Addiction Prison – 6/24

This sober life is my Albatross,

heavy as a cross,

Bending my neck into knots.

Around me, I smell the nauseating scent of

alcohol and  weed…

I am too pure to be here

Trapped in this addiction prison

The walls all tallied with excuses like their arms with track marks and razor scars


It’s not always so bad

There are the innocent drunks

Who frequent a Saturday party. But still…

I am unfair here.

The scales never tipping in my favor

If this is not sickness

What the hell is it?

I hear the high flies buzzing on their potential corpses

I rot slower

because I rot sober …

Inside my inescapable  cell

Of everyone else’s escapes


@ angel rosen

#6 poetry marathon: Autumn arch


the changing of leaves gives

entrances and exits a whole new meaning.

The air is crisp and light.

Here was an arch like many from the Castille region in Spain

marking our footprints in the ground on this beautiful day.

Poem 6/24 – My Little Critter

Poem 6 – My Little Critter
I found a life,
So small and round
He came to me
Without a sound.
His eyes so big,
His body so small
My hand could hold him all.
This little critter came to me
From far away one night you see
And now we spend our days in glee…


The Child’s Conspicuous Voice

Hide me, hide me
Do not find me
I’m blind
Stop showing me Signs
Glide me, glide me
To un-design
The base
Of my
Inside of me
Hide me, hide me
All of one
And then,
None and even known
Crinkle tone
Of me

Too hot! (6th hour of marathon)

I’m hot, sweaty, cranky for sure.

Running errands in this heat is not fun when searching for a parking space.

I growl and curse, but finally a space opens.

Inside, I relax and receive practical help, but then I’m outside in the heat again.

Cars jam in the lot before I can escape, then, alas I must wait for a train!

Now I am home and cooling down, but betcha if I’m crossed I’ll still be cranky (Alas, too hot!)


Always green

Always green but rarely seen

The scene that’s green.

Through the door

Will it be there any more

If I try and reach it through the door?

In shadows we will watch you

As the light tries to tempt us in

I reach for you, an unseen force

From there? Or from within?

I try to connect on a level plain

And realise that I want more

Reflections; reactions can’t be forced

So I’m walking through that door


To Come, To Work, To Rise

Venir, Veni,

voluptous verbs villified

into the meaning of lust.

To come, have come, will come,

Travailler, travaillez

Travaillez pour vous, mon amour,

To work, to have worked. As we do, love,

Sur                                              Rise!

ren                                       To

der falls, the French sur

Innocent phrases for the dirty mind.