The clock chimes six o’clock
As I sit in red palms
Under a village hut unlocked
As the palm wine is sipped in dots
From my empty belly stock
To make their feet spread the dust
I leave indelible sounds
In ”bara drums”
For I fade my throat
At a malian durbar!
Till a bleach invade my skin
Warm yellow I do still remain
Till with age and use I vanish
”Shegureh” I do still remain
By the hands of a sierra leonean
Till I am shrouded
I still count the ”Tourou women” hairs
That I’m a headgear!
With all my blessings
In the forest must I be hidden?
O! Africa!
The warehouse of the seeker!
When the universe stood from words
Then I began swinging on trees for the best
That my people shall be fed
For I bow before you with ease!
Let not the black soil repent
As I charge your souls
To rise over the fence
I hold my tongue!
Kofi Acquah—–(C)2015
All Copyrights Reserved

“The Truth” (Hour 2)

Your suffering is my happiness,
with the pain in your lies,
and the tears in your eyes,
yet I continue to despise you.
Though this may be true,
with nothing you can do,
I will continue the same path,
you will see my wrath.
Not believing what I do,
was ever true.
This show you wanted to go,
is coming to an end,
lets not pretend,
that you can not comprehend,
the statement I am making,
weather you are taking it,
or whatever you do,
this statement still stays true,
but between me and you,
there’s nothing you can do.

Again and Again

he beat the child

thinking that tomorrow it would

return to its old self, brand-new,

a shiny scratch-free Teflon pan ready

for the fire;


that the child’s smile

would reappear like the daily sunrise,

or a tape rewound constantly,

gurgling out goose after Mother Goose

of happy songs


high-pitched on the swing,

merry-go-round after merry-go-round

of daddythis and daddythat,

its cries coming from a talking doll

on a string,


but most of all that

the bruises would rub off with soap

and rough towels, that the skin would

rid itself of its scars, that there are no

memories in darkness.


(c) Ella Wagemakers, 16.00 Dutch time (= 10.00 a.m. EST in the US)



Slow dying sorrow slips over me,
slow as sun in evening…
slightly lowers my listless stare.
Capturing my heavy eyes,
heaving as I kneel,
on that frozen lake by a frozen town
where the dust drifts, deterring a detached zodiac.

Wandering stars
can only dream of delusions, confusion—

the restless memories
drip into seamless shades of sleet,
sprinkling my unkempt heart with hesitancy—

on that spot where I lost you.

Ride On

Good morning, my master; I am your new servant.
Be honest, how much land did I conquer in life?
Treasure island must be on the distant oceans
Soft moonlight shines as we ride towards Babylon
After hours, master, you must live on for me.

The Witching Hour

After hours the soft moonlight slips
along the crack of the doors, the windows

are illuminated like the back of a
movie theater screen, and the witches

step out, throw themselves from
rooftops on broomsticks. Some lay low,

preferring not to cast a silhouette on
the moon–hedge witches are quieter

than their kin, those who converge
into parties. Call them covens or not,

they’ll still weave their craft and toss
it across the sleeping village, spells

like nets to catch the nightmares
rampaging in the brains of those

who slumber restlessly tonight.
The moon is full. The hours slip,

and the witches assume their posts.
The diagrams are laid out, the bottles

emptied, the incantations practiced.
They work at night to keep from

being seen, suspected, blamed
for the latest life upending–yet here

they are, tonight, the fingers twining
invisible nets together, perhaps a

spark or glow as a note that work
is, indeed, being done–this is

a quiet thing, no drama, no explosions
in the village square, no explusion

all at once of dark dreams from brains
turning to mush in full moonlight,

less ritual, more programming. And
when they cannot stay awake,

even the witches resign to try again
another night soon, tell each other

“good morning,” fly back to their beds,
let day pass over their sleeping faces.



Untitled Poem 2

We met
after hours
under the soft moonlight
You asked me
to be honest
I looked down
at my feet
And lied

Treasure Island

We made a plan to escape and we are on our way to Treasure Island but not for the treasure

We’ve come for the serenity, the peace of mind and the thought that we have nothing to look for just some place to be without a reason to be

Here we are we and we are not them. We are not bound by the to do’s or the responsibilities of a modern world. Here we do not require knowing the time, the place or the next move

Here we can dance under the soft moonlight after hours into the early morning. We can drift away sending our thoughts into the sea, sending our love into the air, keeping this moment to ourselves

Treasure Island is a place everyone knows but a place where nobody stays. Most of us come looking for treasure, leaving empty handed not knowing the gifts are here in your hands, in this moment

Should you find yourself here by chance one day on this island of treasure, stop looking and you will find what you came for

#2 – For all these years

i have thought of you for all these years
for when your heart will take it’s place
of residence inside my own
finally more than a nameless face
i’ve dreamt of you for all these years
my love shines inside your eyes
i know your heart is searching for mine
the truth among the lies
i have waited for you for all these years
waited with bated breath
for the moment our souls collide as one
only to be parted by death
i have longed for you for all these years
my heart lay in your hands alone
though i may not know who you are just yet
in anticipation for you, i’ve grown
i have hoped for you for all these years
knowing my future would finally reveal
a love so strong, so heaven sent
there can be no denying it’s real
i have quested for you for all these years
not just a princess in a tower
actively searching to discover your love
and unleash it’s glory and power

10 am poem

My Life, My Love

You are my miracle

My dream come true

A wish fulfilled

You are my heart

Beating outside of my body

You were wanted more than you could ever know

And make me prouder

Than you’ll ever realize

You are mine

My baby, my son