Dreaming of Wings, of Sky (Hour One)

She had been silently dreaming,

Dreaming all along,

Of Wings, of Sky,

Of the miraculous.

She had never suspected,

Though she gave an occasional and sidelong glance,

Half-seeing what she saw,

That meek and quiet were protective seals,

A wax rind to conceal the power

To break her world apart

And set it alight

With just the might of thinking.

The dirt under her fingernails,

The coarse weave of her cloth,

Did not prepare her.

Wildflower crowns and dextrous hands

Did not hint.

Breaking clods of earth and singing were no foreshadowing

Of her will,

Nor of how easily reality could break,

With just a few words exchanged with a stranger

Who was not.

Give Me

I like dirt gritty and uneven beneath

my hands; knees wearing

the shapes of ancient rock beds

the risks of forest floors

with their hidden sharpnesses.


Give me the grasp you don’t

know is too tight; hips forward

head back in deepest roar –

your strength the tie that binds us.


I want the aching dust to burst;

bead into our sweat, smashing

like atoms where we clash.


A cave, an open dirty expanse,

desert flat, untamed garden;

a hot sun scalding me

where your shadow does not fall.


Mouths open to dropped water

from the sky, catching the calm

to renew the rough;

beasts beside a moody sea.


I know myself best as the animal

slurping brute power and the

rush of pleasure’s brand of nothing;


let my softness make you stronger

and take me down into the blackness

we all came from.

first post

“YAWN” tendons popping

DAMN! Alarm didn’t go off

NEED coffee to start

Am I late, am I?

Crumpled sheets lie in confusion,

as dejected cat mews

but wait, it’s too early!

Bully Sun finds every crevice,

pushes, prods, “GET UP!”

Stumbling to the table,

mind hazy, depressing thought

“So much for lying in.”

#1bis – The bull ghost ( is so angry )

Creature_20140922180423-The Ghost BullThe bull ghost

Is so angry

Is moving so much


Scratching the dry ground

With its fiery shoes

He is ready to load

A big weight

In your face

You run

But it’s too late

You run

But it flies

It flies fast

And before

You breathe

You are caught

In its glue

The bull ghost

Is haunting you

Day and night

Light and prey

Pray now

The bull ghost

Is haunting

Even the dreams

In the days

Even the days

Of the dreams

Come true

Through the bull ghost






Home Again

Let me out! Let me out!
I closed my eyes tight
I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe
I kick and I struggle
I’m sinking, I’m sinking
“Hush little one, just let it go”
I stop for a second
I open my eyes
The blue coral twinkles at me
The shy clam rushes its head in
The seahorse floats on by
I reach out and
feel the butterfly fish with my nose
“Enjoy the moment little one”
I swim around for a while
I see blurry images
of bigger fishes and creatures
whose names I do not know
I eye them suspiciously then
I stretch out like a starfish
I curl up like a blow-fish
I glide along like an eel
The bigger fishes stare at me
I smile at them but
They quickly turn away
I touch my body
Oh my, it’s silky smooth
I don’t have hands
They’re flippers
I don’t have legs
It’s a big fat tail
I do a back flip and
I laugh
I can do a back flip!
“Oh little one, Welcome Home!”


Hour 1


Marathon Woman–

composing and discarding

transient poems



Eight Hours Ago


Slid my wide backside

against your narrow front

and settled into bed


Like you have thousands of nights before

you drape your arm over me,

your work-roughened hand flat

against my belly


Lying here, skin to skin

I forget that I’m old


this is the part where im in so much pain i cant focus on anything much less meter and verse

and all i want is some solid sleep

curse friday inventory and bad knees


Submerged. Deeper and deeper I sink into the warm waves of ocean’s spray.

Sunken. Like a ship lost at sea never to return to the slip from which it ported.

Drowned. Forever filled with the fluids of antiquity are my desperate lungs, screaming for air as they become washed away in the tidal ebbs and flows, Moving sands of doubt and fear further inwards;

On this, my inner cove.

My Life Submerged-Poetry Half Marathon 2015- Prompt 1 Poem by Ingrid

Take the plunge

My heart beat quickens

Laboured breathing

The anxiety thickens.

An unknown world swirls beneath-

grey mist gathers above,

this watery sheath.


I gather my strength and with-

hearty gasp,

I plunge forward

without a single lapse.

Falling quickly backwards and then diving

straight a head

Toward this watery wonderland-

I am led.


Submerged in wonder by thoughts

filled in awe

of oceanic wonders

first ever saw.

I swim down deeper

and my world opens


Oceanic beauty viewed by

only a few.


Coral reefs rise-

straight out of sand!

Magestic wonders

of this mesmerizing land.

Fleeting colours swim

by in streams

flourescent dashes,

schools and teams.

Fish of every

shape and size

appear before-

my bedazzled eyes.


I catch my breathe

in the beauty here

as my awe erases

my once present fear.