
In such a narrow margin, close confined,
Between the crushing depths and empty space.
This thin, sustaining band where life can grow.
How perilous existence is for fish.

PROMPT: Set underwater.
FORM: Unrhymed blank verse.

The Drowning Dream 1/24

Immobilized by

inconquerable lethargy

powered by unconscious lungs

herded by panic as limbs clash with intention

the trance that will not let you wake nor allow sleep immerses you in an ocean of curiously pointless struggle through the thickened nothingness of indecipherable transparency making for an interesting cruise through the watery plot of a drowning dream



Lunar Movements (9:00 AM)

Dark as coal my nightmares lie at the

feet of my submissive dreams.

I rise like a fog from beneath my covers

at night when the world has gone asunder.


Nocturnal Jasmine greets the dark and

sweet gentle stars are in agreeance.

Calamity crashes my mind like thunder.

(I love the spell you put me under.)


Love sick Jupiter clouds my head and

lusty Venus longs for affection.

Temperamental Cupid pairs ill suited lovers

at night when the world has gone asunder.


The lunatic moon spies on my secrets

and a blush spreads across her surface.

I absorb this scene with idle wonder.

(I love the spell you put me under.)


Love is a thrill I chase like a breeze

blowing just inches beyond my reach

at night when the world has gone asunder.

(I love the spell you put me under.)

Flat Fish

Flat Fish

As I peer up at his boat, Caliban,

through the warming late spring waters of this

New Jersey back bay, I see his lucent

line descend. His chartreuse jig bumps along

bottom mussel beds as he persuades me

to lunch with him. The immortal current

slows as high tide approaches. He thinks I swim

in unfamiliar waters, but not so:

I have slipped along these bottom sands

through its cuts and channels for centuries,

surviving Nor’easters, water spouts,

predators — and Shakespearean tempests.

Untitled Poem 1

I buried you
I buried you deep within myself
Wanted no parts of you
Wished the feelings away
The anger, the resentment,
The love
I buried you
Buried everything about you
Everything about us
I thought.
Somehow you creep out of the dark earth
Grinning, knowing somehow
I miss you
You claw yourself out of your grave
Your soiled hands caress me
Your fiendish lips kiss me
And I hate me
I hate me for desiring you so
Knowing you are the death of me

Beauty under water (prompt 1)

Out at sea near the beautiful booby cay Islands
is a Stunning coral Reef
there lies the beauty
no eyes has ever seen.
Fishes or every kind
sand and corals dimmer in light
The ocean floor is pure as gold
The blessings from our creator forever more

One can imagine the nature of the Ocean floor
its all covered by water and lots unknown
Many things are below the bottom of the sea
Many ships have sunken beneath the sand
Many wreckage below they stand
waiting to be explore by human hands.

Its awesome how we fail to understand
The nature of underwater life as it sits
surrounding our entire home land.
Though it can be a hazard
we appreciate the beauty of its structure
and the fun it gives to man
exploring life underwater
is so pure and free.
Let us enjoy the under water land.

under the sea1

Entirely Underwater. Hour One


I remember the old stone bridge,

Putney, and Bishops Park.

The Pond.

Swans sweeping the Thames.

Blistering blue flashes,

A budgie,

Lost to its home, flying

Frantic in London trees,

All alone.

I remember floating in feathers,

Face down, unafraid,

Sinking slow,

White dress, a wing spanned

Across the water.

Going under.

Hauled out, to be born again,

Into lumpen life,

And sorrow.



Marine Marriage

First Poem for the Hour One

it’s about love.
you know how it is like
summer honeymoon as we looked forward
wanting archaeological digs and adventures
recalls the Pacific invites
diving into the magnificent marine
rings of wonders
swishing interviews with seaturtles
and colorful fishes
and the once in a blue moon
marriage with corals
i chose closed circuit rebreather
set my pink snorkels
mask on
talking to a friend 13 years ago
and now my would be lifetime partner
left our diving scenes deep, deep, down
the Tubbataha in Palawan
gift sets of rhythmic kisses in Boracay
now making marks to join the marine entourage
and call for more witnesses
at the Torres Strait
as broad as our ageless love
the pandora of fire
blessed by the marine ecology
set beyond the depths
of Great Barrier Reef

(photo credit to Great Barrier Reef images)


Hour 1

Nothing Human
I might spend an entire lifetime by an absurd assertion
All of man-made is a mere reflection
Of what nature had already inspired
So our ideas were merely hired
Yet I contradict myself often and am forced to alter
When speaking of the world underwater
Nothing human could create a similar blue
Dark yet light, serenely threatening: an impossible hue
Nothing human could penetrate in such silence
Overpowering, mystifying: beyond guidance
Nothing human glides with such grace
Elegantly huge, preciously tiny: a compelling chase
Nothing human could grow so humbly in green
Audaciously spread, most never even seen
Nothing human could ever be an ocean
Not physically bound but bound of the notion
That a human heart had never been so vast
Forgive me, if I have been wrong, but we are nature’s dreaded caste.

Summer Beach

I bounce in the cool rush of waves

Taste salt on my lips

Toes touch and release unseen sand


I bounce in the cool rush of waves

Watch the winding flights of seagulls

Feel the wind blowing the sound of transistor radios


I bounce in the cool rush of waves

Past the breakers

A little too young for summer love

A little too old for sand castles