
You are unearthly beautiful;
was there some cosmic conspiracy
in the heavens the day you were conceived?

Is there a numinous
stellar synchronicity to sculpt
and hone your form from celestial
alabaster it seems….

…did the firmament eschew some colours
such that your irises could glow
and did the constellations mulct
the beauty of the stars
to give you shape.

Forgiving yourself

To be repentant of one’s

Old ways

When does this really stop?


You forgive yourself and

Others time and time again

And still there is a lesson

To be learnt


When it rears its ugly head

Discipline, planning and calculations

Doesn’t set the scene to stop the old ways

They creep up on you

When you least expect it


There are some behaviours

You can say good bye to

Yet other ones the insidious ones

The more subtle ones can be hidden

Suddenly rushing to the surface


A wave hits you and then another

Then suddenly that hidden hell

You try to avoid is back alive and well


A mocking laugh

A loud ‘I told you so!’

Is ringing in my ears

How do I get this to stop?

I sit there feeling small and vulnerable

Curled up in a ball

I pray silently for it to stop


Then all of a sudden the waves stop crashing

And the voice stops ringing in my ears


I feel the sun licking on my cheeks

I taste the salt in my mouth

It’s not the residue of the waves

But the tears streaming down my cheeks


I look up to the sky and I feel a

Warm embrace

A gentle stroking of my hair and

A soft whisper

‘You’ll be fine little one,

Trust more and I will carry you through

Turbulent waters to safety

Trust and don’t forget your

Own power

Blessed be’


Staring straight ahead, my eyes struggled to focus.

A woman, counting down, 3,2,1……………………….

On the count of 1, she released grip, on her babies stroller and lost it.

Faster and faster, a nightmarish blur,

Getting closer, tragedy ready to occur,

scrambling for confidence, instead, find myself unsure.

I reach out my arms, ready to try and defer,

My eyes suddenly pop open and I am  relieved to find,

this was all just a nightmare.





Crown of sorrow

All the kings and queens

wear their crown of sorrow.

Heart on their sleeve,

throbbing, shivering

with delight as the moon

blesses them with her curse.

#21, Accident

A minefield of accidental objects.





Woke me up. For another round.

Probably my last.



The alarm might be enough…

“The 12th Gate”

My first day in this new world,

Begins with the seraph at the gate.

“I bid you welcome,” he beams.

Have a look around.

Do whatever you like.”


To my thousand questions,

He has but one answer.

“Free will.

The choice is always yours.

For how else would you be here?”

Your Time is Charity

Hour 21 – 2:00 AM


Give me this, Give me that.

Be truthful, and don’t hurt those that have your back.

Resentment will never get you far,

you’ll be lucky if it even leaves a scar.

Memories made keep you within boundaries,

lessons bestowed travel safely alone.

In the minds and hearts of those we leave behind,

to find a greater purpose to our lives.

Philanthropic tendencies trap me within my community,

I want to help the world, not just the people that surround me.

– J.C.   ©

What’s a Chief Without a Team

It’s times like these

It’s times like these

It’s times like these

It’s times like these

It’s times like these

It’s times like these

It’s times like these–These and more

Thanks for the memories


Who Cares? Post 21

Prompt for hour who cares

Been doing this too long

Ya I profess to being a poet

But after 20 odd

I feel like a poser

A supposer


Hell no

Poetry feels like poison now

I drank it

My stomach aches

My headbursts

How much coffee can one one person drink?

Annoying and annotated

Sonnets and Free verse

To rhyme or not to rhyme

Can we just finish this thing?

I have to work in the morning

I’ll be poetizing all day

Sleeping at the wheel

I’ll be mortified


Metered and alliterated

I’ll be making haikus out of salami

Metaphors out of the cash register

Too many poems I tell you

Its gone on too long

Head exploding

Brain imploding

Too many flippin poems