Magical Chaos

Together we tangle

in a lovers knot

your mouth hungry for my sun kissed skin

my body can’t get enough of yours

skin on skin

sparks flying

speaking in tongues

as chemicals release


into magical chaos


sleeping weightless our
backs to the light
eternal aphelion
vision in darkness
we are blind

floating together alone
powerless without ballast
despairing in silence
until a quiet stirring

here, take my hand


Swirling in my head, a floating sensation.

A phrase that usually condemns you to eternal damnation.

From Salem to a faraway land with a hard-to-pronounce-name.

“Magic is not real” is screamed in the face of me, a person who won’t tame.

Crystal balls tell the truth while plumes of smoke shoot out at random.

Explaining the intuition you have and keeping your secret in tandem.


Think of Roald Dahl and the way his books make you feel.

Kick yourself for thinking that his stories aren’t real.

Bottles of potions and drinks whose bubbles fall down.

Witches that steal children, creating chaos that reaches the whole town.

Seeing Matilda in yourself and yourself in her.

Knowing that you’re different from the other kids, the lines you do blur.


We aren’t taught how to believe because our minds are too powerful.

Shoving our magic into more useful planter boxes that are anything but flowerful.

Witches who become artists, wizards who become singers.

Writing, painting, sewing, the shimmery glow that lingers.

Life is mysterious, unknown and full of danger.

An entirely different perception in the mind of a stranger.


My poems are spells, though I don’t intend them to be.

I can clear through the fog, open my eyes and see.

Magic is real, it’s in me and you.

Question everything, especially the things you believe to be true.

I end this spell with a quick little note.

Go back and find the magic in everything you’ve painted, sang, and wrote.



No tricks
No illusions
No miracles
No deception
No sleight of hand
No Houdini or Henning
No mystical mumbo-jumbo
No elaborate attempts at misdirection
No sparkly filters or rose-coloured spectacles

None of that

When eyes meet, the connection is made—
feelings sensed, warmth felt
sometimes intoxication

A moment, real or imagined
(what a day for a daydream…)

That’s where the magic is


(22 June 2019, Hour 2)

Purpose (Hour 2)

between the breadth of the stars
and the breath I draw between my lips–
there is an ancient connection,
a deep magic that sets the cadence
of the pulsing drum within my living corpse.

Calling to my blood, taunting my spirit to hunger,
beckoning my entire being to come forth, to march,
to ascend, that I may find out what lies
beyond the shimmering veil, yet ever eluding me,
so that in my efforts I may come to know
the full potential of my existence.

This is Me

Poem 1

This is me:
I am
A purple haired artist
Struggling to find
A sense of self.
This is me:
I am
A daughter,
A sister,
A friend.
This is me:
I am
An adventurer,
A worrier,
A wandering soul.
This is me:
Despite all I have lost
I am


why bother

trying to sleep

when your neighbor


to mow his lawn

on Saturday morning

be patient

wait for the sound of silence

to return

a quiet only interrupted

by the longing

of the birds


prompt #2 ~ magic

Prompt #2 ~ Magic


The red-bellied woodpecker flies over the windshield

We almost collide.

In another world, we do, but there is only wings

now stretching from my shoulders

as my silver hair reddens  and the air lifts it like feathers

Only wings, a hunger for so many decades

for so many earthbound

The wheels continue down the road

You do not notice I am gone

a tethered bird left behind

while I climb the wind into the clouds


Beside you, the bird that wears my face

is still, only her head turning from side to side

as she wonders like I have    like I do still

at these flightless creatures

set free only in the wake of wreckage