5-Ari (a freeform haiku triplet)

Tiniest bursting, expanding our Universe with pure love and joy

gingerborn toehead, your cottony perfection redefined angels

…and then you were gone. I never held you, but I cleaned away your blood.

Hour Five – write about a dream…

Can it be true?
Is that your face I see?
Please sit and talk with me

I’ve missed you so
It’s been far too long
Where do we begin?
I have much to catch you up on

What do you mean you cannot stay?
Heaven has had you for years
It’s my turn again
I need you near

Where are you going?
Stop fading away
I heard you say you’re proud of me
How so? In what way?





. . . and I look down to realize I am rowing a boat.
My arms create waves that loop white on blue-purple water.
With each stroke, I come closer to the shore where the castle stands.
Three more heaves, two more, and this final one come
before I step onto the crag. 

Doors immediately open to me, and I look up high as I enter
this castle. Treading upon the floor of a chess board, I note 
billowing clouds through the windows above opening to the sky.
One step speeds into hundreds, and I stand in the center of 
hallways, but which to walk?

Down one hallway I come upon self-portraits: two years old, then
fifteen, then twenty, thirty five, fifty into ages beyond me now.
Am I seeing my future? I wonder, for on the wall opposite I find 
the memories for those years. Memories yes - but I don't recall until 
just now, this walk, this moment.

The hallway ends, and I stand on yet another crag, this a 
mountain with a path back down the hill to where I've been or 
a new boat with billowing sails, positioned towards the now setting sun.
The day has passed. Which choice do I make?


5. Thank You

I asked you something, never really expecting a response.
Yet, you came to me later

I could smell your perfume
And hear the subtle timbre of your voice

All at once, I knew

You spoke of many things
Alluded to much more

When it was over, I sat beside myself

Thank you

2019 #5-Act of defiance

I wish I could wield

These fiery synapses

Like a pen

Drawing lines at my discretion

Coloring and shading at my will

But they resist

I cannot control their narrative

I am but a player

Free-falling and directionless

Under the blindness of my nocturnal occasions.


A poet friend asks me to take a photo of her
with a younger woman I don’t know.
They hide their faces with Japanese fans
while I fumble with a disintegrating camera.
Stacked cubes appear in the middle of the image.
My beloved partner in the puzzlers’ league appears,
even though she died last month.
She introduces me to a tall, gray-haired woman…

Hour Five – Reflection on Time

Image courtesy of Annca at Pixabay


Once upon a Summer Dream

On a beach tinted gold

By the rays of Sol,

I watched shadows

Growing old too soon

And disappear…


Startled, I saw the sun dive out of sight

Making way for

An overly- eager moon

And suddenly, it was dark…

But, as Luna smiled upon the ocean,

She turned the golden beach to silver…


I barely had a minute to admire the scene

When her silver began to fade

As she bowed out

And left only the stars behind;

I smiled and winked at my special star,

Amazed at how fast her glitter seemed to dim…


Early dawn, and Sol was back,

Galloping across the sky

And a few moments later

Luna smiled upon the waves again,

Then bowed and disappeared…

Leaving only the stars again

Disappearing in fleeting moments…


In retrosppect, I couldn’t help

but realize the tragedy of time

Just hurtling by us as we,

In ignorance, perpetually fail

To grip, and take hold of,

Even a single moment…

And virtually let our entire life slip away

And disappear…


Antoinette LeRoux © 2019

Death and the Ark

The sun shone brightly,
we, children of our parents
playing effortlessly, laughing, running, not a care in the world.

Soldiers marching in the street
people lifelessly falling to the earth, rat-a-tat-tat,rat-a-tat,
distant scared-to-death-screaming, scrambling to get under-cover.

Please, God, let me hide, in the closet, a soldier screams loudly to the little girl in German.

As i close my eyes, the vision of pooling red blood is all i can see as i lay quietly praying not to be noticed.

Walking, walking, walking, alone.
I see a hill in the distance,
people weary, hungry, scared,
carrying weeping babies, ushering the elderly up higher with each labored breath.

Where is my brother? I can’t see my parents as I search the crowds that are gathering at the top.

There are sheep, goats, cows, ducks, dogs! Where is my dog, is she here? I frantically call her name, then stop abruptly when i see a tall, humble looking younger man leading those who are gone astray to an Ark!

Tho’it’s on a hill in the form of a building, i slowly enter and see my brother and my dog!

What a joyous occasion! We are all safe for now, far away from the fighting and chaos. But where
are my parents?

5. The Messenger V

Four years have gone

I can’t believe it

Since I started writing

About my future and

It started Manifesting

More and often bigger

Than I ever imagined

Now, I am pushing it to the next level

Writing the story of

How it all happened

And is still happening

Exactly as I wrote it and beyond

The best part is that

If I want to re-write

Any part of any story

I can update it easily


I entered my home and found myself in a fish market
Where I dipped my hand in a tub
And emerged with a fish, wriggling out of my grasp.

A tiny bottle flew to my other hand
And I squeezed,
The scent of sampaguita wafting to my nostrils.

A door opened and I could swear that I saw my priest
Lying on the bed, his innards on display,
His faint Our Father floating towards my ears

As I climbed down the stairs to the bottom of the ocean
Where the bed was made of soft rocks.
I picked one, read about my future,
And somewhere, a ringing was telling someone
That there wasn’t enough time
To feast on the waterfalls.