My Choice Bit of Calico
Ice cream-eater
A woman who stole my heart.
24 Poems ~ 24 Hours
Ice cream-eater
A woman who stole my heart.
The end
An end
At all
It’s just
The beginning
To new sunsets
And rainfalls
The end
Is another
New possibilities
When you’re able
To see the sunlight
Walk into
A new
An open space
One where you won’t be
– Angelica Villarruel
About you
Their voices
Echo in your head
Their voices
Bounce on the wall
Of your skull
Your dull skull
Is there even a brain
In these walls?
Echoes echo
And what hurly-burly
Headaches and nightmares
Invade your worst thoughts
You know they’re not yours
But they take over
All things in your mind
No matter how you shine
They all talk
About you
But apart from these noises
In your head
You just don’t give a shit
About what they say
It’s just not good to
Be polluted in your head
By so much noise
Toxic to your peace
So bad to your quietness
Shut up little bitches
I just don’t care what you think
Run to the loo
And vomit your grudges
I never need any approval
Always have been knowing my worth
And be proud of my flaws
Without them I would have never
Achieved anything
Maybe I never did, who knows?
They all talk
About you
Their voices
Echo in your head
Their voices
Bounce on the wall
Of your skull
Your dull skull
Is there even a brain
In these walls?
Tell me gentle wind
Is it at last hot summer?
I can feel warm air
Announcing he is coming
Wet, tan, fun, in the offing
(Tanka 2015 @ 2:17 p.m.)
I believe in the secret life of things.
Moss has a purpose.
Trees sing.
More, I know in my bones
(smooth, white, hard and supple)
that when I sip my coffee
the cup tastes my lips.
I admit, I try not to wonder what the toilet is thinking.
But the river! What a joy that must be!
To sip the ice off a mountain
then dance all the way down
skipping off rocks
skirling from bend to bend
and finally
spending myself
in the trembling ocean.
It’s ninety degrees!
You put clothes on a dog!?
What kind of monster are you?
He’s not gonna freeze!
It’s not cute for your blog!
And they don’t even match his shoes!
Are you my guardian angel?
‘Cause I think you’re missing your wings.
I was told you guys have them.
But, I guess I’m not an expert.
You are always there,
Helping, and watching over me,
But not in the creepy Edward and Bella way.
You’re there to hear my ramblings,
About the random tangents my brain goes off on,
My rants,
My odd view of the world,
And the evil schemes of the inanimate objects around us.
When I need a hug,
You’re there to endure it, even when I squeeze too hard, ordon’t want to let go,
And you squeeze back.
You sit with me when I need to cry,
But always know the right time to crack a joke and make me laugh,
Because sometimes,
I just need help with my comic relief.
So, even though you don’t have wings,
Thanks for being my earthly angel <3
The evening has a crispness to it
After long days of sun and heat,
A coolness sneaks into the breeze
Adding socks to chilly feet.
The leaves on trees are slowly changing
Losing the color of dark rich green,
The grass has stopped incessant growing
The glass is lowered on the screen.
The early mornings start in briskness
Cooler commutes from here to there,
Mums are boasting brilliant hues
And car exhaust is seen in air.
The stadium lights are bright and warming
The pigskin tossed by young and old,
The welcome again of sweater weather
Before the winter blows in cold.
Poem Six for The Hour Six
life is so precious to live for
we tend to f I n d what’s the best cure
asking for r e a L remedies from door, down, under
plunge yourself t O the pool of satisfaction
get energized, m o V e your body, drink more
scribble your thoughts, b E prolific
leave all Y o u r worries and be optimistic
focus O n the productive nature
U n d i s t u r b e d from any failure
indulge to the beauty of living a life
there’s so much happiness in little things
look at the sunshine each day brings
what a wonderful world to live in
soothing music will take you to a pilgrim everyday
for the world is ours, be happy
take this door to the hidden magical stairs
the best therapy that one can share
(c) ceri naz
the unlikeliest of people
brought together somehow
final results that have yet to be seen
a band of life misfits
both low & high brow
what wisdom from each could they glean
some were quite candid
while others were shy
differences ranging south, east, north, & west
all somehow put here
to figure out why,
how, where, when they could be their best
to work as a team
or to battle it out
were the choices of all that were there
to live with indifference
or to love without doubt
to listen, to honor, to care
this cornucopia of hearts
somehow bad mixed with good
would cause turmoil, destruction, & pain
if they didn’t seek out
to do all that they could
to come together soul, body, & brain
discovering that each
had gifts they possess
that when blended could merit great things
learning to celebrate their differences
somehow encourage & not stress
realizing that with harmony community sings
all separate entities
working in sync
to make up a body of warrior hearts
journeying together
somehow bound link to link
though each unique in their own special parts