The Raging and Consuming War of The Poetics


In another dream,
blood soaked rags are holding
my brain inside my head
and my own gravy is running down my elbows,
pouring onto a dusty ground
that bounces up when the moisture hits;

No doctor can suture the damage done by
life and it’s brutality;
for a few moments,
the music that used to beat me up,
returns – and I am so weak and again…

– Michellia D. Wilson 8/24/14 Midnight


I hate the compete, I hate it as much as I hate her, I don’t hate her though, I hate what I allowed her to do to my emotions, was I weak, or honestly hurt, what happens to us when we are hurt, it’s like everything we were ever taught makes no sense, or keeps no memory, she hurt me, I want to yell it at the top of my lungs, this pen can’t do that, maybe that’s why I put it down during those years, there was nothing it could leak to the degree of how I felt, I just kept screaming, all along my ink was left out…


Man’s best friend caught me by surprise like a child before his time. Can’t be replace or recreated black and white with a personality of his own I miss him everyday never thought he’d mean so much until he went away.

human music

i smelled the burning rubber
the metal against concrete
echoed through the street like
the headlining band of the day.
the glass beer bottle hitting
asphalt–the encore



Grumpy man, go away

Grump, grump,

Shush now you are spoiling the mood.

Grump, grump,

Your negative attitude does not become you.

It is quite bothersome to say the least.

Yet, you will not win this time!

Oh do please be quiet,

So I can think and write,

No wonder I accomplish so little,

Grump, grump

Just go away and leave me to my words,

Why yes my dear I am well aware it is one o’clock in the morning!

Go to bed,

Leave me where I am happy,

This is where I am free to be me.

Take your grumpiness and go out of my zone,

Before I throttle you with a single utterance,

I did not stutter take your grumpy self and begone.

Prompt for Hour Seventeen

For your seventeenth prompt I want you to write a poem about solitude. It could be a poem about solitude under normal circumstances or it could be a poem about extreme solitude, for example being a hermit, or the last person on a life boat.

by the McDonalds at the TKTS ticket booth in Times Square

To others, it only housed the tourist information booth in NYC
but to me, it was the building that housed my dreams.
If you ever want to be in a Broadway show, first you have to audition.
And get picked.

Nearly every day I’d go to audition and wait on the lobby floor.
A never-ending, exhausting process.
I got to know the security guards and other actors.

They talked of doing renovation
And we all wondered if it would really happen.
There’s a lot of “talk” that never happens.

This past July, we had a cool “sky lobby” on the 4th floor
where we can patiently wait until the Equity office officially opens at 8.00.
Like in life, the sooner you get there, the sooner you get an appointment and can head home.

I feel like we’re on a movie set.
I wonder how many tourists have never been there
nor do they wonder about our lives. All us working actors you can’t name.
To be fair…
Do we think of them?
More feelings flutter to the surface.

Regardless of structure or design, buildings can sure house a lot of emotions.

Ten Things I Love about You

  1. Your laughter always sparkles.
  2. You make every place, no matter how humble, feel like the most welcoming and comforting home.
  3. How charm just naturally flows out of you; mesmerizing entire rooms.
  4. Creating magical gardens on simple balconies with wildflowers, roses, jasmine, and fragrant culinary herbs.
  5. The way you transform fabric into fantastical costumes; making Halloween dreams come true.
  6. Bringing distant places to life in deep, dark, rich water color; I feel like I will never experience the lighted night boats of Rio the way I have from your painting.
  7. Teaching me to always look for the answers, seek the truth, and never take anything for granted.
  8. Taking me to my first political action; helping me understand the importance of standing up in the face of adversity and conflict, in a peaceful and powerful way.
  9. Always embracing a sense of spirit and adventure, without losing your own individuality.
  10. Giving me the strength, support, love and guidance, making me the person I am today.


Way to go

Say it whenever you can
Tell someone who listen

See everything when you can
Observe what appeals the most

Travel to the far land
Wander to find the unknown

Walk while going to work
Run to catch your dream

Do what makes you happy
But create what makes others smile…