Seeing with the Third Eye

Poetry is a practice of magick; using words to transfer the energy one is experiencing.
Each of us is infinitely more than what we may encompass in mere words; where my physical body now resides will tell you nothing of Who I am.
I am located in a small corner of the world, not unlike many other places–but I am not a resident of this location.
Light brews in our hearts and it Will illuminate any imaginable darkness– if we allow it. Thus why I have chosen to enroll in this marathon; to share what insights I have garnered from my own life.
We are cosmic entities passing through a veil of evanescent dust.


As Ikkyu said,
Forests and fields, rocks and weeds—my true
The wild ways of the Crazy Cloud will never
People think I’m mad but I don’t care;
If I’m a demon here on earth, there is no need
to fear the hereafter.

and in response,

Crazy Cloud; Koan completer—
they think I’m mad too.
I’ll opt for stars and streams,
waves and grass—we’ll
find lovers in her blessings.

Zen vagabond,
are you down where demons stir,
searching for enlightenment?
Or are you up there
laughing in awe?
Did the winds blow you over
cold mountain?

I think I saw you in the morning hour…
Crazy Cloud—
Denouncer of Ossified Masters–
will you join me for Shikantaza?

My Second Marathon–Let’s Do This!

Hi!  Here is my first post, to work out any potential glitches.  My reflection on the upcoming Poetry Marathon is this: I am really looking forward to seeing what I write.  What types of ideas come up.  How deftly (or not, depending on how many hours I’ve been awake), I can coerce these ideas into words that stay on a page.  I have been through so much and changed so much since last August, when I completed my first poetry marathon, so this will feel almost like the first time, all over again.  I am present in a new way.

Poetry Marathon 2015 I am Back

I am blessed to be here a second time around, for those who do not know me My name is Roxann Harvey I am a Published Author my fist poetry book came from doing the 2014 Poetry Marathon, I did the 1/2 marathon back then. I will be Posting as Poetess Rock. A big thank you to Caithlin and Jacob for the opportunity to be apart last year and that inspired my Book “Life a Narrow Path” I have met many amazing and phenomenal individuals through the 2014 Marathon with whom I am still friends today and I am so blessed that we will be here for 2015. I will be doing the Full marathon this time around so I am challenging myself to do 24 poems in 24hrs this will be exciting. I know we will make it to the finish line. Welcome to all Newbies its coming close to the start of a grand extravaganza of a Poetry marathon Sprint see you all at the end, for the grand finale. One Love.

Let the journey begin!

I’m looking forward to Saturday at 8 am. I’m a first time marathoner. I stocked up on my Mocha Keurigs to get me through the 24 hours. Good luck to my fellow marathoners.

Interesting times…

Hello fellow poets. My name is Jenny from the Blue Mountains NSW and I’m looking forward to reading and writing Poetry Of The Sleepless Mind. Will the poetry of 2am be as coherent (or not) as the poetry of Midday? I have no doubt this will be very interesting project to be a part of and look forward to the stimulation it generates!

Nancy Ann

Prayerful poet — Hopeful job applicant too.

I have ideas that haven’t been tried

Substitute teaching earns paycheck and moments

worthy of writing down.


Fate tries to convince me, quit waiting for others,

write those stories, write those poems, Submit!

Be daring! spend that time on the keys!



by Nancy Ann in Wakeman, Ohio



I’m a teacher, artist, and sometimes writer. Originally from Chicago, I live in mountains in New Mexico, with my husband, two daughters, and a bunch of animals – dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and pigeons. I’ve lived in NM longer now, than I lived in Chicago. I love to teach and write poetry to my elementary students. I spent grad school (in art ed) making books/collages, and writing poems. I joined the marathon so I could spark myself to commit to writing more! I’m thankful for my friend Maureen McInerney Mleczewski, who signed up first, which inspired me and gave me the guts to sign up too! I also look forward to reading many poems during the marathon.

Hello from SoCal


My name is Diana. My home is in the Southern California Mojave Desert. I have little experience writing and I am eager to begin. At 44 years old, I am in the midst of the glorious challenge of figuring out what I want to do when I grow up. I am drawn to writing in most genres. I write and speak on various non-fiction topics including Christianity, Education and A.D.H.D.. My desire is to break into freelance work and fictional novels, of which I am actively perusing.

I anticipate that The Poetry Marathon will challenge me both creatively and mechanically, but I welcome it. I am not sure what to expect, but I will keep my eyes open and hopefully gain some insight. I am sure I will make a number of mistakes but hey, that’s how I learn. Good luck everyone and may it be a productive adventure!!