Go Fish!

A perilous journey unfolds, when fish go fishing

Elderfish gather at schools to share wise water wisdom

Choose your morsels wisely, little fry and fingerling

Watch your float and floundering

And above all else,

Beware the shiny shrimp dancing and dangling

Missed Opportunity (4th hour of marathon)

To the dogs, to the dogs I go!

Whaoooo! they sing at the door with kisses galore in greeting

Run outside for relief

Deer in the trees, look to watch, then graze again

as the dogs, more interested in treats and play, run inside

And, I, whaooo in joy, for their missed opportunity for a chase.


And so the beginning

Starts, the beginner

Won’t stop

until the beginning ends

Or the Mike drops.


Oh how beautiful
That gaze is benign
I wonder who it–
Oh no, wait, it’s mine
Narcissus only loves Narcissus

I stare at this pool
Admiring myself
Who could resist me?
No man, god, nor elf
Narcissus only loves Narcissus

I call out to me
I hear a reply
I see a nymph there
I tell her goodbye
Narcissus only loves Narcissus

Now plenty of time has passed
And I begin to transform
Into a drooping flower
Could this be a forced reform
I still see myself below
And I hear an echo perform
Narcissus only loves Narcissus

Sheer Brilliance – In Remembrance of the Age of Chivalry (Written from the Perspective of an Ancient Prince in Love) 5/24

unicorn rider

I woke up last night,
Got out of my bed and
Stood in front of the
Open window
Through which
I could hear
The song of a Nightingale…

I stood in awe and marvelled
At the intense beauty of it…

A movement drew my
Attention – I gasped
At the sheer brilliance that
Hit my eye like a spear…

In the centre of
The garden
Stood a unicorn –
White as snow
But painted silver
By the full moon’s
Glorious light…

And on her back –
The only being
In the garden
Whose brilliance
Surpassed hers –

My Lady…
With hair like fire
Turned gold
In the light
of the silvery moon

© 2015 Antoinette LeRoux


Hour 5: I hate for a living

I’m 40, and blonde, and on TV sets nationally

I’m online, on trend and can comment fashionally

Some say I’m hated, but why am I in demand?

Anti-PC and honesty are parts of my brand.


Called your kid ‘Tyler’? You scream working class.

‘Full Time Mummy’? You sit around on your arse.

Ginger babies are harder to love.

Ramadan brings more bombs from above.


Hate me, you say? But I speak sense.

Criticism makes you a leftie hence.

People are jealous that I make so much money,

That I’m in demand, wanted, so witty and funny.


I make sense and I’ll continue to grow:

The businesses, appearances, have my own show.

I’m a professional disagreer in this media circus.

Now let me finish my piece on burkhas.

Hour 05 2.30-3.30am — #64 “Red raw”

I admit to being a trifle sneaky on this one — but how can you not when you get this call. It’s a googletranslate poem of The Beatles When I’m Sixty Four (going from English, to German, to Polish, to Russian, then back to English — the logic behind the language changes should be obvious. A few more would’ve given a more eclectic result, but this version has a nice cold Communist authoritarianism about it) 🙂


“If I Sixtyfour”

When I get older losing hair
Many years later,
Will you still send me a Valentine
Birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
If I had done with the two forty-five
Do you want to close the door?
Do I need to, you feed me yet
If I had sixty-four?

They are older
And if you say the word
Can I stay with you

I could be handy, repair fuse
If you have lights
You can knit a sweater by the fireplace
On Sunday morning for a walk
Here the garden, digging the weeds
Do you want more?
Do I need to, you feed me yet
If I had sixty-four?

Every summer we can rent a cottage on the Isle of Wight
If it is too expensive
We will be very rich and save
Grandchildren on their knees
Vera, Chuck and Dave

Send me a postcard, drop me a line
Overview Statement
Enter exactly what you mean.
Sincerely, spending
Give me an answer, fill in the form
Mine always
Do I need to, you feed me yet
If I had sixty-four?


Dear god! #79. I know there’s low numbers in there, I do, I cut the damn things up myself.

The 5th hour – persona


Gifted, Philanthropist, Genious, Icon

Lives to Shake Off the cares of Life

Family, Friends, Fans

Love, Trust, Humiliation

Peace on Earth, Fulfilled Dreams, Joy Unspeakable

Nashville Country at Heart, Pop Culture by demand



Hour 4 — The Dwarf Song

We are the Dwarves of Grivenweld
A stronger beast you’ve never beheld
We never cry, we never fear
We’re veritable strangers to despair
And when the fight is upon us
We’re not known to stall or fuss
And we love to eat our boars and deer

Elves are friends, and trolls are foes
Our strength and might, our enemy knows
We never forgive, we never forget
We stay alert for any threat
By day we toil, by night we sleep
Summers we sow, in winters reap
And we live our lives without a regret

And when our day is done
We’re buried under the sun
We, the Dwarves of Grivenweld
Many a troll our axes have felled
Our treasures are many, our sorrows few
This our song, we sing for you
And now we must retire to our earthly bed

Woman of substance

There’s no words the could truly describe you. As time passes I keep discovering more quality in your personality. Your actions speaks loud them words. Your love speak with actions. How you carry yourself through life it self is pure value to the life we are raising together.
Your strong character brings the necessary discipline to raise and guide our kids. I truly admire your way to handle things, even if it mean risking an argument for the sake of the kids.
Thank you for standing strong even when I’m weak. You are the biggest support for girls. You rise to the challenge . You are a team player and for that I’m always grateful.
As you always say kids don’t come with instructions, congratulation for always cracking there code all the time. Thank you for been a great mother and awesome guardian.
I respect you as a woman, mother and friend. Your kindness melts my not genetic cells away.