Hour 2: No Magic

No Magic

I’ve known no magic –
no fairy spell
no witch’s curse
I’ve known no alchemy or enchantment
– except for flowers
that grow unbidden in the grass
and open their small faces
to the sun
– except for fireflies
that sparkle amidst the trees
fliting everywhere
in random joy
– except for stars
burning across the vast universe from me
yet filling my night
with wonder

How I know

His smile tells me it will be alright,

she falls asleep fast when I tuck her in tight.

He has to steal a hug each time I pass,

she plays quietly when I’m on online class.

He keeps me going when I don’t think I can,

she prefers when I’m silly instead of having a plan

My family shows me each day that I am doing well,

By loving me with their magical spell.

The Magical World

The acid tainted her face,
looking at the mirror,
she smiled and walked away.

He was a prisoner for a mishap,
people called him a killer,
he smiled and sat down.

looked down with contempt,
they called her transgender,
she calmed herself and started typing.

They all,
with different names,
different color,
different place,
all with the same anxious eyes,content heart,
wrote on ‘Magic’.

Yes,it is.
Different words,different moods but all with love.
It’s magic!


I am unfolding

to become something new

and unafraid.

I am unearthing

root causes anchoring me

to undesirable

and unsuitable circumstances

I am unveiling

new ideas and germinating

new approaches

I am unstoppable

and fearlessly facing


fabulous future



Prompt #2 Magical Delusion

Forbidden sweetness
tender ripeness
supple and ample
with a crackle and a zing.

Fullness came forth 
overflowing tenderness
Fulfillment and satisfaction in abundance
Control is the new norm in town
and guess what? it is too cool for you.

It'll blow your hat off
It'll take you by surprise,
It'll shock and awe you,
It'll petrify.

Such are the ways of the world 
my dear friend, 
to elude you into a thick forest of fairy tales 
with happy endings.

So confusing,
So captivating,
So astonishing,
Treacherous are its ways. 

Don't fall for pretty lies 
and false promises.
The truth is ugly 
and often roams around naked. 
But, it is never acknowledged 
for being true to itself.

The world can't digest hard,
ugly and bitter truths.
So we dress them pretty 
And market them on billboards. 
Selling broken dreams
and empty hopes 
with smiles so wide it can convince anyone. 

They are designed to catch your attention
steal your sleep
and prey upon your doubts, fears and insecurities.

They are out on the road...
on every junction and corner.
There's no truth to this beautiful charade.
Everywhere you look 
you will see magical delusion.

Don't fall prey
Don't become the next victim.  

It's all smoke and mirrors
my dear friend.

-Janice Raquela Mendonca

Img by Dev_irl

Hour 2: Post 2: Thirsty

Coming closer she wept

Like her soul was on fire

Yet inside I could tell she was calm

Calm enough to rip open my heart

And feed on my passion for her

She cared not what happened to me

Only about what she would gain from

Draining me dry


My favorite two-year old,
– really, almost two-years old –
draws my attention
with her tentative smile
and clear blue eyes.
– without warning –
her open hand is inches from my face,
proving to my unfocused eyes,
her miniature hand
with its chubby fingers stretched so wide,
is indeed empty and free.
The suspense builds
as she uses her other hand
– her assistant, if you will –
to open her dress pocket wide;
wide as can be,
so she only has to close her fingers a little bit
to ease her hand into the depths of the material.
In a dramatic flurry of suspense,
– pulling and yanking with all her might –
she releases her hand from the pocket.
With a jerk of her head
– eyes and mouth round with surprise –
her trick is finished.
For, in her slowly opening child’s fist,
emerges a pink shell
– from a far away ocean;
in her eyes, 
a reflection of the sweet world.


Hour two: Bodysong

I dig my fingertips down
into the soil
past the point of warmth
in search of the dandelion’s root

& I might as well be standing before a mirror
running my palms along every fold
and crevice that screams woman
pinching my cellulite as if I could
pluck it from the surface of me

the earth seeps through
the fabric of my gloves
finding home beneath
my fingernails

I ask myself
when was the first time
I thought of myself as a boy
or at least as something
that was not a girl

& if my womanhood can
once and for all be plucked
from this body
or if I’ll spend the rest of my life
watching it sprout yellow
turn to the wind &
scatter across my surface

War Machine Blues, Hour 2

Oily sludge
Drips from war machinery
Lubricated by blood-seasoned crude

We watch it on our TV
In air-conditioned misery
Wonder if there’s anything we can really do

In a world where fame supercedes the art that makes us famous
Where image misportrays the essence of who we really are
Where everyone’s not good enough
Just getting by is so damn tough
But we’re all just this close to being stars

Update Instagram to the rhythm of the war drums
Drone strike videos suggested on YouTube
Is this what we’ve become?
Constant passive viewing of atrocities make us numb

But not dumb

Overeducated, overworked and underpaid
Too informed to be anything but jaded
We bow to the gods of profit-driven resource extraction
And wonder why America is synonymous with hatred

Gears grind, dripping tears of Afghani mothers
Of Iraqi children
Of Syrian refugees
Of a world under threat from those who view their fellow man as others

Lubricated by petroleum
Habituated to violence
Inundated by conflict, chaos and distraction

So many distractions

The only sane reaction is to isolate
But that level of alienation McKenna spoke of is unattainable with the drones above

Dark skies punctuated by military satellites twinkling in space