“The Farmers’ 19th Sonnet”

The pitter-patter of falling raindrops,

Harkens the arrival of a bounty.

The summer’s harvest of lush green crops,

In the plains of Somerset County.


The happy farmer’s cheerful jollity,

Well deserves a hearty celebration.

There is a place for joyous revelry,

That seemingly spreads across the nation.


Expectations once tempered in years past,

Can now give reign to a golden future.

Hope prevails for these good tidings to last,

What lies ahead may they always nurture.


May all their humble prayers never fail,

Happy circumstances always prevail.


Hour 24 – 5:00 AM 


If simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

We are all one;  and then some, of a sticky situation.

Words produce numbers in some crazy, far out equation.

Far from equal; but we resonate the sound and deep fulfillment of a sequel.

Never to be previewed; Your own discretion is advised.

We are merely in the making of being universally televised.

– J.C.  ©

Self Portrait

I once went to a psychic medium, who said I was like a tortoise:

Very slow, but certainly sure.

And so it has proven, for my life thus far has taken its time and its toll.


Yet, as my body grows weary, and the aches and pains set my pace,

I perceive in my spirit, a sprightlier gait then many

Who have already grown tired of life’s rewards- that are new to me.

why i write

you ask me what inspires me

so i will tell you again-

i got poetry running through my veins-

i eat words and breathe analogies

have verbs for breakfast

and synonyms for snack-

drink nouns and think antonyms-

chew on haikus all day long;

then when i’m full-

i release it like a big burp-

and BAM!

just like that-

i got a poem.

Ode to a Sonnet

Shakespeare wrote sonnets

High School English teachers assign sonnets

College kids may memorize devotional sonnets

Grad students pontificate upon sonnets

Poets ponder publishing pleasing books with sonnets

I do not write sonnets

I do not need 14 lines of rhythm and rhyme

imposing structure and discipline

Beauty, love, death, deception, adventure, nature, good, evil, truth

They conform to nothing

Give me free verse or give me death!


Tiny bubbles swim up and down the glass,
In small swirls and God-given designs
creating sizzling fresh sensation
of a taste like lemon-lime sweet sugar.
And lapping up this nectar lemon-lime
Sends tongues into a wandering taste dance


You Only Live Once
For young people it’s a cry of rebellion
Risk Taking
Pushing them out of their comfort zones and
Seducing others
To take a chance

Go for it!

My son screams “YOLO!” as he makes a reckless move in a video game.
A youth on the news shouts “YOLO!” to the camera as he’s led away from an accident in handcuffs.
Another toasts “Yolo!” as he does another shot, on his way to alcohol poisoning.

I shake my head.
Has Carpe Diem come to mean recklessness?
Or am I just getting old?


(Poem #23 – Make up poem….catching up)

She is

Sensitivity buried underneath armor still can be penetrated. Speaking so silence cannot affect her though the voices running through her head keep her busy enough as is. The what if’s and what nots are all consuming still she forges on. Heartbreak seems to motivate so still she’s hanging on. See’s the finish line before she sees the start only because she doesn’t follow her mind she is led by her heart and She Is motivated by Love. The idea of it the feeling it gives the sheer action of it is intoxicating and she is addicted.