I am, Words [1 – #iam]

I used to write essays, stories, the words flowing out onto the page
but you–
you have messed me up
you have taken me down and now
I am liquid
my words fall out without structure
willy nilly

I am trailing word droppings at work
I am leaving words in the cart at the grocery
I am sorry for the puddle of words that fell out on to the broccoli
I am sure you didn’t expect to be picking consonants out of your casserole.

Even the librarian, who I thought would have been used to words, words, words everywhere
sighed as they fell out of my hair and came out of my pockets in the stacks.
Maybe because they’re not good words
I am a bad poet, a bad writer
(see, here is proof)

but you did this to me
you opened this fountain
that won’t stop flowing
like tears


I Am glad to see you again, poetry, my friend, my lover, my counselor, my solace, my soul, my gift.

It’ been too long and not at the same time since we’ve seen each other.

Been together. Like we were before.

I Am sorry that I’ve been gone for so long

I’ve been transcending and ascending

Going above and beyond myself

On my journey of knowing, living, and loving me

I mean, I know you know

You’re inside of me.

I Am glad that you haven’t left me you were there for me when I turned the page over and over again

Inside joke, between you and me. 😉😘

I Am here taking advantage of me and an opportunity to be united with you again as one

So close, like we once were all those years ago.

I Am sorry that I slowly let you go

As I slowly let myself go and get lost in a rainbow 🌈

Of wifey, mother, sister, daughter, friend, servant, Chameleon

While forgetting that you, me, are the waters that make them so.

I am sorry for my Blurred Vision

When I looked at my reflection

I Am thankful that my reflection was and is always me

And the vow that I put in me

I finally rose 🌹 to the occasion to apply it to me.

And here writing this now

With the first hour’s prompt of this poetry marathon

That I Almost Missed

Just confirms, reaffirms, reminds me

As I Am doing more than Singing

My life is Right On Vibe™

We are both Cosmic and Ancient

2019, 6th Grade, 33

The Universal Alignment of 3

I AM meant to be

And Poetry once again

Thank you love ♥️❤️💚💛💜💓💙🖤🧡

For showing me


Copyright © 2019 By Angelica Stevenson

All Rights Reserved














I am dying inside…

and nobody knows

so nobody cares

(to know me)


i am rotting…

a stinking hulk of flesh

where everything is melting

mere tears never matter

and nothing

affects anyone



(they don’t see)


i am being eaten alive…

by overwhelming love

i’ve given

and taken

(none left in me)


bits and pieces


until there is nothing left

nothing at all…


i am searching for my Self

never knowing where i’m going

(forever lost)




I Am Not.


I have become a counter
not just one who opposes
but a keeper of numbers
that move me forward

I count stair steps
and reps of all sorts,
with a blind faith
I didn’t know I had

I shuffle the order
mix it up
keeping track of the more difficult
and only occasionally missing a dose

My mind will drift
losing my way in my series of numbers
only to return
to my finite state

Dealing with old religion

Time on its plain sight

Expanding and Extinguishing

Stirring space across the land and the sky

Marvelous encounters of wizard’s tale

Potions made and counter spells uttered

Stirring to a witness to be astonished

Heart rending tales of old sparkles anew

Legends of old are immortalized

Since the time of its memorial

Wizardry of old religion reminisces

Calling on till the end of time

Myths or realities

Marvels the universe of humanity

How and why of things transpiring

Emulating and elating humankind

A feat of an old religion prevails in its antiquity


Prompt # 2 Hour # 02

10:00 PM PHT 22/06/2019

Hour 1

It’s just the first hour

With eleven more to follow

I am staring at a blank page

I am willing the words to flow

I thought writing came easy to me

I am an author, that’s my job

Yet a simple poem eludes me

I am feeling like a big flop

It’s not ‘in’ to rhyme, I know

But it’s the best I can do

I am struggling to stay afloat

I am determined to see this through

The Day

The desperation of a day

Cannot manifest any bolder

When the Sun begins to set

It just grows colder

When you’ve faced all that was

and still stand tall to last

That’s when you’ve faced the day

And now the night falls fast.

Is Your Muse Feeling Weak?

Good morning

Daddy, Are you there?

I am, Child, and I care

To see where.

You are going

What do you ask today?

It is wisdom I seek

Is your muse feeling weak?

Come closer, let’s peek

I Am is all knowing…

Is it wisdom or play

Abba, oh Father,

You know me so well.

Words I am wanting to playfully tell.

Fear not, I am here to offer my help;

I Am that I Am is wisdom itself.



36 Corn Rd, Part One – The Trip


PART ONE – The Trip


We left early; station wagon packed

There was always a bucket

Placed where I could find it quickly

Usually I’d make it to Circleville, usually


I hated the trip, smooshed against my siblings

All of us dreading 90 minutes of fights, and farts

And pulling over to get rid of my breakfast

Good ole bucket to the rescue


I hated Chillicothe, curvy Route 35

If I hadn’t used “buckety” by now

It wouldn’t be long

Or maybe someone would need to pee.


But soon there’d be hills

Hills full of trees, and deer

And memories of the last trip

And anticipation of what soon could be


I saw it, just ahead, the ball diamond

You know, the one with the green fencing

A diamond in the oddest of places

But it was a landmark to us…. we’re almost there!!


The road turned to gravel

Under the canopy of the trees

It wouldn’t be long now

Just a few more turns.


There was one last hurdle

Getting past that curve with the narrow berm

So very far down it seemed

I was certain I would die there


But not today

Today I would attend a reunion

Who will greet us?

When we spill out of the car


Engine off, seat belts off

Doors open and legs finally stretched

The trip was over

But the fun would soon begin.