Before Darkness

Before Darkness

Angry rainfall growls
Before darkness landed in
Bringing daylight hope

(Haiku, hour 7 @Mejia2019)


Stairs leading up…

no wait, down…

OH! sideways.

a door to …

a door to…

a window?

tendrils of song

undulating salsa

capitulate through hookah fog

specters swim close..

touch and slide away

Calliope murmurs pronouncements

tempered in undertone

meanings only suggested

through collusion of imagery

Prompt #5 Dreaming out loud

I have five minutes to live, 

what's going to happen in 5 minutes?

The flight is going to run out of fuel
the plane is struggling to find landing
we are surrounded by water on all sides 
in a war torn region.

Missiles fly, 
Bombs explode.
Next thing I know, 
the captain announces
Brace for crash!
Brace for crash!

Oxygen masks fall down,
I grasp mine 
holding on tightly 
with that little bleak sight of hope
that convinces me it's not over.

To keep fighting on.
I turn blank, 
I can't keep up with the instructions
I am panicking,
Fear sets in.

Regret takes over
As I wished all those times 
instead of ignoring those instructions
Had I paid the slightest attention to those instructions
I bet I would've been alright.

If only...
I break into a cold sweat

If only...
My face turns red.

Bracing for the fall
Gravity don't fail me now...

The plane is free falling
I see my entire life flash before my eyes...
The wind almost tears through my skin
as I brace for impact.  

I land on my bed
It's soft.
I'm surprised!
I was going to die. 
And my face and body is drenched
from all the cold sweat.

It all felt so real
and traumatic
I cried my heart out.

-Janice Raquela Mendonca

Image by Sebastián León Prado



Face appearances

Expression of emotions

Stuck in every self

(Haiku, hour 6 @Mejia2019)

2019 – Five – the madness of poets, bunnies, dust, and meat


there are bunnies made of dust
and bunnies made of meat
hit by cars made out of rust
and steel out on the street
and all of them are dead
dust bunnies rusty sweet
old cars that wheel like ghosts
and hares i’ll never meet

the rabbit in the hole
the rabbit in glade
and alice she’s gone old,
and rocks out in the shade
of trees she could have climbed
in parks where she once played
when wonderland was new
before it was betrayed

we’ve lost our faith in alice
and in white rabbits too
we’ve placed our trust in cash
and in bright autos too
but cash shrinks in the wash
and rust comes home to roost
when all we do is watch
false pictures of what’s true

so i’m collecting bunnies
the bunnies made of dust
to hide them from the cars
the automatic rust
someday they’ll come alive
as i believe they must
cause wonderland is real to me
it’s real life i don’t trust.

one day you’ll seek to find me
one day you’ll feel so old
but i’m not what you’ll see
i feel i’ll have gone bold
and feral like a bunny
and shaken off the scold
of rust and meat and real life
and chased a rabbit down a hole

Power of Three (hour 5)

In tarot, the three of swords
warns of conflict, sorrow, and heartache.

Three sharpened swords pierce a heart
at three harsh angles.

Brother. Father. You.

I can feel the three of swords pulse in my deck,
jump under my fingers,
singing of my past, present, and future.

I learned quickly that
bad things happen in threes —
and knowing that, doesn’t make
anything easier.

Frozen in Time

Poem 5

Frozen in Time 

By: Ashley L Powers


Every time I close my eyes 

I remember you in your last days 

Your eyes big with fright 

Tears streaming down your face

I remember it like it happened yesterday

The day cancer took you away


…..Memories I wish could be erased 

dream-time remembering

ancient symbols of burning gold

set in stone. pressed like buttons

a sacred code

secret doorway opening


must be kept safe

from thee


claustrophic seeds are sown

through the cramped tight,

wet hallways


once arm embracing

a fully rounded womb


the other hand clutched to hers

“this child comes soon”


must be kept safe

from thee


a repeated mystery


Amanda Potter©: 2019 Poetry Marathon





want you to know.


is everywhere.

to fortify!

to power!

to prevail!



keep this from you, if



they cannot.

it is your birthright.

City Rain

city rain paints rainbows around haloed lights

splashes colors that confuse in the addled dark

Iridescent, luminous, neon screams


hurtling through streets saturated with primary hues

streaming whites of glaring headlights

blind us to what might come


drizzling drops, rivulets forming streams

red streaks along the pavement

obscure, abstract visions in a deluge


colors fade with the dissipating storm

a world that changes green to stone

returns once more to ashen grey