
In twilight’s shadow I whisper the words

reverberating around my mind like an echo –

watch Ophelia drown with lips wide open,

the words pouring out of her like a flood,

tumbling out in a rush –

“Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies;

good night, good night.”


In twilight’s shadow she lay

in peaceful slumber –

And I watched on,

the words she swallowed upon my lips –

goodnight, goodnight.

poem #2: Sun

The ending of the night. Bids the healing of wounds to be much more furious in the day.
the sun is not bidding us pleasure.
But heat.
a departure.


The fire is embers, after hours of crackle and burn

Good morning, you

Who has mowed me over, and over again

In the soft moonlight, taking inventory of my every whim

Good morning, Writers!

With a smile,

I greet them every day

Whether I’m happy or sad

Or grieving or mad.


With a smile,

I want them to feel safe

And warm and loved.


With a smile,

I teach them to touch

the soft moonlight with their pens.

We write together

to be honest,

to be proud,

to be human.


With a smile,

I pray for them

Holding them tight

With my faith,

With my heart,

With my paper and pen,

With a smile.

#2 blindness (poetry marathon)

the air was crispthere were shadows otherwise all was dark.

Walking, more like a stroll


eyes like rocks so heavy, unable to open.

A streak of light answered, ” good morning!”


To be honest….is it morning or is it night?

The light has a warmth gathered together in its brightness.

Could it be that soft moonlight that appears on a partly cloudy night as one walks through an evergreen forrest of alders, pines, and cedars

and the echoe of crickets along the silent movement of nasty mosquitoes ready to land on their next culprit?

All i see is light.


Shiny Tasty Tickle Bits

Thousands upon thousands of you

Swimming silver tornados around me

I can’t count you but I can eat you

I’m just a big dumb beast to you

Slow and slumbering, floating by

There for you to taunt and tease

and poke and play.

I’m bored now

and a little hungry.

Open wide like the mighty ocean

swallow, swallow

giggle, giggle, gone.


Who’s laughing now?

Morning Salutations

a good morning starts off with a
no, not a gunshot

but your legs might end up over your head


cross a few hills, play around in a valley, searching for treasure island

be honest, wouldn’t you like a nice
followed by a cuppa?

Hour Two

Rolling over in the early day

And there you are

You look so young

In this good morning hour

Takes me back to our first meeting

So young and naive

To be honest

I never thought we’d make it to today

Yet here we are

Your soft breath on my face

As you lay in dreams

Wondering if I’m there with you

Wherever you may be

On some treasure island, perhaps?

Or back in time?

Place and time make no difference

As long as we’re together

As the house and world start to awake

Still you doze

A soft kiss on your forehead

And I reluctantly leave you sleep

Knowing there are things to do

But grateful to spend a stolen moment

Just watching you dream

#2 – Time Travel

A thought. A memory.
A good morning, as if there was
such a thing.

A cup of coffee. A necessity.
Be honest, darling, we
are addicts.

Increasing speed
of life,
and time, it has a mind
of its own.

It stands so still in daylight,
and so do we,
just to become again
the time travellers
of after hours.

Second poem

The park is quietest after hours.
Trespassing thrill, not for cowards.
Soft moonlight upon the pass.
We find our place within the grass.
Forever there, through the night.
Good morning comes at dawn’s light.