
Hour 17 – 10:00 PM


It’s a centerfold for real

A life among stars, stages, and spliffs

Where we get confused who’s real and who’s a gift.

Touchable in our presence, captivated by the moment

We are unique in a sense cause we own it.

More precious then precious metals, more sacred then gems

Underlying is a sense of being on top till the end.

– J.C.  ©


I scream my name out to the canyon walls. At least, I believe it’s my name. It’s been 2 months 3 weeks and 5 days since anyone said it.

But it’s not like I’m counting.

It bounces from the rust-red rock and twists its way through the night air, startling a flock of birds from the trees and getting lost between the sound of their squawks and flapping wings.

Even they can’t stand to hear its jagged sound.

Night seems darker when you’re in it alone. Like the light of another human being can scare aware the looming presence of the nightmares hidden around each bend.

But the nightmares come.
They always come.
And I’m the only one left alive to come for.

Sky’s Breathing

Stars painting masterpieces

In the night sky.

10,000 angels watching now.

You’re not alone.

Night sky’s breathing.



Life is breath

And breath is life.

Breathe it in,

Awake, alive,





I shall bide
Beneath the earth
And yes,
I’m well aware of
How that sounds
Then he opened his eyes
Well then….
What are we waiting for?
So that the blunt monster
Will give us all
A crock of gold
And three wishes
His open eyes close
We all know
The three wishes
Never work
Go back to sleep
Dark one


You are dazzlingly beautiful
these scintilla of your beauty
could in tumescence light up the heavens each night

….and if you smiled,
a thousand universe would be set aglow with an actinic light!!

Poem 17

I was born scar on my face
I was made fun of for it
Everybody would laugh
Except for one boy
He looked mad
He made me feel less freakish
I want to thank him
He made me think people could be good

#17, August 24th.

Your birthday just turned into someone else’s. Someone I dont know yet. My best friends sister just went into labor. The child is picking a good day to come into this world. I hope she has a wonderful life. Just like you did. Beautiful baby girl. Welcome to our spinning ball of chaos. Stake your claim. Dont be a sheep. Dont let them ruin your spirit. Dont let them tether you down and clip your wings. She never did. Live up to August 24th.


Three hundred eighty seven steps
circle up the Notre Dame bell tower,
each ascending revolution a private penance
counted silently by gargoyles standing guard,
until finally the entire city unfolds below.

Ancient demons flick your ear, beg you to cast yourself down.

And you wonder…

If buttresses can fly, why can’t I?
Will He give his angels charge over me?
Ce que j’aime Paris?

Clinging mind

Thunderstorm cascade

From unending darkness

Irrational fear clasps

The clinging mind..

Seema Sahoo – ©