Hour 2

One step forward

Three steps back

Little feet darting about

Sheer rapture in every step

Clapped on the mouth

Then clasped in joy

Two chubby little hands

Flying about in mirthful glee

Eyes dancing, face shining

A look of awe on the face

Excited chatter streaming forth

Lisping words about the wonder beheld

Magic may not be real

But magic, we can see

For, through the lens of a three year old

Magic is naught but an automated door

Hour 2

Missing Womanhood

i don’t know how you can miss something that you didn’t want
how you can miss something that was assigned to you
to reinforce the same gender binary that was forced on your ancestors
forced on indigenous folx
i don’t know how you can miss something that doesn’t exist
a social construct
a performance art piece
a series of taught expectations & behaviors
how can you miss something that was never for you
never for your blackness
never for your queerness
maybe you miss the comfort
maybe you miss not having to explain the dip of your hips & the curve of your breasts
the ease of a body that is easy for assumption
easy for consumption
you know that you don’t miss the tightness of your throat when you have to correct your pronouns
they & them
don’t miss the drop in your gut when you have to explain your identity
Black, queer, non-binary, femme
but womanhood never fit you
you never wanted it to
so you’re not looking for it anymore
not aspiring to it anymore
it was never mine to have
never mine to miss
Written in response to the Winter Tangerine prompt below:

Hour 2 – Magic

We meet in many places

the musty woods beneath swaying mossy boughs

a paint-splattered studio apartment downtown

your neighbor’s house, perhaps


Chattering and excited like children

we greet each other

hugs with running starts

all beaming eyes and glinting, peevish smiles


There is a silence


we begin

to cast the circle

to draw a cloak

a space between the worlds


We honor what binds us to all things

and conspire with the air that swells to lift up

a song that is strange and true

to ignite the fire dancing in the sky

that warms the ocean of the waking dream


We retrieve the gifts that glitter on the twilight shore

And in so doing turn the wheel of time


That is all, really

2019 #2-The Bear

The small brown bear is, as on most days

Left lying flat and haphazardly on the bed

Inanimate and not even propped up straight

To get a good look out the window

He is old, and worn

The pads on his feet all but gone

Someone promises to repair them but never does

And probably never will

But once the house is quiet

And he is left alone

He comes to life, gets up

And dusts himself off

Because at some point the night before

He had ended up on the floor

Stretches his arms out

Perhaps even exercises

Then—oh then he takes flight

And around and around the world he speeds

Supersonic and unstoppable

Fighting crime and protecting us all

He is a superhero

A bear without equal

A bear beyond compare

As the legend goes

They rally and cheer and chant

And praise his bravery

No one tosses him onto a chair

When the bed has to be made

Or stuffs him in a suitcase

A hero smashed head first into darkness

Until he is released

Only to be thrown on unknown beds and floors

My bear lives this secret life

Far from me and my ability to see

The illusion right in front of me

I come home, and hug him

And hope he saved the world today.


Hour Two




Did you ever consider

that everything might be random?


Or that all you see is part

of a plan?


Or that you are one tiny piece

of a gargantuan jig-saw puzzle?


Think really hard.

OK – answer fast.

Who are you?


The big question

(unless you know something I don’t)

remains unanswered.


Where do you find meaning?

Who is calling the shots?

How do you decide anything?


We can look for patterns in nature.

Maybe that’s a hint.


The strong survive, at least for a while.

Things change.

And just one species alters patterns.

Changes weather – which changes things.


The big question…

Is what we do preordained?

Are we supposed to learn enough

to recreate the garden and be stewards

of a new Utopia?

Are we supposed to figure out in our last

gasping breath that we did something wrong?


Are we in control?

Or…is a wizard somewhere

waving a wand?


And everything we do is dictated…

in this magical life.

Our Magical Adventure (Poem #2)

It is so different

Our lives have changed so much

One day we are strangers

Now the day is dull without you

You bring light into my life

You shine through the darkness that surrounds me

We are nowhere near perfect

Our imperfections create struggles


They cannot stop the love I have for you

Our struggles make us strong

We don’t let them

circumstance or comment

Trouble or argument

We don’t let them define our love

It’s incredible

The strength in forgiveness

The love without borders

The passion for each other

It is like magic

Impossible to understand

But after the show

Left in complete awe

It is the amazement of the indescribable

We are undefinable

We are a breed of our own

We are like magic

Something to admire

Something people enjoy and desire


We are unattainable

We are one of a kind

We are magic

Thank you Lord

For this magical adventure of indescribable love

Hour 2: Bubbles


Tiny hands and lit up faces craning skyward

The green of summer surrounds

And the bubbles float,

the oil slick of their skin an iridescent silk,

barely there.


Dancing eyes follow them

Soft arms reach for them

The glassy creatures bumble, and baby smiles conceive

Impossible fragility.

They gasp in delight.

Make Your Decision in 5 Seconds or Less

I wish we had more time

But I remember a story
About a class
They were asked
Do you hit the child on the bridge
Or swerve and endanger the 20 men in the back?
The class debated
They debated for an hour
Before the professor told them
“You hit the child 59 minutes ago.”

We never have more time

Remind Me


I am good

It took the first hour of this poetry marathon prompt to remind me

Just how good I really am

And not just at poetry

As BEing me

DOing me

Walking in who I am

When I know who I am

And Mama Universe working with life

Is so kind and loving to send me Guidance reminders

Reminding me who the fuck I am

And where I came from

And why I am here

To walk in my Soul’s Purpose

And fulfilling my Life’s Mission

One conversation, one tear, one book written, one foot in the grass, one sale, one anger, one mistake, one lesson, one smile, one joy, one hug from my child, one new memory, one new Life Experience at a time.

Reminding me that my past

My present

And my future

Is all meant to be

And all on me

And if my poetry for this marathon is all about me I won’t make no apologies if and when you decide to read

Because on the flip side

Everything is a reflection

A reflection of the one who sees, chooses, feels, and thinks

Knowing that, innerstand

I am writing about you too

So not only am I reminding me

I Am also reminding you

Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved






Prompt 2

It’s magical intoxication
have no control on my mind
It has gone crazy
It’s the magic of this
I have no control
I am going crazy
Birds are chirping
Flowers and buds
Playful breeze
Still cool outside
All these signs
Telling stop
Right here
Don’t go anywhere