
A woman of few words, I try to make them count. That’s me. I live in Northumberland, England. I’ve just started to write poetry, being primarily a prose person. Looking forward to creating word pictures.

My introduction

Hello. Thank you very much for accepting me to join the Poetry Marathon! It is my first participation in such a challenge! I hope this challenge to help me gain more courage and stimulate me into being more creative! One poem per hour is a lot! I think it’s a great way to get someone started to writing poetry. I hope to make some good poems during the day.

I did study literature during my school and university days, yet I believe it was high time I started getting more creative and wrote my own poems.

One step I took into this direction was when I started writing haiku in August 2014.

I hope I get to know the other members as well as their creations during this challenge. Reading the others’ work and learning from them is as important as creating your own.

I am from Romania. I was born there in 1983. I graduated from the University of Bucharest where I studied English and French and now I am an English teacher at the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest.

With so much technology that we can use nowadays it is great we can join such challenges and groups where we can practice our creativity.

Thank you once again and good luck to all poets!


I am Roy Mark Azanza Corrales who likes reading and writing Poetry in concrete and conventional manner. I come from Philippines. It is a great pleasure for sharing my poetry masterpieces on this great endeavor in this poetry marathon.



My Name is Hamish, I’m  from Brisbane, Australia. I love poetry, both writing and performing it. I’m going to attempt the full marathon. This will be a big challenge for me as I’m usually required to take medication that puts me to sleep every night. Staying awake for 24 hours after a long week at work is a challenge in itself.

Looking forward to the writing 🙂


I am Author/Poet Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo from the Philippines and I am joining the half poetry marathon. I am a Professional Writer/Journalist/Short Story Writer/Blogger/Published International Author/Poet/Editor/Proofreader/Speaker and an Online English Instructor. I published 2 international books – “Seasons of Emotions” (UK) and “Inner Reflections of the Muse” (USA), and co-authored more than 50 international anthologies in the USA, Canada, UK, Romania, India, and Africa. I am currently doing an international charity anthology for the benefit of the Nepal Earthquake survivors along with other writing projects.This is first time to join the Poetry Marathon but I did join some other poetry marathons like this before. I am preparing myself for the upcoming marathon and I am up for the challenge! I am glad to be a part of this year’s Poetry Marathon! Thanks for accepting my application!

Looking forward to the Marathon!

Hi everyone! I’m Christina, a criminal defense lawyer and organized crime historian in San Francisco who can’t wait to exercise some different writing muscles in this challenge.  Very glad to be here and looking forward to reading everyone’s work!


Who Am I

What a fascinating question.

The river flows, changes, yet stays the same.

I am 25 years old and am the founder of an organically growing pair of businesses which bear similar names and intentions: Living Without A Map Blogging (c) and Living Without A Map Publishing (c). I write from a place of disquiet, longing for self-silence with the need to cry out from the clutter.

As a retail stocker and waitress, I constantly hunger for more: adventure, challenges, learning.

A proud over-user of parenthesis and ellipses, I have a tendency of collecting incomplete journals and presenting the world with disjointed thoughts while wandering down rabbit trails where it cannot follow.



I am quite excited to be participating in the full marathon this year, daunting though the task seems and late though I did arrive on the scene.


Disclaimer: I would have the community be aware that from 5-10 am on the day in question, I will be mercilessly stuck at work, and while I will undoubtedly write a poem each hour, I will be forced to upload most of these five after work for obvious reasons. Had I known about the marathon sooner, I would have had the day entirely to myself.


Hi everyone, my named is Mateo Lara, I am extremely thrilled to have an opportunity to participate in this. I am 21. I enjoy writing mostly because it helps me stay sane, and that’s sober truth. I am from California. I am in college and messing up my life as the days go by, but you know…i’ll get it together eventually. I can’t wait to share my words and share my daily emotional whirlwind from 9 to 9, because so many things happen in a day, it’ll be interesting to see how it all goes.

Hello everyone!

Hello, my name is Ian Tash (aka Ian Flowers) and I am happy to be a part of this year’s FuIll Poetry Marathon. I am an unpublished writer and poet, but I am a writer for hire on Fiverr under the name sixdegree and I am a competitive writer in local competitions and in global ones. I look forward to the challenge and creativity involved with this process and I can’t wait to see what I and my fellow poets are creating.