

He tried not to disturb her sleep from mountains and rivers away

so he didn’t call

but she heard him anyway.

in a dream…

He wanted a kiss but didn’t press

so she called him

time makes no difference

hearts know no distance

and magic is only a breath away


The Whispering Kiss (Hour 1)

You walked in like a whisper,
like fireflies in the day, until the sun set without warning.
And I suddenly saw all that could be
in a world that I wish was meant for me.

Some punches to the gut can’t be cheated.
The truth, a wall I ran straight through,
only to see you.
Your face behind a moving screen of water,
like seeing a memory from another life that should be.

Our breath so easy, laughter so light,
your hand in mine, a natural fit.
You’re the golden hour of every day,
light raining down in showers of amber warmth.

We were drawn together years ago,
but I didn’t realize it until too late.
My guard held true, so I could protect you, too.
I see your face every day, within the abyss of dreams and thoughts.

In another life, perhaps we are a reality.
Paths diverge and paths are made straight.
If time had been different, perhaps our paths would’ve become one.

Time has made its decision; we weren’t meant to be.
A fiery cloak wrapped around my heart, bidding you adieu.
Sending you a whispering kiss as you say, I do.








Shoulders Back

Shoulders back, chin out, neck long.
Breasts out shouting to the world,
“I am here. Look at me!”
Long neck highlighting a feminine jaw and cheekbones

So instead,

Shoulders hunched and chin down.
Breasts hidden among the folds of fabric,
“I’m hiding. Shhh.”
Neck hunched over. Eyes looking at the ground.

But men do not walk like that,

So instead,

Shoulders back, chin out, neck long.


Life is a test from start to finish

from the day you are born

to the final flourish

how long is the baby

how much does it weigh

in what percentile does it lay


This is the start

it does not end

the years go by

new tests append

when do you speak

when do you walk

do you do more than squawk


In school there are many

that you will take

they tell your teachers

what progress you make

and each test you take

adds another post to the fence you make


We all build a fence

a fence that defines

the person we make

with all the tests we leave in our wake


It doesn’t stop when we are an adult

each person we meet tests us, and we they

yes, it is true don’t you see

we test and test and are never free

we test for friends, and jobs, and love

we look for things that fit like a glove


And when old age approaches us

the tests foresees what our freedom be

the blood test the heart test, how many tests there are

each test may lead to your final cigar


Yes, tests follow us throughout our lives

from birth to death whether we want or not

tests guide us or fence us and fill us with doubt

and sometimes provide up with clout

whatever the case you will see

that tests never end till the end of thee.


When I was two, I learned to read,

In my hands, I always carried a book.

I remember the words, “Growing like a weed”

Even though my mother was an awful cook.

I spent weeks in the hospital, unexplainably sick

Till they found I was allergic to milk.

So the things I ate weren’t for me to pick,

No dairy, no cheese, no ice cream or that ilk.


I must have been happy, I don’t recall bad

My Mema loved and spoiled me

I don’t remember even seeing my Dad,

What’s to be, they say will be.


My mother took me to a doctor because she said I read too much.

He told her to let me be, it was she who was out of touch.

Poem #2

Endless Dreams
On a star-filled night
Countless times
I failed to count
In awe of their beauty
Their warmth
I could feel from
Millions of light-years ago
Safe distance, I must say
Admirable but I wouldn’t
Want to burn so.

I am many things … but wish I were more

I am courageous.
In my mind, I am a super hero. When I become fearful, I fall to earth.
A human. Being. But am I?
I am flawed.
In my body. In my way of thinking. I wear my flaws like designer jewels.
In my mind, I waltz with confidence.
But in my body, I drag and limp to the invisible finish line.
I am tired.
Of thinking of cool, innovative ideas.
Of competing. With others. With myself.
So I shuffle with the masses and berate myself, which does not add fuel to the super human being lost inside. Will she ever find her way out?
I am rebellious.
But chose the most obvious path. Rebel without a worthy cause?
Is that even a rebel?
Is this a metaphor?
Why can’t I just cheer choosing and taking action instead of face plant in my phone, not facing reality. Planting more seeds of worry.
I am unoriginal.
As evidenced by this boring choice of starting with I am.
So much for subtlety.
I am. Why oh why can’t that be enough?

Hour 1: I Am

I am searching for my place

My home in the universe

I am searching for inspiration

My grand idea that’s waiting

I am searching for love

My rock to keep me grounded

I am searching for joy

My sunshine when there’s no sun

i am searching for peace

My calm when the world storms

I am searching for my place

My home in the universe


So here is my hour 1 poem. I don’t know that I like the last line but I can revise it later as needed.

Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter

Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter


Magical dragon easing translucent wings

On warm summer breezes

Allowing flora to breath while

Puffs of seeds whisper


But alas the winged sharpshooter

Holds little beauty bestowed

With dark beetle body

Suggesting an awkward dance


Without reverence for gardens

This leafhopper offers sticky goo

Painted on sweet red grapes

To ruin the Green Man’s wine


Tobe TT   #1