Together, we

Big powerful horses
loudly stomp their hooves
deep into the earth
beside the creek.
Afraid, I take refuge
in a prairie
filled with saplings and boulders
and watch from afar their mourning ritual.
The horses are grieving – they lift their heads
and begin to neigh,
their voices echoing about me.
Softly I begin to sing
my own song of loss.
I look again at the horses —
their dappled hides,
their flicking ears,
their gentle eyes,
and my fear lifts
and I run toward them
and I sing to them
and I touch them
and we dance together
under an enchanted sky.

Dreams (Poem #5)

I know it sounds crazy

But dreams do come true

When you wish upon a star

Your heart’s desire begins

You set it free

Watch as it takes flight inside you

Every day with a goal of joy

You cannot bring me down

You do not have a say

The love and passion within me

It will seize the day

Work your hardest

Love like there is no tomorrow

Take risks

Be passionate

Do not hold back

Your dream may not come when you want it

But it will come when you least expect it

Spend every day thanking God

The past is to learn from

The future is not promised

But today is the present

A gift from above

So take that

Run with it

And never stop dreaming!

Seeing You Again

So many years had gone by

It didn’t feel like you’d missed any moments away

We talked

You encouraged me

And when it was time for goodbyes

Arms extended to embrace you in a hug

Grabbed nothing but missed air

An alarm sounded and you instantly vaporized,

Like a magician, you disappeared

And I awoke with tears in my eyes.

It felt so real

You looked and sounded so alive.

I was fooled once again-

It always happens when dusk turns to night

You’d think I’d learn by now

You won’t be here, come morning’s first light.

Hour 5

The pen is heavy in my hand,

its shadow is a monster on the wall.

I finish another letter

and set it next to the weeping willow tree.

It disappears when I reopen my eyes.

Rain polka dots my hair

and the sky and I cry together.


My hand is tugged and I glance down

at a red haired child,

eyes the color of the ocean.

I hold her face in my hands

as if I were holding my heart.

Words appear on her forehead.

Forgive –

The rain washes away the second word

before I can read it.

She is gone when I start to speak.


The pen is cold in my hand.

This letter is for her.

I leave the letter where she last stood,

holding out my arms.



Road Map

Undress me


With those amber eyes

As the hours slip away

like my clothes on the bedroom floor

take your time on my curves

get lost on them

a road map with no destination

I Run…


Hour Five


I Run…


I run

because there is nothing else


I run



I run

never out of breath


I run

without time to think


I run

without strategy


fear overwhelms me

fear defines me

fear thick as fog

fear dark and menacing

fear chokes me

fear propels me

fear surrounds me


I run

until I somehow find

…anger, resolve, bravery, strength, thought…something


I turn and face the huge dark monster that has chased me for many nights.


and…poof…it disappears before I even see it.

Mukti (prompt 6, Hour 5)

The tension recedes
as I lift away.
Nothing binds these snowy wings.

I sail high as the eye can see.

A speck of dust,
in the sunlight.

A crystal
into color.

Three times
I circle your face,
before I vanish.
At last

Prompt Idea - 2019 or onward


Prompt Idea - 2019 or onward


For 2019, or at any point.

This is a submission for a potential prompt idea…

Wheelchairs; in any setting, from any perspective.
Could be the family or the patient, the pet who’s never seen one or a passerby in public…write as you wish.

The Garden (hour 5)

The lavender stretched to catch the sun rays.

The sunflowers followed with their friendliest gaze,

The cucumbers grew plump on the vine,

Picked for the tasting when it was the right time.


The garden gows with patient care.

Sun, soil, water, and time, The results come to bear.


Summer Breeze

Summer Breeze

Tell me gentle wind

Is it at last hot summer?

I can feel warm air

Announcing he is coming

Wet, tan, and fun

After a lovely spring

…I am still wating!


(Sevenling, hour 8 @Mejia2019)