Vision Board

The framed art in my room matches the framed ambition of my heart.

Divine intervention made that happen.

I see it daily

But don’t SEE it enough.

Yet it is there reminding me of my possibilities whether I see it there or not.

Because it stays faithful I am reminded and give life my very best shot.



jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon



In the golden glow streaming in from the rafters, I feel glittering magic descend.

In times of trouble golden hues lay a blanket of calm over me.

Dark tunnels lit by glowing torches, holding my breath until I reach the next fire.

Cold air fills my lungs, my stomach aches, the candle beside me dances.

Dirt underneath my fingernails I try to scream, no sound, but the lighter beside me holds me.

Cobblestone walls and an aging wood ceiling sway with the flames.

Old lightbulbs, spheres of cracked glass, dark orange filament twisting together like two rival serpents.

My eyes can rest, no strain, I am warm, safe.

Comfort, I find comfort in the golden light.

Antique lampposts in the park, flickering in a non-threatening way.

The beam of a dull flashlight, batteries clunking around loosely.

Strike a match and feels the fear ease, no longer in the dark.

Forget rose-colored glasses and painting the town red, forget the blues and feeling green.

I’m following the golden flicker.


The Hunter

The underbrush and tree leaves are sprinkled
With dew.
The golden rays of summer
Make dewdrops glitter
Akin to a third-grader’s
Paper project.

No birds warble this morning.
For a stranger stalk the woods.
His paws are covered with a strange skin
And he walks on only two paws.
The polished stick he wields is loud
And dangerous.

He makes too much noise.
Animals scurry from his
Looming footsteps.
Insects bury themselves into
Tree bark when the underbrush crackles
Underneath his feet.

He has come to slaughter the roaring predator
That prowls these woods
Not recognizing that he is
The most treacherous pillager
Of all.


Fog dances through leaves
Birds sing to greet the morning
I watch the sun rise
But the mist is nicotine
and the sounds blare from headphones

Prompt 3: The Pool

Eleven years, a swimming pool and memories
Worry, peace and later loss
You feared the heat would do me in
When hours later, a heart attack claimed you
In years since, the pool and memories
Pay homage annually to let you know I’m still okay
You’ve missed so much
My family; your granddaughter
But the water and her love for it
Remind me that you know I’m doing alright

In memory of my Dad, Al Eisnaugle (December 20, 1946-June 22, 2008, 11 years ago today)

No need for black pearls

Sir, lend me your Black Pearl

Or tell me a good price for it!

I need it and I need it now to leave

The sea of sorrow where I can drown.


I was not inspired to make

A voyage to the past and now

I risk to get drowned

In my own tears and memories.


And something magical he said:

You need no ship to get you out of here!

Just wake up, live the present, feel the future

And hope will bring you safely on love’s beach!

Poem #3

I searched for happiness
I wanted to be free of pain
Never wishing to look back
But here I am again
How could I not be?
It’s a part of life, yes
Then why do I feel
It’s not a part of me?



I’m not certain
who I am
(I am not straight)

but perhaps you will love
my crookedness

(I am tripping over my own feet
I am following the map
I am searching between the shadows
I am seeking pride)

love me still
as I etch my rainbow across the sky

The Way to You

I take a sinuous path
to your heart, long
and brambled, dizzying
not knowing where you are
only that you are.

I kissed you last night
in a dream, barely recalled
but for your warmth.
I wake every day into
another dream where we
don’t know each other.

I rise before the sun
with a memory of you
whom I have yet to meet.
But still I know how it feels
to kiss you.

I follow your lips
your warmth, seek the
veneration of our hearts
chance of everything.

A marvelous soul enjoyment



I write what marvels my soul

Delightful encounters of my own being shared

In the poetical expression of each flavors like fruits

Luminescence of insects marvels my soul

Engaging much to enjoyable phases

Truly illuminating the pleasure of simple person desires

Totally an engagement to marvel about the life ‘s stories

Communing in the communication of poetical artisan

Sharing the world in fast paced reality

Taking a break from its wonderment and merriment

What then life today meant for me?

A question with a simple answer to any person

Just simply doing it and realizing it

Life connectors of marvelous happenstances

Enlivening the tapestry of life universe

A realized person captivating into an existence


Prompt # 4 Hour # 03

11:00 PM PHT 22/06/2019