“Eyes up” …

In a little under four & half days time, i.e. on — Friday, 12 June 2015 at 11:00:00 PM (ACST, UTC+9:30 hours) which is 9:30:00 AM on the United States East Coast (EDT, UTC-4 hours) I will be starting the 24 hour poetry marathon (thepoetrymarathon.com)

It came about in the following fashion:

Mike Hopkins, well-known local SA sadist (& masochist — he runs marathons for real; like, non-on-the-couch ones) shared a link on Facebook with a couple of his cohorts who seem to think writing a poem a day for a month is something one does for pleasure. (NaPoWriMo)

MH: You game for this?

TK: good god, MH…we really do like to make poetry either a blood sport or an endurance event….why can’t we all just sip tea and scratch out the occasional, romantic villanelle???

MH: No discipline, that’s my problem. If I haven’t got a deadline or a challenge, I just vegetate.

grj: I’m willing to give it a crack…

MH: Bloody hell g, you’re meant to say “That’s madness”, and then I say “Yeah I s’pose you’re right, maybe next year”

grj: That’s madness. But let’s see how far we get
grj: PS (I then posted a screen cap of my application)

MH: Yeah I s’pose you’re right, maybe next year but great to see that you’re committed to it. Look forward to your 24 poems

I must confess, I have a specific project in mind which I’ve been wanting to do for a while — but never made the time for it.

I think this will make the job of cranking out 24 poems in a day considerably easier. Or a total nightmare if it doesn’t work out.

Either way, this’ll be a good way to find out if the idea has any “legs!!” …


I only found out about the marathon last week when researching a similar idea. Now here I am, preparing to dedicate myself to this project for 24 hours in less than a week!
I’m pretty excited to be a part of this community and would love to get to know some poets from around the world.

With each new page comes weight of words,
Hold knowledge through a back-lit screen.
And supervised through new clock turns,
We’ll cast new light on space between.

Hello! Can’t wait to get this thing started. Have fun!


Hi!  My name is Courtney Campbell, and I will be participating in the Poetry Marathon this year!  I am 14 years old, and I live in Iowa with my family, two rabbits, and four dogs.  I love to write and read, my favorite novel is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, and I write pretty much anything!  I’m excited to start, so good luck!

Looking forward

I’m always looking for ways to rev up my poetry practice. This half marathon occurs at a time when my daughter is visiting, so we will be doing it together. I’m hoping to be surprised at some of the creations that result from concentrating for 12 straight hours on poetry.