
Tender is the night,
tender the sighs, susurrations and gasps
of delight.

Passion is the moon,
passion the caress, the touch, the piety
of moonlight.

You are the tenderness
of the moon, your kisses delight;
your voice rasping sighs, the
sucking in of breath.

You become the night….

Lasagna Logic

Are you building a house?  Think about a lasagna

Planning a huge event with much fanciness? Think about a lasagna

Financial planning? Think about a lasagna

A lasagna will always be your ultimate guide to perfection

Step One: collect your mise en place – all the basic ingredients you need to get started*.

*remember quality ingredients equal a superior finished product; so skip the canned processed stuff!

Step Two: sauté, stir, taste, assemble

Step Three: embellishments and substitutions; exotic veggies, different cheeses, turkey for beef, squash for noodles, savory for sweet

Your imagination shall know no bounds!

Step Four: Bake to golden brown goodness

Step Five: Enjoy, and don’t forget to write down your recipe.


“22 Repeats”

“I want it, I want it, I want it!”

My child’s incessant cries,

Try my nerves.


“Well, I want, I want, I want,

I turn and scream,

“You be quiet!”


Shocked into silence,

The little brat whimpers,

“I don’t want it anymore.”


In the stillness, I whisper,

My quiet apology.

“Well, that’s all I want.”

Congratulations Marathoners!



The 2014 Poetry Marathon is over!

If you just completed the Marathon – Congratulations! We are impressed.

You just wrote a lot of poems. An impressive and exhausting number. Hopefully you can give yourself a bonus today (like a dozen naps, or a really delicious slice of chocolate cake).

If you completed the marathon please send us an email (at poets@thepoetrymarathon.com) with your name, email address, and mailing address (for us to mail the certificate of completion to). There is no rush. Recover first, then send us an email.

In the next week or so we will be in contact with you about the forthcoming anthology chapbooks. Only poets who completed the marathon will be eligible for inclusion in the chapbook. All poets who are in the chapbook will get a complimentary copy shipped to them.

Thank you for joining us in our poetry madness!

Poetry Marathon poem #20

A professor,
small beard
on the chin
of his handsome
talks to an old man,
watching college
a memorial
for a fallen
Great master
of his craft,
“Wait until
you see
what time
does to you.”
he warns.

Poetry Marathon poem #18

You are the light
at the end of my tunnel,
the one who fills
my hope lantern
with its oils
so it may burn brightly.
You are many, my own safe harbor
of interconnected docking ships
at port,
import, export
coming and going
calling friends,
masts at rest.
I only wish I were
more something
and less other
are words I used to say
ways I used to feel
lacking conviction
promise and pride.
My ship has not faded
beneath the waves
to collect sea life.
I shall not fall
to the dark for I have you,
my many, my friends.