Poetry Marathon poem #23

I can’t save, only harm.
I am Destruction.
I have two paths,
inward or out.
I cannot control the Chaos.
There is no right.
No wrong.
Only what is left in ruin.
Whosever remains
standing once the battle
is over is victorious.
What the price
or worth
of that victory
must be decided.
Only the same sadness
of loss and losses to come.
There is no end of it,
only the slow
pull to the grave
of an individual.
Cities of the dead,
in every town.
If I am the one to die first,
I have no requests.
Save to keep smiling
and to keep my words
in your heart
as a memento
of what you’re worth.
And, please, know you loved
my hate.
My broken,
my shell.
You loved me anyway.
And I will always hold
that memory with me
and very dear.
But I wish to depart.
Start a new journey, elsewhere.
I will never get “better”,
because I am fine.
There is nothing wrong with me.
I am this way,
and I do not wish
to be here
or anywhere
This is my final call,
dying Universe,
thank you.

Poetry Marathon poem #22

I’m wishing I never slept
too fuzzy headed to write
something anything.
At least you didn’t sleep
through it,
you have yourself
just enough time
to complete your goal.
Write, boy.
Every fucking word you can
til it burns the back
of your eyes to think
of just one more way
to bend a phrase

Parting words

We have conversed for 24 hrs straight some opened a door to their lives some a small window neither easy to do. I would just like to thank everyone for the emcouragement and motivational words. Get some well deserved sleep fellow poets and always follow your heart and pens wherever they may take you.

Myrmidon and Unicorns

Demure myrmidon
Just don’t occur
In nature
(To say demure myrmidon
That is, to say a mythical
Much like an unicorn)
To say they ever did is to

Deride the ancient Greeks
And also modern despots
(With no implication that
They are the same thing)
Would be diligent
To prevent slander
The results of understanding
The myrmidon
May at times leave you feeling
That you are an esteemed funambulist

At best it is likely
Only hypnopompic
And yeah,
That’s kinda sad
For you and you and you

Because it is exactly
That self same state
That resulted in this
Poem pour vous!

The Ballad of Meowleen the Airship Pirate, part 4

Late for the half-marathon, but sleep and soon-to-move-packing got in the way!


She soon awoke, locked in a cell
“Where is my crew!?” she loudly yelled
A mouse guard hit hear over the head
With a stick “Oh, they’re all dead.”
“And so you’ll be, lest you don’t sit still
And wait here for a while until
Our chancellor can have a word
Which she’s said might change your world.”
And suddenly, a snow-white mouse
With brocade skirts and lacy blouse
Introduced herself; “Good day, miss Cat,
I’m the chancellor, we need to have a chat.
It’s an honor to meet you, and we’re
Aboout to explain why we need you here.
We had to wait to wait you out, and look around
To learn of where you could be found
Spread rumours of a new machine
A foolproof way to lure out Meowleen!”
You see, when we first got word of you
We couldn’t believe that it was true.
In our ancient prophecy all mice have seenIt tells of you, our destined queen.”


Hm, this is going to require at least 1, probably 2 more parts. I’ll have to write them elsewhere.


anvil diet

sometimes people tell me
to stop worrying about
my weight
like i hadn’t already been trying
like the idea of
shoving the worry to recess on the moon
wasn’t already my favorite
i carry the launch in my backpack
on the way to school
ignorance sounds a lot like
“you don’t even need a diet”
“you’re not that big”
“life is too short to worry about it”

life is too long
to be stuck longing to be
yourself in a different way
to say “i will always be here
i will just change the way
you see me
i will be altering my first impressions
and my right to exist”

this weight is an anvil.

ignorance sounds a lot like
“size doesn’t matter”
“you’re beautiful despite it”
“you’re too young to worry.”

but too damn
old to waste any more of a lifetime
throwing dimes into wishing wells
and picking up lucky pennies
asking for self control
a smaller jean size
the relief echoes
as i walk down
the stairs
to being
rests within
my ability to shrink.
