hello from Britton

pan studyHi all ~

This is my study, where I won’t be writing. Instead, I’ll be joining you from Concepcion Abbey, in Concepcion, Missouri. This will be the 11th year I’ve been guest writer at a writing retreat there. It’s a lovely place, and the only cathedral (I think) west of the Mississippi. Benedictine, I believe. And don’t ask how I’ll manage to squeeze in poems while meeting w/ other writers! I suspect you’ll see a LOT of tanka, one of my favourite poems. And maybe a few landays, in honour of Afghan women.

For most of my life my jobs have involved writing: journalism, teaching, creative. Most recently I’ve taught adult education creative writing at my alma mater, which has been great fun. This fall, however, my beloved & I are making the move to Virginia to be w/our elder son, DIL, & grandson. We’ll see what that’s like. It may well come up in the poems!

Like last year (my first), I’m doing the half marathon. You all who signed on for the full are amazing (& possibly certifiable? 🙂 ). That was MORE than enough work for me.

I didn’t grow up in the US, so I’m very happy to see such an international crew of writers. Here’s to all of us brave enough to write with 330+ strangers!


Sound Check

I sound check to make sure my voice is smooth and crisp in the PA. Make sure there is not popping or cracking in anyway. I need to know what I’m doing ahead of time. It seems to never matter how much preparation I take, something always goes wrong or I choke. Then I wake up from my dream and realize I’m trying to learn how to use the dashboard on The Poetry Marathon.

Introduction ’15

My name is Jade but you can just call me JWALK.
I’m 20 years old and a Jr in college. I’ve been writing for 10 years now. This is my second marathon and am extremely excited.
Hope to enjoy everyone’s poetry!



24 in 24

I sit here on a gray day listening to

the rain drip from the eaves onto the lid of the rubbish bin.

More than a plop and less than a click

overlaid with the distant train whistle screaming its crossing.


Yes, you have my attention.

No, I will not cross your path because

I want to live another day

to write another poem and drink another cuppa.


I crack the spine of a new moleskine

jotting impressions, sounds, smells,

prompts as I pray for cohesion

when the day is done.


Poetry calling!

IMG_20150607_115520117_HDRThere is something about poetry that helps release the emotions in my mind. I am, by nature, a quiet person, and poetry, in many ways, helps me to talk to the world. It is like an extension of my mind, my temperament. It helps me in so many ways. Whenever I write a poem, I feel the happiness of having given birth to something beautiful. It’s a blessing to be able to see the world in a deeper light, and express what you see as beautifully and truthfully as you can. I really look forward to the poetry marathon, and hope to see the world in many, many different lights! Good luck to everyone! Thank you for giving me a chance to be a part of this interesting event!

Saturday, the Sixth

The night fades in

From the day

Slept away.

Head pounding.

Stomach as full as the kitchen sink.

Whispers of him on the screen

Who kissed my lips at the promenade

Long since gone.

A hello from Jo

Hello fellow poetry marathoners! I am participating in the half-marathon, never having done anything like this before I’m nervous and excited, sort of like I was when I ran my first half-marathon.

I primarily write prose, I’m writing a book on my experiences dealing with chronic pain issues, a sort of memoir blended with the science of pain, and I have a blog of the same nature.

I have also been doing flash fiction for a while, which sometimes takes on a poetic rhythm. I have been reading much more poetry recently and would really like to work at and experience the craft.

I’m grateful to be here and look forward to reading all of your’s words, learning from and getting to know you all.

I'm happiest, most alive, outside.

Good Sunday Morning!

I both love and hate Sunday mornings.
Tomorrow, it’s back to work. Back to the
Computer and
If then
For each
Next x.
End sub. Sigh…
I both love and hate my work.

Yesterday was Saturday,
And I’m old now,
So, I slept.
Drank first.
Two stiff gin and tonics.
Ate first. Pasta.
Lots of PASTA.
All because my head felt funny all morning.
Not my usual crunchy fare.
I both love and hate my body.

I feel better today.
Cleared of the Do Until
Loop boggled mind.
Maybe I’ll clean the kitchen today.
I hope.
It’s been a mess for weeks.
Along with this tiny little country cottage.
I both love and hate my house.

Yesterday, I thought too much of my enemies,
And watched too much TV,
And lingered too long on Facebook
With trivial arguments
Over the credibility of Bush
And my acting skills.
I won. I’m a natural they say.
I wish I were rich.
I both love and hate my enemies.

I phoned my daughter.
She wasn’t there.
Well, she was, but not with her phone.
No, she probably had her phone,
But it was on silent.
She gets too many calls.
She’s popular,
And smart,
And beautiful,
And talented,
And creative,
And works too hard.
Chip off the old block.

I thought of my son.
He doesn’t speak to me,
And I don’t know why.
I’m weird, perhaps.
And a witch,
And an actress,
And a poet,
And not his grandfather’s child.
Kidnapped – but he doesn’t believe it.
In Vegas they asked if I was his girlfriend
Gambling for his 21st birthday.
His mother looks too young.
Damned skin care regimen!!

My son is the apple of my eye.
My daughter, the sweetest peach of my heart.

I both love and adore my children.
My children.
My precious, beautiful, smart, perfect,
One of a kind children.

They are all I live for.
All I’ve ever wanted in life.

Except grandchildren….
And kisses
From little baby lips.
Sweet 25% me baby lips.


Hello everyone! I’m just here to have some fun writing poetry and perhaps enjoying reading some as well.


Hello, I’m Meka. I’m from St. Louis, MO. I work at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and I attend St. Louis University. I am an aspiring writer and recently decided to embark on a journey to begin a writer’s life.  I am doing the half-day marathon as a trial run.  For this challenge, I will let my kids know that all errands must be done and if they have anything to do, mass transit would be their friend for the day(my kids are teenagers). I will confine myself to my room with my laptop, pen and paper and my creativity.  I don’t plan on any major distractions, my home is often quiet, and we all appreciate our own spaces and alone time, so they have been informed that I will not be available until after 9 pm.  Since I am in school, I will ensure there are no pressing assignments that need to be in for that day.  All other work will be done earlier in the week so my Sunday is free. This is my very first challenge and I am very excited.