
Aha! I can post now.

Erm… I mean, hello!

My name is Christina and I am from Ohio, but living in England. I’ve been writing/storytelling and drawing for pretty much as long as I can remember. I learned to read early on and was able to learn writing technique by copying how it was done in books. I thought it was a no-brainer. Writing is the only potential career that I am both suited to and have a desire for. I’m hoping this challenge will help me launch.
This is my first year participating in (and simply being aware of) the marathon. I’m diving in head first with the full 24 hour run. If you are not yet sure that I am insane, let me take this opportunity to tell you that poetry is my most neglected form of writing, both in study and in practice. I have hitherto focused on prose. When I think about it, free form can be a meeting of prose and verse… but that doesn’t help much as I don’t do a lot of it.

Anyway, wish me luck!

2015 Introduction

My name is Ingrid Exner and this is the second year that I will be participating in the half marathon poetry challenge!!! My background is in technical/professional writing and social services. Whether I am working in non-profits or for-profits, it always seems like I am writing- which I love!!! I am currently working on a few writing projects…reducing the size of my e-book, memoir and biography of my mother as well as a little book of advice and tips for a young survivor. I love to write and I love having the opportunity to meet and work alongside others. I have written poetry as a hobby for many years and incorporate it into morning meditations. Thanks for this opportunity 🙂


Testing 1, 2, 3

I’m so not sure about how this works! Do my posts automatically show up in the groups I joined? Do they just post in general on wordpress?

My name is Judy, though I prefer the nickname, Phyrr (pronounced ‘fire’). I am the mother of one grown daughter, married for the second time just this past October.

I am very excited to do my first marathon, well, half marathon. I think this idea is ingenious!! I am so glad that I stumbled upon this.

Good Evening

Not sure where I posted my original introduction but thought I would check in here and say hello from sunny Southern California.

Good luck to all!




Hello Fellow Wordsmiths,

I’m Aayan Siddiqui, 34, from India. Love to read and write. Have a thing for the surreal and the absurd. Here for the half-marathon. Still kind of braille-walking around the site, figuring out the where, when and how of the actual event. The comments (and replies) are helpful, many thanks. Well, see you around!

God bless 🙂

My name is kenny sztejner, I am 16, from Ontario Canada and I am quite new to writing, i’ve been writing mainly since the past summer, this past October i won “Young Poets Of Canada” so my poem is being published in their anthology, which is where i started to get enough confidence to share my poems with others, I am doing this marathon in hope to meet other poets and to share ideas, and get my thoughts more out in the open.

Introduction to Laura

So, I’ve signed up to write a poem every hour on the hour for 12 hours. I (along with all of you lot) must be mad! I am, however, totally ready to face the challenge of this poetry-thon! I am 29, recently married and in the process of gaining residency into the States. I have spent the previous 8 years in countries other than that of my home country, working, travelling both solo and with my sister, and also with friends, experiencing weird stuff and meeting, getting to know, travelling with and eventually marrying my now-husband. I am sensitive, an empath and life baffles me. I have had many types of jobs but my favourite for some strange reason was picking fruit. I’ve found meaning in my travels and hope this is just a small pause and that I can continue on seeing the world a little later when I have some small children to cart with me! I believe in the law of attraction and I use it every day to keep positive and manifest all the good things I want into my life, it’s been going pretty well. I am adventurous as all balls, I love bungee jumping, sky diving, rafting, pot holing, caving, surfing, snow boarding, trekking, fire poi, hitch hiking, I believe the list goes on and on… I lived in a van for four months and a tent for a year and a half. I also shared in a 60 bed working hostel for 6 months. That’s where I met my husband.

I have a degree in social studies and youth, I want a masters but I haven’t quite gotten around to doing that yet, best I’ve done since I graduated is a TESOL in Cambodia, where we ended up living for 3 years. I’ve also lived in Thailand, Australia, England, New Zealand and now the USA. I have flown twice around the world, seeing Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Hong Kong, Wales and The Gambia. I love this life and feel so special to be able to participate everyday in such a crazy reality.

I am a big fan of nature and national parks. Waterfalls, rivers, forests, lakes, animals, man, I want to see it all! My ultimate goal right now is to see the Aurora Borealis or Aurora Australius, I mean I’d happily see both! Anyways, can’t wait to see what everyone has got for the 13th! All my love. xx

I’m a life long writer, but life always gets in the way…

For the moment, I’m living in El Paso. In the past, I have resided in Mexico, Japan, Germany, Spain, and all over the US. My hope is that this marathon helps me get back to writing. I am a professional interpreter and translator, who has too many interests to fit into one page. Best of luck to everyone!

Torri Brown

Hello! My name is Torri. I heard about this marathon from my sister Meka. She will also be participating in it this year. I discovered my love of words after losing my voice. After years of feeling like I had no one to talk comfortably with I turned to paper. I have learned since then to appreciate myself, the way that I think and to trust that my words will never fail me. I hope to be a published writer someday because I want others to read and feel my gift.  I spend most of my time doing things that I have to do, and not enough of my time doing things I want to do. If I could invest 8 hours a day to writing, I would feel most peaceful. I am taking part of this wonderful opportunity to encourage and inspire me. There is no such thing as too much practice when you are investing in what you love and enjoy. I am looking forward to June 13th!