The Problem With Everyone

“I am the soft star-shine at night” from the poem Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye

Why oh why can’t I
Be who I truly am?
It’s a struggle for many, and the
Vulnerabilities so soft,
Are lost until you wish upon a star,
For help so you can shine,
But also stay soft and kind at
Those times where everything is dark as night.

In what privilege? No longer having to die.

To be in
a tornado really begs the question what
the hell is privilege?

A human thing maybe… No
the simple thing about living longer
and having people you love and having
comfort is you still have to

#262 from Book Third of The Gay Science, Friedrich Neitzsche


Being all goody goody

Doesn’t take me any where

I have lost a person

Somewhere down the road


Who was all chirpy

And full of life

Putting their dreams

Before mine


Leaves me partially complete

My soul is parched for more

Gratification of desires maybe

Or narrating the untold stories


And feeling the rain

Till the last drop

I refuse to give up, though

I got to stay mindful.


The original inspiration is the line “One day the answer came before the question” in the poem Golden Anniversary by Wislawa Szymborska


We are all together yet we are the only one

The years are filled with days and yet this is our only day

We each can only wait so long before the

longing for life overwhelms our ability to answer

To answer the question that came

Came to us long before

Long before we were ready for the

end, for to each of us the end comes and we must answer the question.

The Smell of Memory

No matter how far I go

No matter how much time has passsed

No matter the season

No matter the reason

When I walk into this place

It always smells exactly the same

And I’m taken back

As if in a time machine

To a time that, at least now, seemed easier

We were carving out our lives

We were screaming into the void

We were fighting against corporate greed and apathy and exhaustion

And this was our safe harbor

This was our shelter in the storm

Even now

It still feels that way to me

Poem 8: The Angel Flies to Heaven – after “The Composer Sheds Her Sheet Music” by Z.G. Tomazewski

She sheds her tears and rises, wings fully developed-

stepping away from the shriveled, cracked, and dry cocoon

to the edge of the canyon rim, beneath which the river rages-

she leaps, and flies-


Her wings buckle in midair, her body bends over,

but something in her heart leaps-

her body lifts-


Grey clouds loom above through which the sun shines dimly,

releasing a silver mist that blends with the wind-

snowy white pigeons lift from the rocks- the wind

carries their wings in flight-


Light soaks the reddened canyon walls-

the breeze whirls from each pump of the wings-

crisp air- the angel’s plumage of white feathers-


The clouds parted the sky-

the tangled froth of the river vanished,

the canyon beneath descends away-

with each wingbeat the heart thrums-


Her hands stretch to catch the skies releasing water-

a rain arrives to signal the coming of Autumn

washing away the dust

from the birds’ shallow beaks-


Clouds envelop us-

the wind sings and whistles its music,

carrying with its breeze the leaves-

and as she flies, she lets go-

Golden Shovel

Been days since I started And
I still have Miles
To travel To
A place to Go
With only so much time Before
Wanting to give up I
Just want to go home and Sleep

(Line used is Robert Frost’s “And miles to go before I sleep”)

Ode to Robert Fulghum

I remember when I first started reading your words.

In your sharing I found that, I


Too~ admire, and wish

That I

Could also, imitate “Words I Wish I Wrote”


8. Drift Away

“At the point where language falls away…”  first line from “Spelling”, by Margaret Atwood.


Songs and poems and words we dream at

beneath the sleep of night, and the

beginning of another thought, a point

a dance, a light… where

every line becomes a  language

to be seen… whereupon it falls

and drifts away.