swept away

what intentions we are weaving

whispered prayers on trembling lip


searching for signs

fencing hummingbirds

before the solstice sunrise


lying, body upon the sand

rumbling vibrations, waves

clearing, grounding the soul


questions posed with no answers

worries cleared, like tide swept sand

while storms gather

steer clear of ship wrecks


Amanda Potter©: 2019 Poetry Marathon


Magic Falls

Magic Falls

5 Clear waters fall

7 From the deep blue ocean

5 Bringing magic love

7 To all people of the glob

7 Come in to the Magic Falls

(Tanka, hour 2 @Mejia2019)

Prompt 2: Magic Seeds

They slip into the ground,

buried there alive—

Burrow down to death— You’ll find;

magic Seeds that strive.


Dainty roses, small pigweeds,

giant redwood trees,

bundled up in teensy shells;

born to thrive, are these.


Thoughts are magic seeds;

buried in the mind.

Thoughts sprout flowers,

thoughts grow weeds;

giant trees— you’ll find.







Sunshine Or Storm

Tall slender legs, head held high
Bright eyes watching every move nearby
Ears tightly tuned, every whisper is heard
Beautiful guards her suckling herd

Four little fawns; only one is her own
A wonderous adoption to offer protection
Sunshine or storm, whatever the norm
Food, she must find leaving babies behind
Never too far to hear when danger is near

Her instinct is magical
Her goal is survival
Scars on her back from Coyote attack,
Proof of her powerful hoofs

Beautiful’s majesty, superbly aloof.


Hour 2

If it has a dwelling place

at all

it is, as the song says, in young girls’ hearts

in all hearts

young and old and creaky and bruised and borrowed alike

it’s the footnote of all the fairy tales

We had it all along

If only we could remember

When the Magic Doesn’t Work



Like some golden elixir

Through my veins,

Burning away the glitter,

The pink speckled shrapnel,

Where the tumor burst,

Seeding my body with poison…


The audience gasps…


“And now, for my next trick,”


Wave the magic wand;

Make the cancer disappear.


Saw the woman in half,

Remove all the… ‘nothing up my sleeve’,

Nothing in my hat,

Nothing in my headscarf.


Pick a card, any card,

A doctor, any doctor,

An outcome…


Spin the magic box, say the words, and, Voila!

She has vanished.


“And for my next feat, I will need a new volunteer; raise your hand and let me see your veins.”

Spider Widow

Spider Widow


How often I told you things

All the time a running conversation

Out loud even when apart

We talked for twenty years, always


When the dog died we mourned

For she was our stream of consciousness

Wondering what she was doing and

Thinking of us, our dear mother


Then you died months later

Leaving me without a living creature

To volley my thoughts and observations

Creating a sudden halt to my being


There was no one to care the blue house

Had been painted green or sold or still there

That the neighbor’s cat visited our yard

While the crows watched from the maple


I have taken to sharing with window spiders

Who care little of my opinions

But keep their distance while I explain

The Universe as I see it


Tolerating my tearful moments

We have established a useful truce and

I must admit I appreciate the company

Their wisdom to allow me the stage


TobeTT  #2

Revelation from a Death Bed (prompt 1 hour 1)

Life is hard, the teacher said,
wide eyes glistening with the effort of speech,
Grasping each word
Like pitons just out of reach

As I listened to his final thoughts,
sweeping images danced in my head
a song of hope from the place of the dead

I am the eagle, soaring free
I am the forest and I am each tree.

I am the ocean, I am the rain.
Each drop of water, each tear of pain.

I am breath, the giver of life
I carry creation inside of me.

I am the albatross flying free
I am the universe, I am song

My spirit’s invincible. To me all belongs.

(incomplete, sorry.  Finish later and fix the rhythm)

Twin Paradox

It was a long time ago
we flipped a coin
as a joke
and have been separated since

You flew off
through accelerated
space and time
where no-one had gone before

I stayed
living a tried
and true life
with only occasional hiccups

I think of you often
and wonder what if
I had gotten heads
instead of tails

I lost all contact
with you so long ago
feeling incomplete
despite my long life

I hear you are returning
as the scientists are beyond
excitement ready to
measure everything

How can you be much younger
since you came first?
At least, we were
not zombie cats.

I Saw The Magic in Suffering

Fourth Hour

I Saw the Magic in Suffering         Prompt#4

The longer I suffered
I saw a light illuminate and
pain became an old friend.
It did not end.

I struggled through
wondering what could
anybody gain
from ruthless and persistent pain?

Laying in expectation of
deliverance rallies hope.
The power to evoke
the strength to overcome
Is nothing short of Magic.

Suddenly my head rose high
like a prize winning stallion,
gallantly strutting through,
wearing my medallion.

I drew closer,
to the end of the battle
my senses frayed
tattered and rattled.
The vision of victory
just straight ahead,
I rose up, a Champion
from my bed!

Compton, CA 90222
June 22, 2019@10:46