The Lily Pad Artist

Sunlight shining down from above
Acrylic dots of blue
Shades of violet, blobs of green
Beyond the coral, lives unseen

The painter’s strokes blend the hues
Palette of pigments
Lines of Azul Oceano, spray of Noir de Mars
A symphony of underwater stars

Life within the canvas breathes
Fish glimmer, shells shine
Sunlight drenches their faces
The artist awakens


here I fall, these

shackles bind my wrists, my ankles and

my neck too

and this heavy chain to hold me together

as if my limbs will fly apart

shall I hold my breath? I’ll hold it for now

watch the sun shrink to a tiny star and the rough current

almost tumbles me about so I cannot see it

but the weight of the chain keeps me steady

so my fall is straight and true. I remember the first

time I saw this ocean, and

before that how I ran and hunted with my brothers and

heard stories of the edge of the world

How we laughed my brothers and I!

To imagine a mass of water as large as

the grassy savanna where we lived, what stories!

My brothers will not know that I have found it and soon

I will touch the bottom of this ocean

as deep as the sky.

Now my lungs burn and the light is gone and my body is numb.

I take a deep breath of water and succumb.


My dream about Poseidon 1/24


I had a dream one night-

I was in a boat with Poseidon…
We were under the sea
And as always,
The surface was beneath us…
What seemed weird to me
Was that below the surface
Was not water, but air…

Both of us could speak audibly
Under the water –
I could hear every word that he said…

I looked down, into the sky –
Birds were swimming in the air;
A man jumped up towards us;
I watched as his parachute opened…

I looked up and saw a large
School of Barracuda flying above us
And a shark attacking from the left –

I was scared…

“Don’t worry”, said Poseidon,
Waving his trident as he spoke –
“As long as you are in this boat with me
Nothing bad will happen to you…”

I nodded and opened my mouth to speak…

And then I woke up and realized
That I was soaked with perspiration…

My dream has passed, but
The memory will always haunt me…

Weirdest was Poseidon –
Before that night I have wondered
How he could stay under water
For such a long time but
My dream answered my question –
The answer made perfect sense:

Poseidon, strange as it may seem,

Is a fish!

© 2015 Antoinette LeRoux


Waking calmly from an oversleep
Feeling my baby curled into my back
Jolting off my cloud
Running to the bathroom
Using the toilet
Washing hands and face
Getting a big glass of water and taking the daily pill
Lumbering into the basement
Drying clothes
Watching – It is already after 9
Using the toilet
Pouring coffee
Listening to John talk about blueberries
Wanting my housecoat that baby has commandeered to continue his sleep
Growling, I acquiesce
Readying to write
Trying my connection to the Internet
Forgetting my password for the router
Remembering the location of the password
Logging in
Racing a marathon
Swallowing my heartbeat
Pacing overcomes



Tall and lovely, free flowing and elegant

Beauty outside, and inside no different

In motion a vision of what all men want

Somehow it was me to whom your heart leant

My ears to which your sultry words went

Husky, loquatious and eloquent

Soothingly making me so content

Then musing where each God sent

Glorious moment

We spent




In the spaces between wrong and right

I hold my peace

Suffer desire


I’m on the edge of darkness

I can’t see where I’m going

Or where you’re coming from


Don’t leave me here between

If I’m right

We might just be

Be something more

More than we wanted


In the spaces between wrong and right

You’ll find me waiting

My heart’s on you

My mind’s on me

My soul know just

What we need to be


So please

Don’t leave me between


The Nature of Assistance

It wasn’t until the middle

of morning coffee, awakening,

I learned of it’s arrival.

On the drumming bus of sleep,

and mangled dreams the meaning

budded, bloomed, and withered

leaving broken stem,

memory, and lingering aroma.

Gathering strewn petals greedily

along the path, I breathe

bits of poems, answers, lies.

All equal, and

just as easily left behind.

To See the Sea, I’ve not Seen.

I was never much for the sea
Though I’d never seen the sea

Lake Michy is as close as I could ever want
And as close as I may ever get

Though I should hope, one day, to see the sea
And die many years later, able to say

I’ve seen.
I’ve heard.
But, I did not venture.

I hated the idea of having the phantom that kept me at bay
To capture me.
Confirming yet another fear.
The anchor.

“The Deep”

The icy cold liquid is wrapped around me.

Dragging me further below the surface.

Into the deep.

I feel the air bursting within my chest.

Fighting for release,

Fighting to escape.

Into the deep I plunge.

My eyes remain shut to the frigid, watery darkness that consumes all in its path.

I sink deeper as the bubbles make a hasty retreat.

My eyes betray me,

I see a mythical creature from the deep.