Magic Or Black Magic?

In the darkness
She felt serene
Always welcoming
The danger unforeseen

In the silence
Everything felt like a dream
Such that,
It could not be seen

In everyone’s eyes
She was a queen
She longed for the one,
Who was unseen

In daytime
She needed hustles
To calm her mind
Midnight was the time for her to shine!

Through the pain she had been
Seldom was she
Harsh and mean.

She was –
A confused soul
In search of herself
With her blood so green!

Blue Rose Ali


Born with blue roses
instead of hair…angel Ali…
Wonder to behold

Children were afraid
to get close except for
Joey…ghetto boy…
They stared shyly
at each other from afar
Joey knew he loved her

As they grew older
Ali loved Joey back
with silent smiles

Ali couldn’t talk
Joey was a lonely waif
reaching one day
to touch a blue rose
It fell to the ground
They were amazed

Ali tried to pull
a rose that wouldn’t move
They were baffled
Each day Joey would
touch a rose and it would fall
Ali loved his touch

Just a few were left
Joey couldn’t help the kiss
It was magic then

The roses dropped
Most glorious hair fell to
her shoulders…Joey
stared in awe…it was
the color of sun
Her eyes turned blue

They married next year
far away in a meadow
where nobody knew
Ali could speak now
and the beauty of her words
Were “Joey…I do”

A storm arose
Instead of thunder, rain of
blue roses fell down
Guests were amazed
and to this day the meadow
grows with roses of blue

© Diane Morinich
All Rights Reserved

Magic- Hour 2

I used to dance in magic

I swung my arms and the world sparkled in it

I could see it in lifelike trees

Fairies in forests

Magic communicating in a cat’s meow

A bird’s song at daybreak

Magic was all around me

It swirled me in it’s possibility


Now it is reckless


Waste of time, effort

Life has become the day to day

Getting by

No time for fairies and fantasy

No time for unicorns and dragons


Magic is still there, sometimes I glimpse it

Hiding behind a tree

Watching me from a rainbow

Sleeping in mountain sunlight

late in the afternoon

Waving at me from the stars on a summer’s eve

Begging me to dance in it

Fill my soul, bask in it

But I am too sensible now

Too based in reality

Too grounded in pain

To see the wonder I loved




Virtual Racing

Run girl, run

There is only you

No spectators cheering you on, no competitors to keep you going

How do you perform, when your competition is yourself?

But don’t you realize, when you run a virtual,

You are in the purest form running has

You are on your own

You must cheer for yourself

You are your competition, drive yourself forward.

It is all in your head. The race is all in your head.

Show yourself what you are made of.

Prompt 2-Magic

And lo, I stood above the clouds, breathless

Flying birds beneath me swirled, restless

To travel beyond my elevated sight

Everything for once seemed right

Revolving around the planet I saw it all

Now below there was a war

Only hatred flowed with ignorance at its core.

Older than myself no creature could end it

Not even the gods of heaven could mend it.

Doubt filled me and I sank lower

Regretting my perceptions of power

Even the winner would find this war saddening

After losing so many, it could be naught but maddening.

Many would perish, as war was hungry for more than pie.

Still, we can stop it, you and I. Twas just a prophecy, perhaps a trick of mine inner eye.

How Could I Forget June the 9th (A Nonet…. Hour One)

 June the 9th

(How Could I Forget?)

I finally filled the calendars

Birthdays and anniversaries

Occasions to celebrate

Flipping through the pages

It occurred to me

What I missed

Most was





***True story: when I finally sat down and finished filling out my calendars earlier this year (okay, so what if it was mid-March?), I was flipping back through them and realized that I had completely left off June 9th, which is my late husband Rickey’s DOB (pictured above). He passed away in the fall of 2012. Forgetting his birthday like I did, even almost seven years later, really cut me to the core and hurt my heart. I’m sure it seems silly to some folks, but it was a major misstep to me personally.****

(A nonet consists of nine lines, with a syllable counts as follows: 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 so the poem appears to ‘disappear.’)


Everyone “fights”

We fight for what we think we deserve.
And when we go through a hard time
we are told diligently to
“Fight through it”

Why must we always fight?

Why is this word so entwined with
hatred, anger, even violence,
society’s go-to in times of trouble?

I am not a “fighter”
I am a talker, a listener, a reasoner,
I won’t fight, or force, or aggravate.

I want to learn, and heal
and approach the world with
the love that it seems
So quickly
to be losing sight of

When I’m ill, I don’t “fight” the illness.
I rest and take time to heal.
When I’m depressed,
I don’t argue with my mind,
I’m hurting enough already,
I refuse to hurt myself

On a bad day, I don’t “fight through it”
because that sounds like a lot of work
and I’m already so tired.

lighter than air

Green brushes against blue

The fluttering of our wings

matches the pace of our hearts.

Sitting on the highest branch

Of the tallest tree

I could see for miles all around,

but all I see is you.


I slip my hand into yours

And pretend not to see the blush

On your handsome face.

A bird perches

And eyes us curiously.

You whistle at it and laugh

When the startled bird flies of into the moors.