Prompt for Hour Three

Write a poem about fishing. It doesn’t matter if you have never been fishing before. The poem must contain at least three lines that involve fishing. Everything else is up to you.

The Hushing Ballade

An artist knows the soul’s effect.

Drops of blue hued eternity

On Life’s canvas forever kept-

Fierce, Bold, tremendously mighty

Deliberately drawn safety

With each brush stroke a million tries

Capturing time’s humanity

Hush, little lady, dry your eyes.


Musicians call souls to connect.

Harmonious identity

In melodic magic enrapt-

Echoing, pings, ringing beauty

Where silence cannot be guilty

Missing the dulcimer’s strummed cries

Organ breathing humanity

Hush, little lady, dry your eyes.


A woman’s soul feeds to protect.

That nourishing mentality

Abundant, fruitful, never scapt-

At times bitter, sweet, and salty

Lest one starve; succumb to frailty

Invigotating ‘neath her skies

Satisfying humanity

Hush, little lady, dry your eyes.


Your soul is my reality.

Your legacy,  it never dies-

Drawn song feeding humanity

Hush, little lady, dry your eyes.



by Karen Sullivan

Form: Ballade



It’s crowded in here

So many thoughts:



Too many to sort

More than I can discern

Sinking deeper and deeper

Into the depths of my mind


I fear losing myself

To the Dark

The Emptiness

A Soul Death I cannot fathom

Is creeping on me

A necrotic curse

I long to blame on my conditions

But all things are choice

Even Desperation

Even Loss


So I must learn to choose differently

Not only for myself

But for those I love

Last Dance

                                                   they danced like they had never danced before

                                                 with joy in their hearts and tears in their eyes

                                              while whispering and holding hands

                                               under dim lit street lights and soft moonlight

                                                they always knew how it would need to be

                                                 from the very first day they met

                                              he; drinking coffee

                                                 and she; searching for a ‘Treasure Island’ copy

                                       the truth was that he was walking by on that rainy day

                                       he was drawn in when he saw her

                                              and this was their last night together

                                         she shut her eyes to burn this memory into her heart

                                         she could keep this one thing forever

                                      even if they would forever be apart

                                   they continued on, to their favorite after hours spot

                                       and they continued their dance

                                    with broken hearts

                                   then came the morning and the realization

                                     that life has to be lived

                                    life has to go on

                                         and when faced with the choice

                                     sometimes you have to risk it all

                                   they stepped in the sunlight

                                     “good morning”, he said

                                    then they walked off together in the same direction

                                     because they chose love

                                By: KMH 2015

sylvan moments in a dark

lair beneath the flowered tree

a hidden place

a lonely place.

i told myself about those

imagined people living here

gloomy elves, forgetful dwarfs,

hard working royalty clothed

in woolen, hoods disguising

astonishing loveliness, perceptive

wisdom, beholden to witches

who eschewed ebony robes

of fairyhood for pumpkin hues

denoting holiness, genesis,

transition from ogre to angel.

i dug pebbles from the earth

gave them human names with

charismatic gifts of love,

healing and remembrance

i gained what i had sought

acceptance something more

than charm or magic.

i had believed and I was born.


What A Marathon Poet Does when She’s Not Writing Poetry

What A Marathon Poet Does when She’s Not Writing Poetry

Walks in the garden

Picks the first three ripe cherry tomatoes of the season
Well, almost ripe

Pulls an armful of lemon balm
for the chickens consigned to their pen
because of a resident raccoon
she just couldn’t bear to shoot

Empties the chicken feeder, soaked
after the night’s rain

Washes, dries, and refills feeder

Realizes she skipped breakfast

Forgets breakfast when she also realizes
almost an hour has passed

Makes a list of what she’s done in the past hour

Calls the list a poem

Hour 2–Last Ride With Norm

I signed for him at a shiny table

she responded with a measured smile

transaction completed

I received a box

in a bag

the bag printed with the words “Nakamura Mortuary”

and a stylized logo of bending palm tree

a silhouette respectful yet appropriately tropical

my friend Norm in the box in the bag


wheelchair no longer required

I put him in the car

he rode shotgun as usual

seatbelt no longer required

I talked to him

I made a right to avoid traffic then a familiar street sign surprised me

I’d never seen the far end of his street

we went for a ride sightseeing on Nakoa Drive

unfamiliar faces watched us

I paused in front of his house the same but not

today the empty house was overexposed like an aging photograph

Norm would not live there now

he was gone yet with me on the passenger seat

“One last look.” I patted the box

the For Sale sign was still there

lawn still dead

the ruthless driveway now benign

“I love you, Brother” is all I could think to say


Open the window,

Let in the soft moonlight,

faces can’t be known,

So be honest to join us in,


Good Morning everyone!

Yes it is,

We now know the light,

Its here to guide,


We will travel,

fast and steady,

to find ourselves,

In the treasure Island..

A Teenage Midsummer Night’s Dream

“No- I am not the speaker of things simpler”,
you say–
Do you not want to wish me
a good night’s sleep?
And maybe later, a good morning.

The next morning. I am off to
treasure island. Or perhaps the words
preceding require capitalization. Some
form of revitalization. Treasure Island?
There. I might have fixed it. After all-

I am the fixer of things simpler. I am a bush,
that one Bush. In the aftermath of the after-hours
of the last time I kissed your baby lips… I am clean
and pure-

And surely a little insecure.

Your Face Reminds Me #2/24

Your Face Reminds Me #2/24

Your face reminds me of lines I need to write.
Your lips speaking poetic words about this world
we visit when it’s just us two.
In the room where love came to find us long ago.
I was so far from anything relevant
and you were very bitter like strong coffee.
Late afternoons, the sun slanting in through the blinds–
stripes on the lined shelves of literature.
A place where all else falls away, unnecessary.
Pushing the papers and opened books aside,
sudden lust was a visitor we welcomed.
Pleasure had to be restrained there,
kept quiet as a shameful secret we shared.

What do I miss the most?
The urgency.
I miss
the urgency.