Prompt 3 and 4, Hour 3

the corridor is dark as I make my way toward the light

thirteen steps down and an unforgiving right.

I stumble, knees bruised

grabbing walls as I choose

this journey, not far but inifintely deep

walking past darkness

in order to breathe.

the light is there although I cannot see

through a door

waiting to be opened

by hands of the free.


C. Churchill



3. The Messenger III

Already one year ago,

It was a great success

That first exhibition

So much confidence, I gained, from that success

This year has seen a huge growth for me and my Art

I am producing more big colourful drawing / writing than ever

I have an agent and he is really pushing me to overcome myself

I get inspired and focused so much I am totally confident

I got 2 new exhibitions as the first one opened doors in the international Fine Arts field

I am represented by 2 galleries: one in Paris and another one abroad

I started an online course about wisdom and how to awaken our inner genius

It’s a good success and I have given two talks about my journey and my wisdom

I am inspiring more and more artists that can see

It’s never too late to start an artistic career

Never too late to manifest your dearest dreams

I have also started writing a book that comes through me so easily

Two years ago I could not at all imagine

What I am experiencing now

It’s a complete turn around for me

No compromise any longer

Hour Three: Take a walk…

Cardinal on my doorstep
Sing your song to me
Make light of all my worries
And dance amongst the leaves

Blue skies of Summer
Shine your light upon me
Cast away the gloominess
Ever near and haunting me

Gentle breeze of June
Kindly caress my soul
Take away the secrets
That no one should ever know


Approaching slumberland

A metal knob in my hand
The sun is sneaking up behind me
I step forward and feel something soft beneath my shoes

It smells like coconut and ocean air as i slowly
Make my way toward
The bed
My heart skips a beat
My eyes heavy with anticipation
Long. Awaited. Slumber.

The squish of memory foam
At my back
Dark thoughts of what is
Behind. My. Eyelids.

My phone in my hand
Fingers typing out
I see…


Winds are pushing the trees around,

whipping flags into a frenzy.

Immature dust monsters grow and swarm,

dancing to the tune.

But I daren’t open the windows,

as flower blossum’s offspring would attack

So, shut away from the sun, another

beautiful day passes, without me, in June

Clear Skies

I walk,
In my mind, past
Limitations imposed
By wearied limbs and brain-fog.

The white clouds drift
In sparse, scattered clusters
Brilliant against the trees and

Stand dark, empty
As owners head outdoors
Bound for work or play, enjoying

Bathes the garden
In light, and heat, too much
For me to bear, I sit inside,

Are you surprised?
Yes, happy despite all.
Contented, I lie and look at
Clear skies.

Form: Crown Cinquain

Prompt: Go for a walk, and be inspired by what you see, hear, smell, and feel.



I see you and blink-
Eyes glow-my body tingles
Wish I had courage

Golden hair blue eyes
We’re opposites are-you
attracted to me?

We pass in the night
I turn and watch you walk away
Sigh-maybe another day

© Diane Morinich

Perry the Pirate

Old Perry lost an eye in a fight in Barbados

He lost his leg to a shark that swam too close

He got a hook for a right hand

When a mutiny didn’t go as planned

He had scurvy three different times

But lived through them all without any limes

He fell overboard and was deserted near Port Royal

But to his captain he stayed loyal

He robbed and pillaged as good as any

Even though his troubles were many

He was shot three times in a battle at sea

With his last breath he whispered “A pirate’s life for me!”