Notice: Life Contained
From clouds of inspiration in a sky of emptiness comes rain –
To soak a parched cocoon,
Which appear to be levitating
Concealing a phobia
Unexplained by life
No matter how many moment’s notice
And you may or may not notice,
Through the clarity of rain
Every drop of it magnifies – a wonder of life –
Everything that’s held within the cocoon,
Every beginning of a hope or a phobia
Perched on the edge of dawn, levitating,
And slowly, a crease unfolds until the miracle is allowed to notice
They are not the pupa with a phobia
But a butterfly – baptised by rain
A pearl of wisdom inside a shell – a cocoon
The oyster of life
And as this story of life
Begins levitating
Through your mind’s cocoon
Where the things you notice
Are magnified by your brain and not the rain
You shatter your own phobia
A long held phobia
That your own life
Would rain
Down tears instead of levitating
Or elevating and everyone would notice
The gloom of your cocoon
The doom of your cocoon
Now a bygone phobia
Something to pay no notice
A cast away part of life
An empty shell left levitating
In the rain
Your empty cocoon no longer holds life
Your phobia can be left levitating
And all people will noticeis the butterfly baptised by the rain
(c) Gemma Hinton 14/6/15