Fly fishing

Plant your feet.

Gauge the distance.

Ready your line and begin to whirl.



That look of pure determination shall haunt fish all their meager lives.

Wail #1

It’s dark

And though the sounds are dense, I hear so clearly

It’s cold

And though I can hardly move, my mind moves freely

It’s a world away from what I’ve ever known

And submerged inside this world I’m all alone

And you cannot hear my call

Unless you’re a narwhal

Hour 3


I wish I could tell you
we ride every day, or at least a few times a year.

Truth is our horses are lawn ornaments
since we are consumed by work, school, activities.

I wish I could tell you that I spend time each day,
appreciating nature and centering myself.

Truth is most days I’m just hanging on
trying not to fall off Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.

I want to believe I can hop off the ride
once and a while.

Truth is I find more ways, like surfing the net,
to distract myself.

I want to believe, this too can change.

Truth is I love my crazy life –
husband, kids, animals
crazy schedules and all;
I just need to take the blinders off once and a while
and look around.

Hour 3: Fishing

Not him; he’s fat.

And he puffs at the tiniest move.

He buys shirts for a body not his; I see he’s in Alexander McQueen.

So last year.


Not him; he’s trashed.

And his eyes are the blackest of black.

His thin body curves to the bar, trying to assume an air of cool normality.

So achieving the opposite.


Not him; he’s loud.

And his muscles have muscles have muscles.

His body is too big for his head; he spends his tedious life at a tedious gym.

So what.


Not him; he’s short.

And he walks in the angriest way.

He goes to one girl, then another, then another: a spread better, I see.

So predictable.


Not me; I’m too good.

And I sit with ostensible cool,

With a glass in my hand and eyes scanning the dance floor.

I’m fishing.

No, not you.

Lovers Will End (Hour Three)

“I had trust in you.

What did you do?

What did you do?”


It is a fire alight in his mind,

This betrayal of his kind,

And loathsome weakness to forgive

And put the past behind.


And what of her,

The delicate girl

Whose existence could exert

Such frantic pull

And madness imbue,

Shouldn’t he settle with that one, too?


They will rue, yes,

The lovers will rue.


It is an itch that he must scratch,

And so he’s weaker than he thinks;

For all his might, he can’t transcend

His rage and so the lovers will end.


His rage the lovers will end.

“Fishing for Life”

I plundered through the weedy brush for endless hours.

In search of food,

In search of life.

I was left with no choice, but to go fishing.

Fishing for food,

Fishing for life.

Thus I made a makeshift pole with swampy reeds and flimsy, torn fabric from the sailor.

Mind you I am no fishing pole tailor.

Put quite simply it is fish or starve.

So here I sit fishing for food, fishing for life.

Poetry Prompt Three: Fishing

There are plenty more fish in the sea, is what they say, throw your line in, wait, have patience for the day. So many people, so many times, don’t throw one back just yet, if your catch seems just fine. It’s a trick to tell, as you line up your rod, if it’s going to work, or you’ll be screwed over by the fishing god. There are plenty more fish in the sea, is what they say, throw your line in, wait, have patience for the day.


Seeds of love scattered by the wind,

mystery floating in the air,

I wonder if you told me more truths than lies

and how I could detect the truth.


If you read this, don’t get bored my ex-darling,

but think of answering my questions.

I still have questions regarding you

and even if you say nothing, do not forget me.