My mother is a great cook
You can tell from the tantalizing aroma that wafts through the kitchen doors
Swinging between sweet and savoury
My taste buds ache with lingering torture
pulling me to the source and the end
Egusi soup made of vegetable, sweat and determination
Teach me to trust in the work of my hands
I won’t have to tell
Good results will do the shouting

Prompt 3

a borrowed view

today the wind –
eclipsing bird speak as each claims space
along cedar bough or fence post

against the greying sky –
wing beats of a fly like a
bow-tied helicopter

a hailstorm of chestnut –
husks knocking against the
deck and my head

who eats your leaves –
weaves a trace of light
trickling down

startling shock of pink –
inks your petals now bursting
forth fuschia

wafting sea-salt –
seaweed scented

and stalks of rhubarb –
harbouring memories of brown sugar

in a time gone by

Into the Garden I Go

Well, I wish it were that easy.
To be fully prepared.
I spent a good chunk of time 
Showering and getting ready
To go out in the garden.

It’s beautiful, this first day of summer.
Only the smallest white clouds 
Reveal exactly how blue the sky can be.

I breathe and force myself to slow down
Never prepared means always rushing
Or giving up.
I take my time and feel 
The summer garden envelops me.

It is quiet in the garden,
but only for a short time, 
when yet another neighbor 
Uses his Saturday to drill the weeds 
As a dentist works a cavity, 
Or revs his engine so the smell 
Of freshly cut clover is replaced with exhaust.

Looking up at the sound of a plane, 
I see it pulling a shiny glider behind.
Soon the winds carry it toward us,
In a slow, lazy pattern of tacks.
Still high in the sky
And on the breeze.

I relish the quiet 
And breathe again.
Staying in the garden now
To watch creation unfold
On this summer’s day.

A Kiss

A kiss can be

A devastating thing


A man

Or a woman

To their knees

With just one press

Of lips against lips

Such a little thing

A kiss

Can be

A kiss

Can seal a pact

Like a handshake

But no hands

Look ma

No hands

And it can

Still change the world

Such a little thing

Such a little thing

But it can mean

The biggest thing

In the world.

What are you looking for anyway

What is it you want to find,

is it within or without,

or are you in doubt.


We all seek something

is it an answer you seek,

or knowledge needed

for something you speak.


Is there a method you need

for a task to proceed

or to plant a seed

or complete something decreed

or will you see what you seek recede.


Never stop looking through life

for your needs follow one after another

and what you find may not end your strife

it may provide you with a better rudder.


Running from your strife

Consumes your very life

There’s no end in sight

Weak and on your knees

Your life of agony

No solace you can see

He’s coming faster now

You really don’t know how

He’s always on your tail

He hunts you every night

He’s never out of sight

He’s just out of reach

And he’s coming

Lawman he is a gunning

All your time is a running

Can’t you see

Won’t quit till your swinging

From that tree

In the Summer

Rest assured
Feels calm
Warm penetrating gleams of sunshine all day long
Tastes like cinnamon with Naturally sweet
Plaintains glazed and shared in mouths
With blades of grass under feet
Speaking in softness
Wrapped in care
Mysteries of the heavens manifesting there
In full production for Luis Armstrong’s world to see
The old adage of finding treasure
Feels like the joy
Of you finding me
In the Summer

A Conversation with my Father

Poem 3

A Conversation with my Father

By: Ashley L Powers



Can you hear me?

It’s your daughter

And I need to speak to you

Father, can we talk for a moment?

I need to spill my heart to you

I’m lost

I’m hurting deep within

My life is in shambles

I don’t even know how or where to begin

The Devil is in overdrive

Ripping my life to shreds

He knows I’m at my lowest

He’s doing everything to push me over the edge

I laugh to keep from crying

When I cry I tend to explode

Lord I’m tired of fighting

I know I can’t get through this alone

I’m sorry I shut you out

You’ve been trying to reach my heart

I let all of the pain cloud me with doubt

Please forgive me for not turning to You from the start

This battle is not mines

You’ve been trying to make me see

The Devil is trying to fill my heart with lies

But I know in Your hands I can be free

Father, can you please take the shackles from my feet?

I’m done with being weighed down

My spirit yearns to be set free

My soul wants to dance to a joyous sound

You’ve been waiting to hear from me

You knew I would come around

Thank you for waiting so patiently

Please forgive me for trying to walk my own path

I place my life in your hands

Thank you for catching me every time I fall

It’s time for me to live my life according to Your plans

Father, thank you for accepting my call