Inside my head

The beauty of time, is the it never comes back. Today becomes yesterday and tomorrow the present. Regrets aren’t options, looking forward ahead. Every action has a reaction and every reaction has a consequence. Can’t cry over spill water, you just move forward. Can’t force emotions and views on others. You just listen, observe and learn. Don’t be anyone righteousness but your own. You either let go or Compromise, just always made sure your needs are been met. You can always give without receiving at least gratitude , Bc at the end you drain yourself. Never stop others from living. Individual come and go and only those meant to be in your life would remain. Be grateful to those who goes an extract mile and don’t be impulsive to take decision the you soon regret . Love oneself in order to love others. Don’t ask, just know when is your turn you will receive. Don’t beg, don’t lie and be honest about yourself. Be open mind it. Have your opinion and stand your grown. Don’t change because there’s isn’t such a thing, you could only make your self better. Don’t allow others label to make you.
Live ,love and laugh. Keep in mind time keep moving forward with you or without . Therefore don’t waste time on what if and I should had know and why me, how come and feeling sorry for yourself . You don’t like something change it . You don’t like your surrounded and the individual around you live. Never look back and always make positive outcome when it comes to yourself . Cry if you must, fall if you had to; just remember to stand up after it all and keep moving forward.
—Meriyen Marquez

a Summer day Fishing

a summer day

good time to kindle

more than  greetings of jubilation


a Good Day


Blasting out


it is a fishing day





At Last

got one off the hook


lunch time

dinner time




a grilled fish

on a plate

enjoying this summer day

or summer night




A pretzel twist and salty lick. Yes.

You said you loved the new sheets, before dragging me across them.Yes.

You said out loud “This is how it’s supposed to be”. Yes.

Did I love you as much in the slap, as I did in the kiss? Yes.

And that time you took a sip feeding me, mouth against mouth. Yes.

Yes. I say Yes.

Yes to you! 

The bar – Hour 2

It’s after hours, but the doors are still open,

music spills out onto the sidewalk,

mingling with the soft moonlight.


A couple spills out with the music,

loud and drunk and falling on one another,

but they are soon softened by the moonlight.


They raise their faces to one another

as before they raised their glasses,

they quiet, feeling the night on their faces.


The moon baths them in light,

this night that was never dark,

as the sun slowly rises.


It was quite a night,

they just met, these two lovers.

It will be a good morning.







The Rocking Chair

On the porch is a wooden rocking chair.
Rocking, listening to the birds,
Delighted in the mix of shade, children playing,
A humming bird
Bees at the flowers.
I’ve sat in that chair and have rocked you home to me.
Cool, spring evenings,
Neighbors surprised by me
Sitting quietly


Within comes honesty

Be honest

Be true to yourself

After hours

When you sit alone

Pondering and wondering

Starring at what is to be cal led

Soft moonlight

Sweet love

You gave me .

Sweet love.

Flow like a warm sweet breeze.

That caress my soul.

Like magic of the stars.

That smile so bright show us the light of love.

Right through our souls.

Sweet love.


Dear Anna

Dear Anna
Virginia Carraway Stark

Anna what happened
To your cricket heart
I see your doubt
And empty dreams
Your decisions poised
Ever on a razors edge
Of your triplicity
You alone
I can never trust
Your heart is ever changing
Your blonde hair
Turned to black
As you
A vixen
Ever changing
Never changing
I cannot trust you
You’re an idlewyld
Your eyes are looking
At a horizon I cannot
Ever see
Dear Anna
I’ll always have your memory
Of the things that you
Were never to me