Fighting this Feeling

I’ve been fighting this feeling

This feeling I have for you

A feeling I love and hate at the same time

I’ve been fighting day in and day out

How could it be this feeling is of need

A need to have you

A need to love you

I feeling that I can’t fight anymore

Life’s Like That

One day you rule, fly high
The next day you fall, deep
When you’re high, enjoy the ride
When you fall, get up quick
Don’t wallow in the highs or the lows
Nothing lasts forever
It shouldn’t
When the end comes and it will
What counts is the ride
And how much you’re remembered when you’re gone
It’s not not fair, it just is
You know, life’s like that

The Spirit Summons

The gong summons
at twilight
It pounds the heart
of village Masters
It is a call to the palace

The crown walks
It walks to spits from spirit
Shall tingle to vigilance

The tiger roars in vain
The ant
Captures the earth
with fear
Thirst insane.


As I push back the curtains,
the shrubbery below the frosty window,
in it’s evergreen style –
with it’s small prickly green foliage,
home to bagworms during summer,
nestling pockets of snow now,
in the glimmering cold sunshine
of a mid January day in central Indiana,
a place in my memory so relevant,
that I can feel the wintery blast
take my breath when I walk outside
past the shrubs lining the sidewalk.

Michellia D. Wilson 8/13/16


ONE - If I were

If I were cement and shadows
I could not know enough
to be ready for such news —

the letter in her loopy script
her cheer and sweet affection
sliced through by death —

where-were-you-when, we ask,
the moment’s film a looping strip,
that heartbeat of grief’s lesson —

language immersion — without
banter or books — left to imagine,
to wonder at inarticulate despair —

antelope calf left to negotiate
with lions, memory flayed,
cicatrix of sorrow.

© j.i. kleinberg

the first hour, a marathon

tell me a story,


I want to tell you mine


let’s start at the beginnings

that point where we are indistinguishable from each other

that point, one

where we begin to untangle


like a braid

someone’s laundry clothesline

someone’s fishing line

a long telephone wire stretching from the past

a vessel’s standard rigging

a kite string

a guitar string

the ribbon in her hair

a shoelace that no one has learned to tie yet

the thread in a quilt

the stitches in a soccer ball

a yo-yo, down and up again


and up again


tell me a story,


I want to tell you mine

Take Another Pill

Wake up . . .

Reset iPhone alarm;

What’s ten more minutes?

Snuggle in . . .

Can’t sleep!

Of course…

What’s new?

Take another pill.

Middle-age  . .

Reach for the pill box;

Safely by the bed.

Morning, noon, evening and bed;

One or two each time;

Seven days equals . . .

Seven pills a day.

Take another pill.

One for depleting Vitamin D . .

Aw, to be a menopausal woman!

Take another pill.

The one for the reflux, of course.

Was that with food or after?

Take another pill.

There is the blood pressure…

Must always be aware;

Do not miss a day . . .

You can stroke out . . .

or heart will attack.

Take another pill.

Anxiety in these changing times;

Take another pill . . .

To calm you . . .

To ease the panic,

lying inside your adrenals;

or is it serotonin?

No, wait . . .

that’s a different pill!

Take another pill.

Important pills . .

never miss . . .

or take more.

Now, what to do about the aches?

Take another pill!

Summation of All Things

Don’t you feel it within

That life is coming to its end

Increasing number of murders

And Natural cause deaths

Nature is at its wits-end

The wind doesn’t linger as it did before

It’s rushing because it knows the time is short

The waves move with fury, no need for a calm

The sounds of rushing mighty waters is the voice of the Lord

The sun beams are stronger; the heat index ablaze

The earth destroyed by fiery cascades

Liken to the volcanos erupting after long slumbers

Souls of those in delusion try to tug at heart reins

For the music, sex, fun, disease and pain of this temporary place

Was never designed to last always in this way

A righteous Judge is calling each one to the seat

At the end

Are you found innocent or guilty?

Glad to be Back

Good Morning Fellow Poets:

This is my second year, and this one I hope to complete the full marathon. Last year I did the half, and it was such a rewarding experience.

My name is Pamela Gerber and I blog at as well as contribute to several online journals. To earn my keep, I teach  college English at the local college and freelance. I’m also an aspiring poet.

I live with my two nearly full grown daughters, husband, parents and pets in Huntington Beach, California.

Good luck to everyone today!




Biploar mind

Short circuits running through my brain

Waves that crash and come back again

The clay of thought folding in on itself

A place of pain coming off the shelf

Defeat and horror

The taste of blood

Casualties of war

Your memories flood

The screams and tearing of inner walls

And whispers of loss desperately calls

I want to be free of the torment within

I open my eyes…my day begins