Moonlight Magic (Prompt 2, Hour 2)

The moonlight shimmered a path across the lake,

A secret that few were brave enough to take..

There were stories though, of once upon a time,

When people disappeared without a trace,

Some say they lost their minds.

The wind whispered its secret, rustling through the trees,

The ones to hear it, would come in twos and threes.


Taking off their shoes, at the lake they wade right in,

Disappearing from view at the horizon’s end.

The morning would come, with a few more empty beds.

The police would go on searching, always shaking their heads.


Great grandpa said there was a land where lake a moonlight met,

I never ventured over there, it has been my life’s regret.

Rainer Ep: 2

The woman learned was stealth was,

The darkness was her Ally in escaping the soldiers at night,

She would flee to an abandoned building not far from the worker sleeping pods

It is also where she discovered fire and pain simultaneously


The woman knew that she need a plan to escape but how?

Another thought came to her mind mysteriously

Beyond the worker pods were the mines in which she worked

Down below the mines were openings possibly leading out into the forest

She killed the newly found flame and departing into that terrifying night

Brief Biography

Idealists know that the hero must win
And pessimists know that ideals are for fools
Suffering brings its own wisdom, of sorts,
But maturity comes when ideals are regained.

Fresh-faced and kind-hearted,
Flat-footed and dim,
Idealists know that the hero must win.

Betrayed and abandoned,
Shell-shocked and schooled,
And pessimists know that ideals are for fools.

Life-hardened, resilient,
In deeds and in thoughts.
Suffering brings its own wisdom, of sorts.

Come forth, sprout of kindness!
Feel joy and, yes, pain.
But maturity comes when ideals are regained.


Form: Cascade

Inspired by the dominant theme of the fantasy novel I should be writing this weekend. See, I am working on it after all.

A Teacher’s Craft

There are high pitched giggles of youth

combining with swirling motion, a never ending energy

There are colorful walls filled with impressionistic art

as fictional characters dance across the floor.

A light streams in from a hidden door

as an invisible wand…

oak, supple, dragon heart string center…

weaves a spell on the minds with in this room

A gentle witch walks through the throng,

prodding, supporting, encouraging

Suddenly, fist bumps and hugs abound as

the magic takes hold and

believers are made of the doubtful

2019 – Two – An Homerian Sonnet on Hector’s Final Hour


Brave Hector brought a spear and thought to brawl
outside the walls of Troy beseiged. He held
it loose and felt the grain warm in the grip
of fingers born for battle, borne to throw.
The shaft was dense and smooth, both long and tall.
War-polished in both wood and bronze, it spelled
the doom of all who’d come by horse and ship
to face him in his scorn. How could he know?

Achilles, he had come that day with “Spear
for spear and shield for shield!” carved on his heart.
And mad with grief he howled with his whole breath,
“Come to me, Son of Troy, and bring your fear!”

Andromache felt her whole reason part
for in that voice, she heard her husband’s death.

Some other force

When the gaps between the leaves
cast their spotty light on your face
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
Or maybe something astronomical?
Illogical? Magic?
I can’t help but refrain from blinking
as I’m tugged by a force that is not my own.
I’m afraid I might lose it.
I was never much of a believer
of the unknown:
aliens, ghosts—God? Is he real?
But now skepticism clouds all things.
Never before have I pondered over religion
or the weight of being devoted to
Some concept
Some otherworldly feeling
until I met you.

I Never Believed In Magic

Poem 2

I never believed in magic
Until I saw the way your eyes danced
When he stood in front of you.
Then I almost believed,
For what else
Could cause the mind to reel
And the heart to pound
And the lungs to break
The way yours did
When you saw him?
Perhaps I did not believe in Magic,
But I saw the spell he had cast upon you.
I never believed in Magic
Until I saw the way
Your heart soared
And your tears fluttered away
When he said,
“I love you.”
Then I nearly believed.
For what else
Could transform your very mind
Like this did?
I never believed in Magic
Until the day he left you,
Your heart crushed between his fingertips,
Your eyes red with the pain of heartbreak.
He looked at your pain and smiled,
And suddenly the spell was broken.
And I did not believe in Magic.
Only pain.
I never believed in Magic
Until those glowing green eyes
Looked into mine
And told me I was beautiful.
Then my heart soared
And my mind reeled
And the ground beneath me seemed to spin.
I never believed in Magic.
But maybe
I did.

2. Cancer


I see her face, once expressive,

now pallid and pensive.

I see her eyes, persuasive and bright,

now full and dark with fright.


Her hair, once full, now gone,

energy depleted, night and morn.

She worries for her children n family,

How will they manage with her so sickly.


Overnight the world changed for her,

when she was diagnosed with cancer.

The trauma of radiation and chemo,

Inspite of this the dread that the  cancer cells might grow.

The pain! The pain! The pain!

On the mind,  body and soul,  a drain!


I try to give her comfort to cope

but I know she has given up all hope!


Munchkins Move

Look, little witch
You can’t fuss with me
If you wanted to
These enchanted
These is red bottoms
These is Dorothy shoes
I can’t hit em both
I don’t wanna choose
And I’m quick
To drench a witch
So don’t get comfortable
I hate song and dance
I make munchkins move
All this song and dance
Those feathered monkeys flew
If you’re on that yellow street
I might just drop a house on you
Queen of Oz
I’m a lurker, witch
I wear ruby shoes

Hour 1

Summer Bucket List (2019)

cry more in public
meaning: open your eyes and see more, hear more, be more (honest)
they help water the cracks in your heart
or maybe an ocean is more fitting to describe this heart that is always flowing
maybe the flowers are in your soul
tend to the garden that is always growing
never stop crying in public
or in private or with friends or with family or with partners or with enemies
not that you have enemies but if you did, these tears would find them
these tears are wholly you
holy to you
something about the freedom to feel
the freedom to mourn
feelings, people, moments
the freedom to be
the libra in you –sun moon & venus- need the balance of this release
need the balance of this peace
stop holding it all in
you’re bursting at the seams and no one can get it in
no one can see you if you can’t see yourself
no one will want to