A world of beauty and harmony

no borders, no visa and you can enter anywhere in the world where there will be,

no racist

no skin color

and no language barrier.

A healthy planet earth and environmentally friendly, where humans are responsible enough to face challenges of climate change. And there will be,

No sickness

No bacteria that thrives

No communicable disease and

No viruses to kill our human race.

There will be no floods, storms, hurricane, twister, earthquake and tsunamis.

And no more natural and manmade calamities.

There will be a negotiator of peace,

No barracks or great wall and no misunderstanding of rules

where brothers unified with common goal.

Living with one faith and belief.

Human dignity reign and

Emphatically define clearly, a solid common ground of one strong and united nation.

Where there will be,

No uprising

No civil unrest

And no more  missile to launch to create world war.

A country  of mutual understanding, patriotism, very civilized, honest and loyal.

And a true leader with

No hidden agenda

No hidden riches

whwre everyone enjoy equal distribution of wealth.

A country with no debts, no bankruptcy, no unemployment

And no political dynasty and pork barrel from the government funding to go to waste.

Our one and only planet earth will have a long life expectancy by living a stress free life to the rest of the human race.




Travel Card

In my wallet I still keep
the travel card you gave me in 1973
which grants the bearer, me,
immediate and instant passage to somewhere else

This 2 by 3 inch rounded edge card stock,
illuminated in black ink
from a 00 rapidograph pen,
I hold for an emergency

The front side shows your
drawings of our first months together,
while the back lists
the privileged destinations I can go to.

Over the years, the edges have
curled and frayed leaving
some of the destinations
and memories in doubt

It was from a time
when it was just the three of us,
you, me, and Peter the cat
with your dragon blowing hot air onto our bed

My card numbered 0000001 does not give
instructions in how I can use it
or warn me about the consequences of
such transit.

I have never asked you
if you have card number 0000002,
if the same destinations are on it,
and if you have used it.


What I would give…

To change my last moment with you.


What I would give…

To move time back to that minute.


What I would give…

To know what you were thinking.


What I would give…

To have your body with mine again.


What I would give…

To see where you have gone.


What I would give…

To be able to follow you.


Listening to Leonard Cohen sing “Take this

Longing,” of course I go right on to “Dance Me

to the End of Love,” then to “Hallelujah.” I could

stay with him all day, and well into the night, but

duty calls. Now he’s singing “There Ain’t No Cure

for Love.” YouTube can grab hold and never

let go, but for me it’s got nothing to do with yearning.

It’s the music, and the poetry, and as long as you’re gone,

I must admit I don’t miss you as much as I want to hear the next song.


It becomes another life in your head.
You can live that life out in your head those times when your main life becomes dull.
The best thing to do is not allow your main life to become dull,
But of course, that is easier said than done.
And once the longing begins it’s hard to stop it.
You don’t remember which life is which,
Which things you actually did and which things you imagined you did,
Because the other life feels as real as the main one.
And the only way to share this other life is through silence and faraway looks,
Because to speak of it would most certainly hurt someone.
And when you can’t speak freely of something,
Especially of something that feels so important, so real,
Despite its lack of root in reality,
You will most certainly go insane.

Hour Two: Share

she offers me ideas for my poems.

I nest my legs deeper into hers,

slip my hand under her shirt,

slide my fingers along curves

until she stops talking.

Hour 2 – Prompt 2 – Expressions, redefined

When you chose your path and I chose to stand with you
We knew the day would come, when we would part
You are leaving, to protect our country
And I am here, waiting for your return

I cannot talk to you, when I wish
You cannot touch me, when you wish
The parting was sweet, a hug so tight
The air around us, understood our plight

It has been ages, since I last heard your voice
The network was weak, and words were so feeble
My feelings are on the surface, ready to burst
The music, my solace till date, no longer suffices

The notebook and pen you gave me, are now my best friends
I fill the blank pages, replacing my emotions with words
I no longer wander lost, seeking comfort in the air
I always carry my notebook, knowing I can express at will

We are soul mates, tested by time, as we are apart
Living the journey, that life has carved for us
My words may not reach you and I know not of your struggles
Yet, this notebook captures each moment that is significant

(c) Vijaya Gowrisankar

Prompt #2 Cohenning

Marathoners are running the race
And each ends last anyways
Like they would have if they
Ran against time without complain
Poetry is no minute thing
A clock ticks with options at hand
Write poems or knead dough for a bun
Write anyways
For this is sad fun

Poetry is lost in the sands
No competing for the sea or the shore
They are sea-shells drowned upside down
Found under sunlight by the way
Write poems like those, drink wine
Losing a race is fine when deadened

Just let my poems be burned
Roasted metal undone

Compete with none in the marathon
Never stop your cold trustful self
Keep the jug at the edge of the table carefully
And see it broken before dawn
A slip of hand or tongue

Just let my poems be burned
Roasted metal undone

Let me judge your poems one by one
As if it belongs to
A none






yearning for you

poem #2
yearning for you

we reached for the paper cup at the same time
our hands slightly brushing against each other
nicely apologizing
I noticed your full smile right away
smooth brown skin and full lips and I smiled too

then several minutes later we were easily conversing
I remember picking up a fork but not really needing it at all
and realizing quickly that I was spun-
mindlessly letting the world fade away
while I stood lost in your eyes.

what is happening? I thought to myself
but the wave had begun.
now so many years later, I realize it can still engulf me-
that wave of yearning
fall over me like chocolate explodes in my mouth-
takes me instantly to some happy place in my head,
my heart-
my soul;
no matter how hard I tried, I could never quite fully
wash away the yearning for you.