Poem 8/24 – More of Me

Poem 8 – More of Me
There was a time,
I knew what I wanted out of Life,
What made me happy and
How to be happy.
Unfortunately my life got caught up in;
‘We need more toilet paper
We need to finish this
We need more time
We need to clean up
We need more light
We need to go here, go there…’
I had to stop and ask myself –
‘We need’ more me…
To be myself
To enjoy that which keeps me sane
To enjoy my life on my terms…
‘We need’ will be considered after
‘I need’ has given and answer…


Yesterday is gone
Today’s around the corner
Tomorrow we’ll see

#8 – Unbelievable creature

20150326121758This unbelievable creature

Is flying above the city

Screaming at all winds

To whoever will hear

That the war is over


Know, my brothers and sisters

That the one announcing the war is over

Is already prepared for the next one


The one ready for peace

Don’t even talk about it

He is in peace and not questioning it

In any way


There is so much ink wasted

To talk about these

All countries invaded

Just to please

Monarchs and their slaves

To even more slavery


People protest in the street

The creature is still there

Watching from above the city


Like an eagle would do

Above the Andes


The war is over

Doesn’t mean

Peace for all

Some won’t sleep

This night

In the swamp

Of their inability

To create their own reality


The war is over only means

You won’t hear that much about

The victims on tv any longer


This unbelievable creature

Is flying above the city

Screaming at all winds

To whoever will hear

That the war is over



“We Need” Prompt

We need to stop placing the blame, it is all right to be ashamed; it creates change.
We need to accept what has happened, it has already occurred and you can do nothing more.
We need to be who we are and not what we see, it differentiates us between them, him, her and me.

We need to ask questions and continue to grow, if you stop needing how would you learn what you don’t know

We need much more than we know that we do so keep searching, keep trying. After all, someone needs something from you.

Need (hour 8, 4:03pm)

We need to talk.

We need space.

We need air, sunshine, rain.

We need rain.

Drought speaks louder

than the thunder that roars

over the dry crests

of prickly mountains.

It is all protest,

and little promise.

The clouds sputter hail,

then lightning.

the bolts ignite the tinder box canyon,

and shows us


It could have been harnessed,

like the geothermal heartbeats

of the Earth.

We need this rain,

before the dust

of the farms

picks up

and leaves

for parts unknown.


Hour 8–Hunger

We need Denny’s to deliver breakfast

We need scrambled eggs and roasted red potatoes with onions and sausage and peppers, ya know, their Ultimate Skillet

We need Starbuck’s to deliver coffee, strong coffee

We need ideas, maybe even useable metaphors (if we dare)

We need to remember we’re in this thing together

Joy Hides (8)

In your palm and I feel it
when I hold your hand.

In the baby’s cry and I feel it
knowing the world goes on.

In your voice and I feel it
when you whisper good morning.

In the dog tag’s jangle and I feel it
as he rushes to meet me at the door

In my fingertips and I feel it
as I text “I love you”.

In the small moments that exist and I feel them
even though I am often too busy to notice.

A Reasonable List Of Demands

We need light rain every morning at five,
lasting for an hour and a half
so that we can go out that day without worrying
about watering our lawns.

We need an infinite supply of charcoal
for weekend barbecues:
we are sure you can manage the felling and burning
of eligible trees for this task.

We need a widescreen television
in every house in this subdivision,
and we need a subdivision-wide subscription to
Netflix and HBO.

We need a large, bulletproof
plastic dome to be installed
around the perimeter of the subdivision
to keep out thieves. And bears.

We need you to cooperate with us
so that our community thrives
our children stay home at night
and our scary thoughts dissolve.

We need

We need
To just
Let our words
Flow out
Without hesitation
We need
To love
Letting our hearts
Go too far
That our minds
Take lead
When we should
Just express
Ourselves freely
We need
To follow
What we say

we need
To drown out
The wants of others
We need

We need
As much as
We need someone else

-Angelica Villarruel




They stand against the glass, eyes the color of cinnamon, curry, chocolate.

Dusty, grimy, a decade’s hand-me-downs of bright pattern that cries

of hungry mouths, of hungry bellies rotund not with satiety, mimic fecundicity.

Tiny hands outstretched, eyes pleading, we need, we want, we desire.

In the mottled, fruit-ripe lush-dark heat of a tiny town in Mexico.

And in the market, the cries of vendors echoing to and fro,

teasing me of my pale flesh unprotected, though friendly, and painless,

their eyes speak the same song that calls to me, sings to me of pain

and a story that could tell a thousand souls the same old line, never twice.

We need, we want. We desire. We need, we need, we need you, your self,

in the jungle depths of Africa, the dense of a monsoon pressing at you.

Here, your shoulders weighted with the baskets of want, mistaken for need.

Your children crowding your ankles, tears at their eyes, hunger plain, evident.

We need, we want, we desire.