Who I Am

Hi, as my title name shows, Monica Loves Poetry and I have enjoyed it my whole life.  Just yesterday I found out I won second place in a monthly contest in my local group.  I participated in the half-marathon last year and I look forward to this year’s event.  I wish all of you great success and I encourage you all to follow your dreams.



I am a little nervous, but very excited to be part of this. Writing poetry is something I have done to explain the feelings of Isolation that arrive from living with Asperger’s. For many years, I didn’t know why, I just knew I didn’t understand. Poetry helped me to put that into emotions and the emotions into words. Being able to see words as images can make my poems very dense, so I hope that I can create verse that will, if not move people, at least give them an “ah hah” moment.


My name is Chloe. I live in Louisville, Kentucky, which you probably know as the home of the Derby or Hunter S. Thompson. If you didn’t, now you do.

I’m a Capricorn. If you don’t believe in astrology, I was born on January 1st. If you don’t believe in birthdays, I’m 21 years old. If you believe that age is just a number, then we can’t be friends.

I recently graduated with a B.A. in English from Berea College, which was a deeply formative period of my life where I discovered incredible things about myself, awful things about the world, and okay things about other people. It was very important and I never want to do it again.

I’ve been writing poetry seriously, though not necessarily well, since my senior year of high school. I take a symbolist/imagist approach to the stuff, and I want to concentrate more on form. People tell me I do poetry well. I don’t believe them, because believing them means I’m satisfied, which means I’m done with poetry.

I like Radiohead, judging people by their clothes, collecting handsome paperbacks, and hot beverages. I dislike hedonism, corruption, 99% of slam poetry, and expensive health food stores.

The First Step is Always Spontaneous

When I was 12, I came across a copy of Seasons in the Sun in my mom’s book collection. I leafed through the first couple of pages and found myself instantly intrigued. I asked her about it, and she told me that it wasn’t meant for kids. In fact the way she put it was, “Mijo, the things he writes about you won’t understand. You’re too young.” And she was right. I didn’t understand. Still, I read that book so much it fell apart after a year or so. It was during that time when I began to try my hand at writing. Before long, poetry became a quiet hobby that soon grew into a passion. It was a passion kept buried deep for many years. Now, 22 years later, I’ve come to the point of my life where it’s no longer a question of whether I am a writer or not, but rather a question of whether I’m ready to take a chance, for once.

About 5 years ago, a former classmate of mine had her poetry published. I went to her book signing at the local library with every intention to congratulate her and ask her how she did it. As I recall, I shook her hand, fumbled out a congratulations, and then walked away. I spent the next couple of hours reading a book on how to get published. All I could think was, “That could have been me.”

So here I am. About to take part in a 12 hour poetry marathon. I would have tried for the 24 hour marathon, but I think I’ll take it easy the first time around. Perhaps this will be that spontaneous first step into this world I’ve had such a love for, but never confessed? I’ll not lie and say, I am not the least bit nervous; cause I totally am. I am new to something like this. Up until now, I’ve left my poems to $0.99 journals from the dollar store, my notes on Facebook, and a blog I’ve not logged into for almost a year. Nervous as I may be, though, I plan to have as much fun with this as possible.

Good luck to everyone!

My Introduction

First and foremost I want to say hello to my brothers and sisters of the writing world. It’s going to be an interesting experience for me and I will really enjoy reading everyone’s work. This is my first time and I went right ahead and signed up for the full marathon.

Cheers to us! May we all emerge more spiritually profound from this experience! 🙂


I love words. I always have. They can be the death of you, or the salvation. They can reveal, or mystify; they can destroy. It is amazing to me that something that is merely noise, a breath of air with sound, can be so very powerful. I have a book of poetry on Amazon.com, under the name Debra K. McElroy, “Old Moon”. I live on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, and work to change the laws for animals, specifically dogs and cats here. I am vegan, Christian with a caveat, and a litter hater. Recycle; reuse; reduce. Support renewable energy, save the planet. Now you know me. It is very nice to meet you…


Hi all! My name is Antoinette Le Roux (legally still Keyser, but I have divorced my abusive husband, and am in the process of becoming Le Roux again), and I live in Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa. I have been writing poetry since forever, but have never really published anything except on Facebook, Wattpad and my WordPress blog… and more recently on one or two websites as gigs that I’ve done on Fiverr.

My main reason for entering this Marathon is to get my butt in gear: I have known since my elementary school days that I am a writer deep down inside, but received nothing but ridicule from my school peers, teachers… and even my father who has tried to push me into becoming an architect. He used to ridicule me when I tried to express myself singing and he used to tell me that writing is for the “less intelligent”; he made me believe that a woman “cannot make it as a singer or as an author”.

Both my husbands simply made me believe that I am “good for nothing”, the second one even going as far as to call me a “good for nothing mad ‘effing’ bitch”!

Needless to say, when one gets told the same nonsense so perpetually one really actually believes all the verbal crap that gets flung at one…

Now, with my dad, peers and abusive husbands long gone… and with the internet as an awesome resource telling me to my face that all those people were actually liars, I have now decided that it’s better late than never. I am getting into the world of authors, come what may… I know that I can do it, and this Marathon is a great opportunity to show myself that I can because what I really need is the motivation and self-confidence to step out and DO IT!

And here I am then, at age 60, breaking into the world where I know that I belong! I’m coming home so to speak!

Good luck to everyone who will participate, and may we all survive!

Antoinette Le Roux