“I am” who I find in me (Prompt 1)

I am only what I seek to discover within

I am light and dark

existing as both at one time

I am a seeker, seeking alignment

in this unsafe world

witholding my wander

stuttering through steps to self


i am emulated in many

who deny

i am tired of denying


I am using life to channel me closer

to thoughts that blow inspiration through my head daily

i am planning to be


Have you

Have you become someone you thought you would never be
The person you told yourself you could never act like
Have you lost your way and don’t know where to start
To get your life together
Have you ever felt like you falling short of the person you use to be
Have you ever felt like the person you are is not good enough
You use to have confident about yourself not caring what people thought about you
Have you ever felt insecure and let people negative control every aspect of your life
Have you ever thought to yourself who do you have to be for people to see to actually see you
Have you ever got on your knees and cried out to God to help you find yourself
God will tell you:
Nobody can be you, you are unique in your own way
People who are ment to be in your life will see the real you.
They will love the beautiful person you are inside and out


Simeria, the magical land

Where you fly in water and float on air

The flowers laugh with many colors

And mirrors speak with each other

Where rainbows sing to fairies’ dances

The angels bow to me with wishes

And wands clash with each other

Where leather boots vie for my feet

The pebbles decorate themselves

And happiness quibbles with each other


Hour 2


Hour 2

If there were an incantation I could use

Sigils drawn on black flagstone

Or blood at dawn on a granite slab

chants of words forbidden that stab the tongue and burn the throat

a rattle made of dragons’ eggs, powders

and potions of ground unicorn and gryffin hide

the mandrake’s cry, the faerie’s kiss

children drowned in nightdark springs

warriors hung by the neck from the Tree of the World

demons clashing their fiery hooves and thrashing their dread horns

the very peals of armegeddon behind their gnashing teeth

What a spell I would weave!

I would then call down the moon and sun

plait them into a Beast fit to

pluck the breath from a weeping mermaid

and spittle from a rose

Folded once, twice, thrice

become a blade

dipped in the fire of a young man’s passion

annealed in the tears of a widow

And send my Beast forth so armed!

To bring me your heart at least,

if not the rest of you.

Wasting time

Wasting time

is easy to do when I’m with you.
Days become weeks become years ticking
away with each stroke of the clock, each rev
of the engine. Being with you makes
me understand just how small we really
are. Like trying to catch drops of water
leaking from the faucet, not knowing
the bottom of my cup has a heart-
sized hole. I try to crumple up every
gift, every memory, every moment
like a scrap of paper pencil-penned
with lyrics of a bad tune. But
I wonder if I can when I realize
that I’m the one saying goodbye.

Letter to the Generations

Third Hour

Letter to the Generations

Dear New and Coming Generations,
Baby Boomers, Millennials, Generation X.
What will be your legacy,
your history, your next?

Will your mark on this planet bare fruit,
or seeds of  destruction?
Who will lead the nations,
what standards need reconstruction?

The scholars, the priesthood,
the rank and the file,
Will they leave dynasties or desolation,
bitterness and guile?

Mark the generations from the first
to the last,
what lessons were learned
from our antecedents,
and from your past?

Will each nation erect towers
to rise high through the clouds,
and feign superiority in wisdom,
right in the face of God?
Will they turn their swords into
Plows making fertile
this barren sod?

Consider the man, woman, and child
and number their days,
Will long life and prosperity
be their reward?
Will millions die young,
From poverty and wars?

Generation to generation,
lend me your ears.
What will you do in
the next one hundred years?
Will the new, accuse the prophets
and execute the seers?

What gifts, what legacy,
What universal laws
Will be etched into stone?
Will they stand immutable,
Unbreakable, world-wide inherited,
forever renowned,
as the irrefutable
Highly Merited…
The Chosen Generation?


Compton, CA 90222
June 22, 2019@10:35

Ode to Hakeem Olajuwon

There’s something beautiful
About what he does out there
How he tricks the defenders
And drives to the open basket

His body appears to move in one direction
But his mind has already sped past you
A twirl of the hand and he scores easily
His gleaming smile is lost in camera flashes

The arena is his hidden lair and here he practices and perfects his craft
He flies in all directions and clouds the opposition’s minds with terror
Villain to the Big Apple, but a savior and champion to those down South
A 7 feet tall, Nigerian immortal that is full of grace and style in execution

Prompt 2 – Magic: Prince Lonnie’s Birthday

King Kreskin of London
A fine British chap
Requested to meet with Lord Bernie Von Trapp
A party in order
For Prince Lonnie Lee
Where magic and mayhem were certain to be

“I’ll get right on it, sire.”
And then in a flash
Bernie sent a crier
To Merlin McDash
“The King needs your service, the day after now
A magical party for Prince Lonnie Rau”

“On very short notice, but okay, we’ll see..
I’ll put on a show so destined to glee
The young Prince named Lonnie
The King’s youngest son
With magic and mayhem that’s second to none.”

The day arrived fast
As a feather-filled breeze
King Kreskin hoped Merlin
Had come aimed to please
With bunnies and hats
And scarves o’er bats
Merlin Mc Dash made the little Prince laugh

” ’twas the best birthday ever”
The Prince told the King
And all across London Lonnie’s joy did ring
“Call Merlin and thank him with my highest reward
The finest gold pieces, please give him dear Lord.”
“Yes, sire, I will do that.” and do so, he did
Merlin knew not of worry for helping a kid
To have a great birthday, one unlike it since
A blessed, life-long memory in the eyes of a prince.”

False Neon Promises

Neon glows smooth, cool and bright

Illuminating the honky tonk night

A disco ball sends points of white

Across denim and rhinestones, visual dynamite

Bodies all pressed together with carnal apetite

The woman hugged on me ain’t no ten but she looks alright

A little older than me but her body is tight

She’s getting drunker, I don’t mind sharing her plight

I think she’s ready for my grand invite

So to my place we go for bedroom delight

It was over real quick, She was hard to excite

I drank too much whiskey if I’m being forthright

I hope she stays pretty when the morning sun replaces neon light