NAS Prompt 8

We need to be kind — So many people are hurting

We need to be patient —  solutions take time to develop

We need to co-operate — in order to come together

We need to unite — many hands make light work

We need to see the best in our neighbor —

to eliminate fear in our streets

by Nancy Ann Smith

Hour 11; dog-poem.

It must be the rutting season

because I haven’t seen you in ages,

and you have that stretched-thin look you get

when running with a new bitch.


I waited.


Hours, sometimes days, I waited,

a broken-heart cliché,

phone in hand, heart in my mouth

turning to rocks and ashes.


Then I stopped.


I remembered who I was, like Rudyard Kipling said:
“The best ones don’t wait for anyone.”

I put down the phone, slipped off my shoes,

and went to howl at the moon.

7 pm Poem


Tail wagging

Face pushed against the bars

Eager to sniff

Eager to lick

Eager to please

Paws out –

Nice to meet you

Ears perk up to hear

” I want this one!”

Cage opens

I can take my new friend home

Eleventh poem

An accessory for our purses.
A symbol of our wealth.
The actors in our movies.
And soldiers in our wars.
Did you stop being animals,
Or did we just forget?

Poem11/24 “My Bestfriend”

As I woke up every morning, I see him beside me lying

His eyes staring, wondering, like he is talking

When I get off the bed, he jump over my head

Opening the fridge, his gonna take fruits that were rotten

Smelling, if he don’t feel like eating

His going to kick his plate slowly towards me

He gonna scratch my feet and stare, asking for another 

I will show him a fried meat! He jump! And jump! And jump!

And bring his plate back, and eat a lot

He is with me wherever I go, he wear a pad, a cloth and shoe

When we go to the park, he throw his pad

When I’m sad and cry, he stare at me and sigh

His gonna sit beside me, lifting his hand reaching mine

I gonna hug him tightly and smile, and whisper thank you, you’re here for a awhile

A Furry Friend Sonnet

A quiet friend, who listens all the time,
no matter if he obeys my commands,
for one to hear my stories and listen,
a furry friend, is for what I demand.
A four-legged friend would love me always.
He would take long walks with me and smile.
A plush little friend would always be there.
He wouldn’t e’er fret if we stayed a while.
A furry friend wouldn’t mind the silence.
He would take a grain of salt and ponder.
Our days would always be blissful and bright,
nor would evenings and mornings be squandered.
I would hold my furry friend tight at night.
My little friend would cherish me alright.

Water Song

On the boat from Haiti I died –

I died from the letters that drifted into the ocean,

melted into the water.

I died as the ink washed away

page after page of words

I wrote you.

I died at the thought of you –

alone – never knowing, truly

how much I loved you.

The truth is

I died the moment

I caught my last glimpse

of you.


On the boat from Haiti

I was a ghost

lamenting my lost love.

#11 – Smoke in your eyes

20150416-131524-416-SmokeInYourEyesSmoke in your eyes

Poison through your blood

Out of the cave

Everything you’ve got

Out of your mind, today


Smoke in your eyes

Gets in the way

You feel speechless

Nobody can sway

Upon your slot


Smoke in your eyes

Blurry bloody hell

Where is the fun

Nobody can tell

Stay shrunk now


Smoke in my eyes

You take advantage

To kiss my ears

And swirl my tongue

I am over the board, in tears



Smoke in our eyes

It’s the sweetest cloud

I ‘ve ever touched

When the sun rises

And you fall upon me


Smoke in your eyes

Poison through your blood

Out of the cave

Everything you’ve got

Out of your mind, today