What is needed! (hour 8 of half marathon)

We need shelter for the homeless.

We need people to care for those who need protection.

We need food to feed those without enough to eat.

We need transportation for those without cars.

We need health care for those who cannot pay.

We need. We need. We need. We need. We need. We need. We need.


Each of us – you and I, or I alone, you alone or most effective and best yet: ALL OF US to care for one another. I care for you. You care for me. Together we care for us all.

We are all a part of one another. Together we make the difference.

8. What do we need?


We need a space,

To subsist in harmony,

Is this a real place?


We need a place,

With hope and faith,

Do you know this space?


We need a space,

To rest and enjoy,

Is this a fantasy?


We need a fantasy

To maintain hope

Why not to dream?


We need a dream

To keep living

What else do we need?


(Free Verse 2015 @4;20 p.m.)

Kisses at Ponte dei Sospiri

Poem 8 For The Hour Eight

sail me through the Venice
we need to kiss like prince and princess
eternal love that is

bridge of sighs hear us please
we need to give our hearts
forever bliss

we need to ride the gondolas
keep our promises not to depart
legend sings our songs at sunset

campaniles ringing all around
two souls are finally bound
to the River of Unrequitted Love

you and i together
it’s all the love
we need

(c) ceri naz
photo credit :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_of_Sighs


A Modern Response to Euripides’ The Medea #9/24

A Modern Response to Euripides’ The Medea

Jason messed with the wrong Corinthian
in that ancient play about the dangerously
pissed off Medea, the “X” of your nightmares.
Jason starts knockin’ boots with Creon’s
daughter, a genuine princess with a royal
bank account balance. Jason up and leaves
Medea and his own babies behind to
marry that spoiled brat of a princess so
he could hook it up with King Creon’s
power and financial means of success.
Well, the shit started gettin’ real when Medea
set the plan in motion to take out the royalty
and her own two boys of tender age to boot.
That girl was straight trippin’–wouldn’t hear
anything the sisters had to say bout
doin’ the right and ladylike thing.
Medea was straight out of her head when
she poisoned the princess and the king,
and murdered her own flesh and blood–
two snot-nosed little brothers with smart mouths.
Then, just to make sure those missing marbles was a lost cause,
she scooped up the kids’ dead bodies
and took them with her to God knows where
just so that rotten Jason couldn’t have ‘em.
Lord, if that ain’t a revenge tale for the ages.
Chicks and dudes been lovin’ each other to death
since at least 431 B.C., huh?
That’s some crazy ass shit right there.”

We Need

We need a Spanish conquistador

No reason

I just like saying it

Like guacamole or serendipity


We need a pagan ritual

I’m not pagan

But dancing in the nude

via a full moon

could be interesting


We need a time-stopping machine

Not to stop time

Just to make savory moments last longer

Like good ice cream or passionate kisses


We need world peace

the permanent kind

Everyone, everyday

from here through eternity


I’ll give up the rest if we can have that.

If not, well I’ll be in the moonlight

savoring my ice cream

Looking for my conquistidor




They say we need to
see each other
for this to be real.
I say we need
to feel each other,
and that’s not always physical.

They say we need to
speak the same language,
and we don’t.
I say we speak many,
and it makes us

They say we need to
make it official,
and build our world together
onwards, once we have.
I say we need to build it,
for ourselves, but not for them,
and on our terms.

They say and we need to
stop listening.
But hey, we never did.
We listened to each other.
We need to show them
how it’s really done.

Johnathan’s Harmonica

Deep in the Woods of Vladimir it lies
In wait ten thousand years amid the cries
From up above where music had been lost.

The wicked beast no seraphim can kill
Had cast away the harp to make us still.
We danced too much! The harp was gold embossed.

Ten thousand years it lay in wait until
One day it caught the eye of little Will,
A boy so young of heart and old of soul.

“What’s that,” he said, “there in the stream below!”
“Beneath the boulder, speckled gold! What glow,
It has! Like wizards used in days of ol’.”

He picked it up and put it to his lips.
And she appeared in sparkling mystic whips
Of flame. “Don’t blow!” she cried. “Don’t call it forth.”

“Call what?” asked Will. “The dragon!” she replied.
“A dragon from beyond the veil denied
Us all its music. Banished from the north,

It used to be the light o’er all our lands,
Until it came and took it from my hands!
Ten thousand years I’ve searched for what you’ve found.

Please give it back,” the fairy queen implored.
“But finders, keepers; and besides I’m bored.”
Will blew the harp. “It doesn’t make a sound!”

“Not one that you can hear,” she cried. “I fear
The worst is yet to come! He’s coming here!”
The Fairy Queen was gone. The deed was done.

Inventory on an Empty Page, Written in Indigo Ink

We need a sign,
a sage, some semblance
of stage to soliloquy
our last songs.

We need a crowd,
a cloud of witnesses
to call us lost
and find us home.

We need a word to etch,
to stretch us into more;
a less
-on learned, kerned close.

We need a heartbeat,
ready feet stomped
into unfamiliar shoes.

We need a mad
-dash joy to temper
all this violence.

We need a still
small voice to break the sigh