesome sheet.
We swaddle our whole planet,
Wrapped up in all our strings,
Painted by humanity
And all Earth’s living things.
And, oh, the picture woven
By our community
Every faith, color, gender…
A rainbow tapestry.

But Wait!!

Hottest hot of Summer Days
As upon my breast, my lover lays
Blanket, barely thick enough to shield the heat
Above the sand that coats our feet
Far from water’s edge

Swirling currents of air rise
To hide encroaching surf
Blinding whiteness, thundering turf
Cold wind blowing by our heads

Perceive I now, rushing horses
Nature’s forces
Bellowing “Move, move now”
Arching back and lover’s hips
Heavy breathing meets my lips.

But, wait!

What gurgling forth comes from my mouth?
What pain racks through my chest?
Spewing salted water through my teeth
Suddenly squinting from beneath
Broad shoulders,
Shock of gray

To my dismay,
It’s not the beach,
It’s not my Love,
Tis but a medic perched above.


Random Prompt/2014

Hunky armed men in heavy boots
Carried their shovels like rifles.

They were the finest workers
The municipality could afford.

Through the dust could be seen
The outline of the last ’70s piano bar,
The dusty ferns and jars of outdated antipasta
Waiting secondary demolishment.

At night, their lanterns
Were viewable for up to five city blocks.

And, next morning, the day crew returned
To clear more detritus of a decade
Of how politics got done.

(Note: this is my fifth hour poem, but my phone got wacky and I had to restart.)